Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/94

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F40 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. I. C11. 63. 1890. patents, for producing copies of designs, trade marks, and pending aipplicatiiogshand for the reproduction of exhausted copies, nfteen thousand 0 81'S. . ‘ runue lands sm- PUBLIC LANDS SE11v10E. ` nee. Gonulxgzeut ex- CONTINGENT EXPENSES or LAND Ormcnsz For clerk-hire, rent, P"'"' °m°°" apd othelrcingdental expenses of the several land offices, twenty-eight thousand dollars. MM <i¤rr¤d•- Dm>1zmDAr1oNs ON Punmc TIMBERZ- To meet the expenses of pro- _ mu tecting timlber on puiblic lands, seventeen thousand nine hundred and sixty-two ollars an fifteen cen s. Protecting pubue Pnormormo Pmsmc LANDs: For the protection of public lands I""` groniillegpgggdlgraudulent entry or appropriation, nineteen thousand - ve un dollars. mnqaue. SUEVEYING THE PUBLIC LANDS: For the examination of surveys in the iield to test the accuracy of the work in the field, and tgdpre- _ vent payment for fraudulent and imperfect surveys return by deputy surveyors, ten thousand dollars. _ ’”¤°¤”¤*°°¤*~ MISCELLANEOUS. rauemipm an- FEEBLE-MINDED Cmnnnmn or Drsrmcr or COLUMBIA: To enable €J'i;m*{.,°'°“°° °‘ the Secretary of the Interior to provide for the education of feebleminded chil ren belonging to the District of Columbia, five hundred mrcgm out opeéhplf olfthis gum shall be paid tputr of the revpppeslpf ‘ T,,m,._,_ 0 oum iaan one-halfouto e reasuryo e n1 States. · me Spina:. Ark. PBO’1°1:c•noN IND IMPROVEMENT OF Hor SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: For ,,,,,_I""""°"'°“ °f* clompletifg improvlemgiét 3; free·house and bathing-pools, three thousand two un r 0 rs. · _ muann . INDIAN AFFAIRS. P¤rs=¤•gc¤¢ Mm TELEGRAPHING AIID Punciusn or INDIAN Surrnmsz _'l‘o pay the ' expenses of purcha mg goods and supplies for the Indian service, inc uding rent of warehouses and pay of necessary employees; ad- V81‘I»1S`H1g at rates not exceeding regl;1 ar co11nme1c1a(l11;ttes;11nspec£:1on, and a other ex nses connected therewit , inc ug te egrap ing, five thousand dollars. ,,_’f,},*{,}’(‘§,,,p°},‘g,':,°_'g*‘” TUMLE MoUNrAIN BAND or CHIPPEWA INDIANS: That the Secp,m·s;,¤.“°,,¢y_ rotary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use the sum of five

    • “· P-'°· thousand dollars of the amount gppropriated by the act of February

twenty-seventh, eighteen hundr an ninety, for the relief of the Sioux Indians at Devil’s Lake Agency, for the purchase of subsistsuueme¤ee ne ence and clothing and other necessary articles to relieve the wants °*°"“"¥· olf th; {pf the Turtle Mountain band under the charge of t e evi s e gency. pe€¤z°:{»_ md New ARMY AND NAVY PENsIONs. mfg;°”“· °°°·- P°¤· For Army and Navy pensions as follows: If‘0r invalids, widows, minor chilélrenhand dlppexédglit relmtivgs; sur31vo;is1,]a[nd_ wdows pf e wars o eig teen un r an we ve an WI exico, wen y _ one million ive hundred and ninetly-eight thousand eight hundred §;$§'·g;m¤s and thirty-four dollars: Provided, hat the appropriation aforesaid ` for avyl peniions shall be paid from the fidncome of this Navy pension un , so ar as the same may e su cient or t at ur se: Sevmze itemized ProvidedJ’u,rlhe1·, That the amount expended under each of the alnbve '°°°'“'°‘ items sh 1 be accounted for separately: And provided further, That Pglgimmiiionelil of hereéfter tllte Commipsioner of Pensiolps shall, so far as piay be prac- °“*‘ ‘““‘ "T tica e, in is annua reports state the amount pai or pensions wom vg:. during the fiscal year for which the report is made, in such manner ‘ as wil indicate, separately, the number of pensioners and the aggre-