Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1108

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1088 INDEX. Page. · Page. Chicago Eaqoosition (see World’s Columbian Childrmva Guardians, Board of, Exposition). established; appointment; sex representa- Cbioago, I ll., tion ... 268 apipropriation for improvement of harbor 93 officers, agents .. . . . .. 269 or ship channel connecting Duluth, classes of children to be cared for; com- Bu alo and; proviso. . 108, 603 mitted by police court . 269 for branch pest—office W0rld’s Fair .. 148 destitute; abandoned; beggars; vicious 269 balances or post-office World*s Colum- children from reform school 269 bian Exposition, available . 734 temporary care ... - 269 forsalaries,assistanttreasurer’soilico-.201,692 to be guardian of children committed by for public building - ... 350 the courts . . . . . 269 for revenue steamer .. . . 355 Children’s Hospital, I). U., for repairs, custom-house .. . ... 573 appropriation for .. . 164, 551 for extension to post-office 573 Chile, for buoyage, lake front, Fair grounds .- 574 appropriation for minister . . . 224, 497 for light station, outer breakwater .. 575 for secretary of legation .. 225, 498 anchorage grounds to be established in for expenses claims commission 500 harbor of .. . ... 431 convention with, for settlement of claims 965 hipenulty for violating regulations ... 431 Cloilian Claims Commission, ' e-saving station and crew to be trans- appropriation for expenses ... 500 ferred to World’s Columbian Exposi- Chi occo, Ind. Ter. , tion· condition 354 appropriation for Indian school . 140, 635 national hank may open branch on Ex- reservation of lands for school continued. 642 . position grounds ... 33 Chin·Kiang, · Chicago, Mobile and Gulf Porte Railroad Com- Chappropriation for consul at ..,,.. 228, 501 pony, ina may bridge Mobile River at Mount Vernon appropriation for minister ... 224, 496 Landing, Ala .,.. . . . . . - 431 gr secretary of legation .,.,,_.,,. _224, 497 Chicago, Peoria and Saint Louie Railway Com- for second secretary. - . 225, 498 pany, for interpreter . ... 225, 498 may bridge Illinois River at Havana, Ill . . 43 for rent ... 226, 499 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacijic Railway Com- for interpreters to consulates .. 232, 5% pony, for marshals, consular courts . . 233, 505 granted right of way through Indian Terri- for keeping, etc., prisoners 233, 506 hzé. . . - .. 492 Chincoteague Bay, Va., granted ds for station, etc., Clnickasha appropriation for inland waterway to Station Ind-T .. . .. 495 Delaware Bay . ...,.. . . 98 to pay one-half of expense of flooring Rook Chinese Exclu sian, Island bridge .. ... . 373 appropriation for enforcing . ..-365,589 " Chicago," U. S. Steamer, Chinese Immigration, appropriation for torpedo outfit .. 251 exclusion of, continued for ten years . 25 Ohickahominy River, Va., removal to China of persons not entitled appropriation for improvement of .. . . 99 to remain .. . ... 25 Chic amouga and Chattanooga National Park, to other country, if citizen thereof . 25 appropriation for establishment . 376, 598 to China, if tux exncted in other country . 25 lesseoflands authorized . 376 person arrested us illegally present must allowance to disburning officer ...,... 376 prove right to rcmuiu .. 25 condemned cannon to commissioners . 376 punishment ou conviction 25 Chickamhay River, Min., l mil not allowed in habeas corpus proceedappropriation for improvement of .. . . 102 , ings .. . 25 Chic mow Indiana, Q laborers entitled to remain must procure appropriation for fnltllling treaty with . .123, (H5 I certificates .. . . . 25 lor interest, national fund . 143, 638 arrest for lhilure, by customs, revenue, and allotment of lands in severalty to . . .. 645 court omeers . . . . ... 25 allottees to be deemed citizens ... 615 j nalty for failure - -- . . .. 25 commission to treat with, for cession of ‘ {fst or destroyed certificates - 26 title to lands. ... . .. 645 certiiicntes to others than laborers . .. 26 excem for interestinlands covered into the , regulations, etc., to be prescribed by Sec- Treasury .. 753 , retary of the Treasury . 26 lands 0L granted to Chicago, Rock Island _ punishment for iorging, etc., certificates.. 26 and Paciiic Railway at Chiekaslra ¥ fees for issuing certificates ... 26 Station .. . .,... 495 i immigration regulations not applicable to 571 Chickasha Station, Ind. T., l Ckqipcwa Indian Rcscrration, Minn., lands ot, granted to Chicago, Rook Island appropriation for surveys, ctc -. ., 138 and Pacific Railway . .. 495 Chippewa Indians, Fond du Luc Tribe, Chicott Pass, Lo., appropriation for relief of . .,, 139 appropriation for lighting- .. -.. . 353, 576 Chqppewa Indians, Lake Winncbugoxhish Band, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, appropriation for fulfilling treaties with.123, 615 appropriation for .. - 22*.2, 713 Chi ppeam Indians of Lake Superior, Chief Justices of the United Slater, appropriation for support, ctc., of .. .134,627 exhibit of portraits o§ at \Vorld’s Fair, Q Chippewa: Indians of Minnesota. authorized .. . .. . .. . 757 Q appropriation for advance interest. . , 134, 626 Clirf of Engineers, Army, I for nllotting lands in sevcrelty .. .. .. 138 to supervise commission: on hydraulic min- 5 for relief, etc .. - . .- 632 ing .. -.. . . . 507 l for surveys of reservation; appraisal of ffhildren, D. C., pine lands ... . .. .,, 633 police court jurisdiction incases of cruelty k Chippewa Indian of Red Lake, to . ... . .·.. 60 appropriation for support, etc., of ... 184, 627