Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1143

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INDEX. 1 123 Pa . P e. Lake H urop, gc Lands in severally to Iadianu—Contiued. ag appropriation for weather bureau stations; district attorneys to represent Indians . telegraph ____,,.,,.,,,,__,., . .. 255 in legal suits _.,...,,___,.,_,_ 631 hght-]10}1B6S, etc-, established .. . . 453 to be allotted to Cherokees ... 643 Lak ·V¢¢‘h¤yGI, - _ allotment to live civilized Indian nations. . 645 3¤<>h0|'¤g0 gl'0¤11dS to be established, Chi- ullottees to be declined citizens .. . . 645 _ ¤¤·g0, IH -·--.--. . .. 431 appropriation for expenses . 615 lighthouses, etc., established .. . . 454 Lane, Lewis L., Lake Ontario, pension _____.,,,.,,_,,_,,,,,..,., ,___ 767 establishment of fog signal, Tibbets Point Lang, Nathaniel, _ light station --.. . . . . ... 430 granted honorable discharge . 78-1 light-hpuses, ctc., established 453 Langston, John M., Lake Pepin, Wis., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 303 appropriation for survey of ... 115 Lansing, Mich., Lake Pontehartrain La., appropriation for public building 350 appropriation for survey of harbor of Laredo, Tex., refuge . 112 made subport of entry 40 , Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Latrappe River, Md., Company, appropriation for improvement of 98 may remove portion of pier, Ashtabula, Law, Mem; E. (widow), Ohio ... - . .. 92 pension .. 778 may renew bridge across Calumet Rive!.. 744 Lawrence, Kaus., lake Superior, appcropriatiou for Indian school . 141, 636 appropriation for improvement of water . de iency appropriation for Indian school 316 communication from Keeweeuaw Lain of the District of Columbia, Bay, Michigan . . . . . -- .. 105 appropriation for compilation of .. 162 light-houses, etc., established 453 Laws of the Fifty-second Congress, Lake Surveys, ‘ appropriation for editing, etc., iirst sesappropriation for -- . 237, 717 sion ... 190 Lake Traverse Reservation, N and S. Dak., for second session .. 682 proclamation opening to settlement lands Laws of the United Slater, ceded by Indians on . . . . 1017 sp ropriation for proof-reading, etc . 190, @2 Lake Wimsebagoahish Banda, Chippewa In- Leach, Orinda (mother), 794 diana pension - .. ¤ .. appropriation for fulfilling treaties with.123, 615 Leaf Rirer, Misa. , Lakes, orthern and Norlhwulern, appro riation for improvement of 102 appropriation for survey, etc .. . . 378, 600 League gland Navy- Yard, Pa., Land Claim, Court of Private, appropriation for preservation, etc ... 240 . appropriation for expenses . . 222, 714 Leak, Joseph E, Land Court (sea Court of Private Land Claims), payment of judgment of Court of Claims Land-Grant Collafqes, _ to administratrix of 307 appropriation or exhibit at Worlcl’s Fair- 586 Leases, Land Grants to Railroads, _ of public property not required for use, appropriation for surveying; reimbursa- authorized, by Secretary of War . .. 321 ble - . . - .. . . 370 Leavenwurih and Platte County Bridge Comsettlers on forfeited, allowed additional pany. ' time to purchase. . -. . 59 may sell bridge franchise to Leavenworth selections by Saint Paul, Minneapolis Terminal Railway and Bridge Com. and Manitoba Railway in lieu of puny . ,_ Q6 lands released to settlers on its · Lem·em¢·urth, Kami., grants ,_ .. ... 390 I appropriation for expenses Volunteer Solextension of time for purchasers on line , diem' Home .. . . . .. 382, 605 of Northern Paciiic Railroad . 427 I transfer of bridyse franchise from Leaven- Land Ofce (eee General Land Oylce), worth an Platte County Bridge Land Offices, .(70lllplmy, to Leavenworth Terminal appropriation liar contingent expenses. ..368, 591 I Railway and Bridge Compan .. 26 detieiency appropriation for contingent Leareomwvrlh, Pawnee and Western Ilailroad expenses 310. 315 Company, Landon, John M., uit to he bronpht against, for lands bought payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 305 I from De aware Indians . 126 Lands (sec Public Lands), Leavenworth Terminal Railway and Bridge Lands and other Properly, I Company, _ deficiency appropriation for custody .. 310 may buy franchise of Leavenworth and Lumlu in Sereralty to Indians, I Platte County Bridge Company, for appropriation for allotments to Cheyennes 'bridge over Missoun river .. 26 and Ara iahoes, Oklahoma .. 1 Lea rea of .-lbuenoe, for aiding allottees .. . . 137,630 f deticienvy appropriation for, Government gbl- ,,;,10 and allotment Umatilla Reserve- . Pri ntiug Onice . ..,, 5 tion ... 632 I thirty days to employees Bureau of Engravfor surveys for allotment, etc .. 137, 630 I _ ing and Printing  : .. 87 for surveying and allottnng 138, 631 L thirty days annual and thirty days sick, for ¤11¤¤i¤g to Pawrwcs ...- -- - Z -------- 644 _ permitted, --------------·----·----- 715 doliqiencynppro riation for, nllottmg, F nrt sick leave only in cases of personal illness Berthold Eeservation, N. Dal: .. 6 or contagious diseases .. 715 allotted on Colville Reservation, Wash - -- 62 i extension of sick leave in exceptional cases 715 allotment to women and children, etc.. . no pay for excessive absence beyond time Onxahas, increased . . . 630 I of granted leave ... 715