Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1186

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1 1•s6 INDEX. _ Pa . S nd Urn E a A Ha'“"8 C°utinl;‘§6 Supreme Qourl, District of C0Iumbia—C0utinued.g° " rv f . .m"°P , . ‘ appeal irom 611:11 orders, ctc., to court of under_yud1c1a ostabhshmont, for. Lmted appeals 43;, Sm?" °°qrts ‘‘‘‘·*‘· : ··‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3 8°* 608 transfer of general-term causes pending 435 _ defense m Iudmu deprcdatxou clmms. . .385, 608 appcuam Power abolished ________ _____ 436 under legislative 0sb3·bIishm6¤t, for= no further causes to be heard in general gstmuout of appropriations ... Q term _ ____________ _______________ 436 nate . . .. . ... · - ·¤g¤¤¤·>¤ i¤·¤¤s¤¤·¤1 ¤¤r¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤ ---- --- - ’ 610 apP°a?;1§pLt$;l3$?€?TY.(T??T? .`i?T 436 gEt;;?; gzgufem building ···· · ····· 333;* salaries of justices established .. 436 1 0 ,,,. . ... . . . , m · · uu ·mi

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