Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1194

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1 1 74 INDEX. Page. 3 Page. War Department—Continued. ’ Washingt0n—C0ntin11e•l. — appropriation for aid to State or Territorial appropriation for incidental expenses, Insoldiers’ homes .., . . . . 384, 607 dian service in 136, 629 for back pay, bounty, and commutation for surveyor-general; clerks ... 218, 709 of rations . . - . . 384, 607 . for contingent expenses . . . 218, 709 for Army ..,.,.. . . 174, 478 for investigation for Hsh hatchery .. 362 for printing and binding .. . ... 387,611 deficiency appropriation for Indian servdeiiciency appropriation for printing and ice ... 312, 316 _ binding- . . . . . .. 8 [ for penitentiary, Wallawalla ... 661 for Quartermaster-Genera1’s Office .. 10 fees to jurors and witnesses in ... 347 for stationery ., , ,,,,. , 36 lands on Colville Indian reservation opened for artificial limbs, etc. .- .. 36 to settlement .. 62 for Rebellion Record Otfice . 36 proclamation setting apart Paciiic Forest for military establishment 291, 315, 316, 318, reservation . . . . . . . . 1063 654, 669, 672 sale, etc. , of lands Puyallup Indian reserfor burial of indigent soldiers . 291, 654 vation .. . .. 633 for State and Territorial homes ... 291, 654 Washington and Georgetown Railroad Comfor Oregon and Washington Indian war. 291 pany, for First Michigan Cavalry . . - 311 to repair M street bridpe . 158 for California and Nevada Volunteers 311, Washington and Great Fa is Electric Railway 315, 318, 669, 672 Company, for Mexican war volunteers ... 311, 669 incorporated . 326 for suppressing Indian hostilities ... 311 Washington Aqueduct, D. O., for Rogue River Indian war .. . 311, 313 appropriation for maintenance, etc .. 158, 544 for reductions, eight-hour law . . . . .311, 672 ihr improving, ctc., receiving reservoir- 545 for collecting, etc., volunteers . . 311 for payinp Thomas Ready for lands . 545 for draft mid substitute fund .. . 311 diversion 0 water outside of District forfor refund to States . Q L-.. . 313, 318 bidden .. . . 544 for observation, etc., storms .. . . 670 right of way across, to Glen Echo Railroad for 20 per cent .. . . - . . .313, 316, 670 Company .. 51 for horses, etc.,` claims . 333, 316, 318, 670, 674 Washington Asylum, D. 0., for reimbursement to Pennsylvania 315 appropriation for salaries and expenses. .163, 550 for reimbursing Kentucky . 318 deficiency. appropriation for. . 289 for gunboats, esteruriversn . . L-. . 316 Washington, D. C'. (see District of Columbia). for arrears of pay- . . ... 653 Washington, D. 0., Post-Ojlce, for bounty . - ... 653 appropriation for construction ... 351, 573 for additional bounty . ... . . 653 deficiency appropriation for expenses, etc. , for public grounds, District of Columbia 654 j temporary . 9 ibr military prison ..., _ ,..,,,_,,,__ 654 Washington Indian War, Oregon and, for Lock N0. 2, Green River, Kentucky- 654 deficiency appropriation for paying claims. 291 for Military Academy ..,,.. . . . . . . . . 654 Washington Manuscripts, for secret service . ,,.. . .. . . 669 appropriation for binding, etc .. . . 349 for draft and substitute fund ..,,...,,., 672 Was ington Monument, 1). C., for Mexican Boundary Commission. 672 appropriation for care and maintenance ..375, 598 Record and Pension Oihce established; for expenses .. . . . . .. . . 376. 598 chief; duties ,,,,...,., 27 Washington Navy- Yard, D. C., revolutionary military records to be trans- appropriation for repairs, breech-mecham ferred to .. . . ... 275 ism shop ... -.. . . . .. 240 transfer of clerks fr0mRecord and PensionWashington Post Company, D. C'., Omoo to Inspector·Genera1’s Onice . 653 deficiency appropriation for advertising9g War of the Rebellion, Uggiul Records (see Rec- tax sales . . 288, , 652 ords of the Re llion). Washington Sound, Woah., Ward, Jane A. (widow), aplpropriation for lighting .. 353, 576 "peusion increased .. .. .,.. . .., 792 Was ingtem Southern Railway Company, areham, Mau., granted right of way through Arlington appropriation for improvement of harbor. 88 reservation .. . . . ... . -. . 747 Warm Springs Agency, Waahiugtonb Birthplace, appropriation for Indian agent at ... 121, 612 appropriation for wharf at Wakefield. 756 Warrant Division, Treasury Department, Water Department, D. C., deficiency appropriation for extra services 648 appropriation for revenue and inspection Warren, John, branch . . . .-. . 166, 553 granted honorable discharge . .. . . 764 for distribution .. . . ... 166, 553 Warrior River, Ala., for contingent expenses . ..,.,_ 167, 554 appropriation for improvement of . .. , 102 for fuel, repairs, etc ... . . . . ..__ 167, 554 construction of bridge across authorized. . 437 for interest and sinking iimd water stock in Hale and Greene counties, or Marengo bonds .. . ...,,.,_,, 167, 554 and Greene counties ... . 53 for interest, increased water supply 167, 554 Warsaw, Mo., for sinking fund, increased water supbridgo across Missouri River, authorized U ply ,,,,._ _ ____,_______,.,,________ 167, 554 at .. . ... . ... . · 31. i for interest, 48-inch and Fourteenth street Waraoiok, Hoss,JoL» G,, late q, Representative in t mains _____ _ _ __________ __ ____ _ _____ 167, 554 (`ongress, for repayment 48—inch and Fourteenth deficiency appropriation for widow of 664 street mains .. 167, 554 Warwick Rirer, Md., for extending high service system; conappropriation for improvement of 98 demnation . . .. 167, 554 Washington, deficiency appropriation for clerical servappropriatiou for support, etc., of D’Wam- ices .. . . . . . . 290 uh, etc., Indians .. . ... 134, 627 for expenses 290