Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/52

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FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Srzss. I. CHS. 59, 60. 1892. 25 Sec. 5. That aH civil suits and proceedings now pending in the cir- Transfer or pmnrg cuit or district court of said district of Kansas which would if insti- °°“°°*·‘· tuted after the passage of this act be required to be brought in the third division of said district, may be transferred by consent of all the parties to said third division of said district, and there disposed of in the same manner and with like eifect as if the same had been there instituted, and all process, writs, and recognizances relating to such suits and proceedings so transferred shall be considered as taken at and returnable to the term of court in the third division of said district in the same manner and with like eifect as if they had been issued or taken in reference thereto originally. Approved, May 3, 1892. StCtE;·AP. 60.-An act to prohibit the coming of Chinese persons into the United May 5, 1892.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That all laws now in force pro- clraresr exclusion hibiting and regulating the coming into this country of Chinese persons °‘}{}{f";‘,‘ *’;f' §§j"Q;,,,_ and persons of Chinese descent are hereby continued in force for a Zi, p. 115;; vol. 25. p. period of ten years from the passage of this act. °°" Sec. 2. That any Chinese person or person of Chinese descent, when _1 R·°m°f'?l of qtllllvgs convicted and adjudged under any of said laws to be not lawfully @{,2%:* "‘ H" "'° entitled to be or remain in the United States, shall be removed from the United States to China, unless he or they shall make it appear to the justice, judge, or commissioner before whom he or they are tried that he or they are subjects or citizens of some other country, in which case he or they shall be removed from the United States to such country: Provided, That in any case where such other country of which Pwjmo- _ _ such Chinese person shall claim to be a citizen or subject shall demand ,,§Q‘;}};,§§p°§j,"j'{}_’;$ any tax as a condition of the removal of such person to that country, ¢‘•l¤ll¤‘i¤¤· he or she shall be removed to China. Sec. 3. That any Chinese person or person of Chinese descent arrested ram r rre S r ed under the provisions of this act or the acts hereby extended shall be §{{§f,f.g{’°""’“wf""°°‘ adjudged to be unlawfully within the United States unless such person shall establish, by affirmative proof, to the satisfaction of such justice, judge, or commissioner, his lawful right to remain in the United States. Sec. 4. That any such Chinese person or person of Chinese descent Pllnllllllwur l‘¤rlll¤· convicted and adjudged to be not lawfully entitled to be or remain in ""l "`"m""""‘ the United States shall be imprisoned at hard labor for a period of not exceeding one year and thereafter removed from the United States, as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 5. That after the passage of this act on an application to any Bull uml allowed ln judge or court of the United States in the first instance for a writ of }.'§;’§§’,,§"'P“” P"" habeas corpus, by a Chinese person seekingto land in the United States, to whom that privilege has been denied, no bail shall be allowed, and such application shall be heard and determined promptly without unnecessary delay. Sec. 6 And it shall be the duty of all Chinese laborers within the df1€¤i§°g;°jb$H’:§*· limits of the United States, at the time of the passage of this act, and e ° ` who are entitled to remain in the United States, to apply to the collector of internal revenue of their respective districts, within one year after the passage of this act, for a certincate of residence, and any Chinese laborer, within the limits of the United States, who shall neglect, fail, or refuse to comply with the provisions of this act, or who, Ai-me on enum m after one year irom the passage hereof, shall be found within the jiuis- "mi“ °°"‘§""“" °t°‘ diction of the United States without such certificate of residence, shall be deemed and adjudged to be unlawfully within the United States, and may be arrested, by any United States customs official, collector of internal revenue or his deputies, United States marshal or his deputies, and taken before a United States judge, whose duty it shall be to rrm.