Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/903

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880 CONVENTION——DANISH WEST INDIA ISLANDS. MAY 7, 1890. boxes prepared expressly for the enten i saerlig dertil bestemte Kaspurpose, or in ordinary mail sacks, ser eller i almindelige Postsmkke to be marked “Parce1s Post" and maerkede “Pakkepost" og behprig to be securely sealed with wax or forseglede med Lak eller paa anotherwise as may be mutually den Maade efter herom gjensidig provided by regulations hereun- truffen Overenskomst. der. 1w¤r¤¤f¤¤¤k¤·¤f¤- 2. Each country shall return to 2. Ethvert Land skal med f¢rste the despatching officeby next mail, Post sende alle saadanne Smkke all such bags and boxes. og Kasser tilbage til Afsendelses— pcstkontoret. packing_ 3. Although articles admitted 3. Endskjont Gjenstande, der underthis convention will be trans- falde ind under denne Konvenmitted as aforesaid between the tion, ville blive forsendte paa forexchange oiilces, they should be so anfyirte Maade mellem Udvexcarefully packed as to be safely lingspostkontorerne,skul1e de dog transmitted in the open mails of vwre saa omhyggelig indpakkede, either country, both in going to at de sikkert kunde forsendes i the exchange office in the country hvert Lands aabne Poster under of origin and to the office of ad- Befordringen til Afsendelseslandress in the country of destina- dets Udvexlingskontor og fra tion. Bestemmelseslandets Udvexlingskontor til Udleveringskontoret. Descriptive ust. 4. Each despatch of a Parcels- 4. Enhver Pakkepost skal led- Post mail must be accompanied by sages af en Fortegnelse in duplo a descriptive list in duplicate, of over alle de afseudte Pakker med all the packages sent, showing dis- tydelig Angivelse af hver Pakkes tinctly the list number of each Lobe-N°,Aisenderens og Adressaparcel, the name of the sender, tens Navne samt Pakkens Bestemand the name of the addressee with melsessted. Denne Fortegnelse address of destination; which list skal vaere nedlagt ien af de Kasser ~ must be enclosed in one of the eller Saakke, hvori Forsendelsen boxes or sacks of such despatch foregaar (se den vedfcjede Formu- (under the Form of Form 3 an- lar 3). nexed hereto). ARTICLE IX. Anrrxnn IX. E‘°“““g°°*‘°°’· Exchanges of mails under this Postudvexlingi Medfor af denne Convention from any place in Kouvention fra Steder i det enc either country to any place in the til Steder i det audet af de to other, shall be afiected through Laude skal ske gjcnnem de Postthe post offices of both countries kontorer ihvert Land, der allcrede already designated as exchange ere eller senere maatte blive bepost offices, or through such oth- stemte til Udvexlingskontorer uners as may be hereafter agreed der Iagttagelse af saadanne Regler upon; under such regulations med Hensyn til Udvexlingens Enrelative to the details of the ex- keltheder, som gjensidig maate change as may be mutually deter- blive fastsatte som vaesentlige for mined to be essential to the se- den sikre Expedition af Posten og curity and expedition of the mails Erlasggelse af Tolden. and the protection of the customs revenues. Anrrcnn X. Anrrxm. X. R°°°*P*°‘*¤¤“· 1. As soon as the mail shall have 1. Saasnart Posten har naaet reached the exchange office of des- Bestemmelseslandets Udvexlingstination, that office shall check the kontor, skal dette efterse Postens contents of the mail. Indhold. rmsiuni. 2. In the event of the .parcel 2. Hvis Fortegnelsen over Pakbill not having been recelved, a kerne ikke modtages, vil der strax