Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/940

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GENERAL ACT-—SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2. 1890. 917 ARTICLE LXXIX. ARTICLE LXXIX. Des Bureaux auxiliaires en rap- Auxiliary Ogices iii Commiiuicw Bunch 0mm_ port avec ie Bureairde Zanzibar tigu with the Ogica at Zanzibar P0_“"0¤t WTB Btabhs *13118 CB1`- may be established in certain parts t31H9S [)HI`tl€S (1.0,13 ZODB, QH V€I‘fl1 of the Zgpg, in purgugncg of ai ppg. (Yun accord prealable entre les vious agreement between the inter- Pmssances mtéressés. ested powers. lls seront composés des délégués They shall be composed of deleele ces Puissances et établis con- gates of these powers, and estabtormement aux articles LXXV, lished in accordance with Articles LXXW I et LXXY III. LXXV. LXXVI, and LXXVIII. Les documents et ren seigne- The documents and information ments specifies at Particle LXXVI I, specified in Article LXXVII, so far en tant qu’ils concernent la partie as they may relate to a part of the afférente de la zone, leur seront zone specially concerned, shall be envoyés directement par les auto- sent to them directly by the terrirités territoriales et consulaires de torial and consular authorities of cette region, sans prejudice de la the region in question, but this communication au Bureau de Zan- shall not exempt the latter from zibar prévue par le meme article. the duty of communicating the same to the office at Zanzibar, as provided by the same article. ARTICLE LXXX. ARTICLE LXXX. Le Bureau de Zanzibar dressera, The office at Z3·I1ZlbH1` Shall pre- A¤¤¤¤1 mrowdans les deux premiers mois de PMB 111 @16 i11‘St two 111011thS of chaque année, un rapport sur ses 6V0F}' 3031, 21 1`0P01`@ of 1118 0W11 operations et celles des bureaux 0P€1`='{t1011S Z111d of @1088 of GIG auxiliaires pendant Pannée econ- BUXIUMY vffces, dumlg the Past uga_ twelve months. §II.—De Péchange entre les gourernemeuts SECTION II. Of the exchange between the des documents et renoeignementa relatifa d Governments of documents and informa- Zc iraite. tion relating to the slave-trade. ARTICLE LXXXI. ARTICLE LXXXI. Les Puissances se communique- The powers shall communicate mggiwzc <>f 1¤¤>r- ront, dans la plus large mesure et to one another, to the fullest extent ` le plus bref clélai qu’elles judgeront and with the least delay that they possibles: shall consider possible: 1** Le texte des lois et regle- 1. The text of the laws and adments d’administration existants ministrative regulations, existing ou édictés par application des or enacted by application of the clauses du present Acte geuérai; clauses of the present general act; 2° Les rcnseignements statis- 2. Statistical information contiques concernant la traite, les cerning the slave-trade, slaves aresclaves arrétés et libérés, le trafic rested and liberated, and the trail des armes, des munitions et des fic In fire-arms, ammunition, and alcools. alcoholic liquors. ARTICLE LXXXII. ARTICLE LXXXII. Uéchange de ces documents et The exchangeof thesedocuments Cmmi manga renscignements sera centralisé andinformation shall becentralized °°’°“· dans un bureau special rattaché au in a special office attached to the département des Aiiaires Etran- foreign office at Brussels. geres at Bruxelles.