Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/970

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CONVENTION—GREAT BRITAIN. FEBRUARY 29, 1892. 947 A Convention between the Governments of the United States and Her February 29. mz. Britannic Majesty submitting to arbitration the questions which have "__"" arisen between those Governments concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in the waters of the Behring Sea; concluded at Washington February 29 1892; ratification advised by the Senate March 29 18.02; ratified by the President April 22, 1892; ratification exchanged May 7, 18.92; proclaimed May 9, 18.92. BY THE PRESIDENT on rim UNITED Scucms or Amumon. A PRUCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and rmmbis. Great Britain providing for an amicable settlement of the questions which have arisen between those Governments concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in the waters of the Behring Sea, and concerning also the preservation of the fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said Sea, and the rights of the citizens and subjects of either country as regards the taking of fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said waters, was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington, on the twenty-ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, the original of which Convention, being in the English language and as amended by the Senate of the United States, is word for word as follows: The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the Gcntrnctingpnrtios. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being desirous to provide for an amicable settlement of the questions which have arisen between their respective governments concerning the jurisdictional rights of the United States in the waters of Behriug’s Sea, and concerning also the preservation of the fur-seal in, or habitually resorting to, the said Sea, and the rights of the citizens and subjects of either country as regards the taking of t'ur·se·al in, or habitually resorting to, the said waters, have resolved to submit to arbitration the questions involved, and to the end of concluding a convention tbr that purpose have appointed as their wspcctive Plenipotentiaries: T he President of the United States of America, JAMES G. BLAINE, risnipmnuu-Lu. Sccr•~t:u·y of State of 1 ho United States; and llcr Majesty tho Qmeon of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and ireland, Sir .11:mns l’A.UN()EF()TE, G. C. M. G., K. U. B., Her Maiesty’s Iinvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States- Wlui, after having corninunivaied to each other their respective full powers which were lound to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the tollowing articles.