Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/109

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80 FIFTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. Il. CHS. 80, 81. 1894. revocation by the Secretary of War whenever the public good, in his judgment, so requires. Amwimsm, uc. Sec. 6. That the right to alter amend or repeal this Act is herebv I d 1 7 ·. express y reserve . <7¤¤g¤i¤¤<>¤¤¤¤¤*· ¤¤¢ Sec. 7. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction °°'°’ °"‘ of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the approval of this Act. Approved, May 28, 1894. May 28. 1894- CHAP. 81.-An Act To authbrize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri wl'-; Igvertat stomeupoint within one mile below and one mile above the present limits of t eci yo e erson,uri. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Bf,j8*:°:j,f“Tr‘f;,:,¤; States of America in Congress assembled, That the J efierson City Bridge 0¤¤·1>•¤s my bridzv and Transit Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under M“'°‘“"R“'°"‘ the.laws of the State of Missoigi, its successors and assigns, successors, grantees mortcavees an successors in interest be and are hereby, authorized lglobcdnstiuct and magitain a bridge arid approaches thereto across the issouri River at Je erson City Missouri between the counties of Cole and Callaway, at some point atileast one-third of a mile from any othir bridge, tp bebselected consistent with the interests of navigation wit in one mi e a ove and one mile below the present limits df the icity of J eiierson, Missouri. Said bridge shall be conw,g,,,,_ ,t,,,,t ,,,1. structed to provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, v•y.•¤¤f•¤·* Miss- street-railway cars motor cars, animals, foot passengers, and for all road tra‘yel,1b{*such reasonablleé rates ot;) toll and under such reasonable rules an regu ations as may prescribed by such corporation, its successors and assigns, and to be approved from time to time by the Secremm taryof War: Provided, That such bridge may be a combination railroad nsrizuu. W:. and wagon road bridge, so constructed as to provide for the passage of

  • ’”"€"· railway trains, engines and cars, wagons and vehicles of all kinds, foot

and other passengers, animals and live stock, at the option of the corporation by which it may be built. s,,,,,,,,m,,·`y-,,,0 Sec. 2. That_said_bridge shall not be_built or commenced until the ¤r1>¤>v¤ ¤- M- lélaaéns and for its corastruction have been submitted to the retary o’ar or is approva nor unti he shall approve the lan ‘ and location of said bridge; and if any change be made in the pal;) or constructionlof said bridge at any time such change shall be subject to the approva of the Secretary of War· and any change in the construction or any alteration of said bridge that may be directed at any time by Congress or the Secretary of War shall be made at the expense and cost of the owners thereof; that the said bridge shall be constructed without interference with the security and convenience of navigation of said river beyond what is necessary to carry out etlectively the rights and privileges hereby granted, and in order to secure that object, the said corporation shall submit to the Secretary of \Var, for his examination and approval, a design of and drawings for said bridge and a map of the proposed location giving for the space of one ¤;il;·habp)velpnd top; mile below sucilh prciposed location, the topography o ° e an s o e river wit s ore ines and soundin s and s h other information as maybe required for a full understegiding of the subject; and until the said plan and location of the bridge are approved by the Segretary of War the construction of said bridge shall not be 00mm9h0e . spun. Sec. 3. That said bridge shall be made with unbroken and continuous spans, and the spans thereof shall not be less than four hundred feet in length in the clear, and the main spans shall be over the main channel of the river. The lowest part of the superstructure of said bridge shall be at least fiftylive feet in the clear above the established standard high-water grade line, and the bridge shall be at right angles