Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1189

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UN IVERSAL POSTAL CON VEN TIONrV1EN N A. JULY 4, 1891. 1 1 65 Administration of Posh ll. (Stump of the Application for lost of office of articles. ON"! ¤f destination.) By addressee.

III, PABTICULARS T0 mc rtmxisnnn BY run Annnnssnm m cssz or A Cnnm Fon AN oimmnzy (UNREGISTEREU) ARTICLE OF coumzsroxumxcu. WHICH Hes Nor Amuvnn. x Questions. Answers. p. Did the article come into the hands of the addressec! q. is the correspondence usually taken at the · post-otiice, or delivered an the house? r. In the iirst case, ro whom is it intrusted? _ s. In the second, is It delivered directly to the ' addressee or to n person in his service; or I is it deposited in a special box? If s0. is · the box well fastened and regularly opened I Q t. Has correspondence often been lost? And if 1 so, mention whence the lost correspond- 1 ence has come.

 u. Special observations by the office of destina-

2 tion. ‘ I This form must be returned to . . .. . ,..