Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1287

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mnnx. 1265 _ I Page. 1 Page. Animal Industry Bureau-—Continucd. l Apalachicolu Bay, Fla., inspection of live cattle, whose meat is to I appropriation for improvement of harbor- 342 1*9 €XP0TWdr fT'€$l1, 0¤·¤11€d, €$0 .--. 732 I Apalachicola River, Fla., certificates; no clearance unless oertiii- appropriation for imprgvjng _________o__ 35] cate obtained ___________,_,_,,_.__ 732 Apatite, marks, etc., of inspection; penalty for on free list ___________ii___ _ ___________ 537 _ for·ging, etc .. 732 Apia’ shlpping condemned meat in interstate appropriation for consul-general at 145, 819 °' f°’°€€·'” ‘€°mm°*°°y f°*b*dd°¤ -— 732 Appqmm, pmzogopntmz and seiemyw, Pfmalty for vwmmous —·——-------··—--··- 732 on free list, for temporary exhibition-; - - 546 Amrnal Industry, Igegrort of Bureau, A 18 printing authoriz ; distribution ... 613 glowéd to circuit courts of appeals in au AMMMS we alw Ce¤1¤>» injunction proceedings ___..._.,.. 006 appropriation for mspection, etc., of -- 269, 731 A 18 Circuit Cmwts of du? gu livg, not Spgcjjgd _______________ 522 ppea ’ , ti f r nudgeé Clerks 003 805 on ree list, for breeding purnoses; regu- appmprm on 0 J ’ ``` “' ’ lamms · 536 Appeals;&D. C'., 0%% of (see also Court of · `'```````'````'``` · >``````` j _ peals . > . . Bm¥; g;•? _?(tlll1jlti¥_illlli’__?lj?'_' 537 approprllrtion for Judges; clerk, etc--- 204,806 for etflinmuon; umd ______________.___ 537 Azgllgnou 504 own byimmigrants ,___,___.._. .--- 537 ---2-; —-———-——-—————-~—-~·~——»-- ~ for zoological collections __________ 537 ARPZGSWU, William, protection of wild, Yellowstone Park- - - 73 8PP1'0P¤8l710D fo1` ..»-.-·..»- 262 pure bred, determined by Secretary of Appleton, Jeglgv, F., f d to 459 Agriculture---, ._..__.__,_.. 269 733 paymento ourto Claim' sju gmeut - ~ Animals, D. C..· l Appliances for Disabled Soldiers, appropriation for removing dead . 257, 757 appropriation for . 405, 950 Animals not on Farms, Appomattoa: River, Ya., _ collection of information relating to, by appropriation for uuproving 349 A _ ceinglin officials repealed ... 60 Appoquinniminlr; River, Del., 548 msc See ri f n or improving _‘ op froo list L .-------.-. 542 Agggeigslersll xeetings, _ Aziz 544 appropriation for loca,]. ,,_._,_.,.._ 390, 931 n me is ·-· --—---------——-—----——-——- Appraiseww Warehmrse, New York City, Amwbery, I · · ‘ · 1‘ t r appropriation for consul ot- - i ..-.- 146, 820 { Bpprogxhgkninfmmsll - 912 Annapolis and Elk Rzdge Railroad Cam- ‘ Awmngm, Pam}, l be 'tted, Go mm t Printi deficiency appropriation for 487 I Hum ________ Y? ____ lll! ________ ll 608 Annapolis, Md. (see also Naval Academy), Q App,·em5;ceS_ gwwag, time of Wd of King George street trans` E appropriation for outfit bounties .. 125, 827 A N forred to . 131 for training station _________________ 125, 827 mm 0· _ _ J sippropriations, Ou fre? hst ——~—————~—r—-~-—·—-~—~--- ~ - - — O37 annual extended for thirty days, propor- Anthraczlf Coal, ; tion _ _ __________v____ 585 onfree ist _ : .o._..o...o 539 g `'`` . ```` ""_______ 587 A~-¤~»B¤w¢M» . . * {3 2E5E3E $3: }332;i;i:;;1;:i:1 ... so approlggazgl for marking hues of bat' 950 ‘ for inézrease of Navy continued until 586 , v -·-···· · ··—---—-·--·-—-··—~ uly 31 .. . · ATI11g14d. · — .'_ ________»_ _ 423.843 appropriation for consul at . .. uv, w · "’{,flf,£‘f,1€i‘,$,}°§,;.;g;.;;..,;;.;.;mm., _.__._ . 93 AWUMGHQ/· = urgent .n...,.n... 2, 15,16, 41, 58, 636 on free list, ore, crude sulphite, regulus- . 537 3 printing and binding ____ _ ________{___ 595 A71ti¢{]¢iN€·Y, _ census and witnesses- *A..,,..AA.4 596 OD 1`€‘€ list I moaning of ··V—---» · ---- _- - - 539 , for postal service ______,_,______. . 104, 691 artistic copies for permanent exhibi· for pensions _A______________________ _ _ 11s_ 703 @1011 ------·- — - - --·--—-—»---—--~——— 547 for the naval service .___.AAA , . 123, 825 Amu°€"`P~ _ _ , for diplomatic and consular service--- 141,815 appropriation for consul at .. . 145, 820 for Mmmry Academy ________A,___,,_1 151, 627 fo1‘ f191‘k 1111'9 --——-—---·-»-------·»- 149- 823 for- legislative, executive, and judicial ex- Anfwerp International Exposition. peuses _____________ _ _A__________ ]62_ 764 invitation accepted; commissioners . 578 fm. fortihcations ___________________ _ __ 212,704 no appropriation to be made .o.~...o 578 for support of the Amy __..__.,.. 233.654 Antils. for District of Columbia expenses .,... 243, 744 duty 011 iron 0I` St€€‘l »»~»-...-- _ .---.·.-A. 517 for Department of Agriculture 264, 727 Apache Indians, for expenses, Indian Department ..e... 286. 876 appropriation for fulfilling treaties for improvement of rivers and har-- 338 with ,,., . .. 289. 8`9 bors ..,... - ... for support, etc., of . . -- 301,861 for sundry civil expenses , -, .. 372. 910 for support. etc., of. prisoners removed for statement of appropriations ... 418, 958 from Mount Vernon Barracks, Ala- 658 for mileage, Senate and House, made Apache Indians, etc., Ariz., and AT Mew., available for first session Fifty- appropriation for support, etc.. of -... . 302. 892 ’ third _C0ngreSs ... T ... 11 deficiency appropriation for collecting. ’ for extending North Capitol street, etc .-----.-.-.-.--..- . -.-- 479 - D.C ... . .. 20 S’1‘AT——VOL XXVIII——80