Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1312

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INDEX. Page. _ PBS9- Coletad, Charles · Commanding General of the Army, payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 468 I appropriation for contingent expenses- 243, 663 Columbia, Ala., Commerce and Navigation, _ _ _ construction of bridge authorized across printing report on, authorized; distribu- Chattahoochee River at ... 280 tion ... _ .,..._. 616 Columbia and Colville Indians, I Commercial Approved, Reciprocal, appropriation for annuity to Chief Moses, I provisions for, tariff of 1890, repealed 569 etc __________________,,___._.,._ 291, 881 I existing agreements ... 569 ‘ Columbia Arsenal, Tenn., i Commercial Agents, _ appropriation for .,______..,.. 400, 942 approprmtiou for salaries . 145, 819 Columbia Bmw Company, Commercial Relations, _ _ _ may bridge attahoochee River, Colum- printing authorized; distribution ... 613 bin., Ala __,.._,.._..__..._.__. 280 Cormmissavjy-Geiieral, Army (see also Sub- Columbia Hospital for Women, D. C., .sistence Department), appropiation for maintenance 259, 761 anuualreport of purchases, e·tc.,repea1ed- 787 or addition ._.. - . .,.. 259 Commissary-General’s Ogce, Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb, appropriation for cler , etc .. 187, 788 D. C'., Commissioner of Labor, Patents, etc. (see appropriation for instruction of persons under distinctive officsg. from District of Columbia ._ 259; 761 (1'ommissioners, United States ourts, for support of, etc ... . .. 399, 941 appropriation for fees; limit __________ 416, 957 for special re 'rs, etc ________ 399 deficiency appropriation for fees 61, for additionalubuilding ... 941 443. 478, 483. 486, 862, 870, 875 Columbia Ition Compan appointment and duties of, Indian Terrigranted rigft of way, Ydima Indian tory .. 695 Reservation, Wash ... 118 appointment of , for public lands business Columbian Museum, Chicago, in the Territories . ‘ 744 exhibits at Wor1d’s Fair, acquired by, repeal of appointment of chief supervis— released from duties .. 13 ors o elections ... . ,.. 80 . Columbia River, Ore ., Committee on Accounts, House of Reprea ropriatiou for gghting 377, 918 aentativea, pfior gauging ...i,. 859 temporary committee to be appointed at ` survey of, directed `. 371 close of Congress .._._ , 768 Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash., powers and duties _..._.. - ______ 768 appropriation for improving upper .. 359 Committee on Printing, Joint, or improving Rock Island to Foster appropriationfor persoudesignatedb ,as Creek Rapids . 359 member of board. Printing O£Eoe_ 961 for improving at mouth .. 359 compodtion; general powers ._.,_,_____ 601 for improving at Three-Mile Rapids- - - 359 Q may order reprint of public bills ---.---- 601 forboatrailway,TheDaI1es, etc.; right to adopt standards of paper; advertiseof way ---.-..---..-.--. - .---- 359 _ ments for bids ----------_--_______ 601 Columbia River, Wash.,awarding contracts; disputes as to qualsurvey of, directed -.-------.------------ 371 ity -.--------------..--.----.-.-.- 602 time extended for constructing bridge defaults; liability; open-market puracross, at La Camas, Wash .-. 101 : chases .-v--...-----__-_ _ __________ 502 at Vancouver -..-.--..-.--..-.-...--. . 488 g opemmarketpurchasesofmaterinl; limi; 602 Columbian Museum, Chicago, Ill., · control of Congressional Record; indextransfer of Columbus caravels to --..---- 842 ‘ ing .-.-. . ---,-____________ _ ______ 603 exhibit in La Rabida, transferred to . 843 Q duties as to lithographing, etc,, een. Columbus Barracks, Ohio, ‘ tracts -----________ _ ______________ 666 appropriation for improving; immedi- t to estimate cost of printing extraco ies- 610 ately available ..----.. 661 to appoint editor of nieeeege end (Emu. Columlmy, (la., ments _-___ _ _______-______________ 617 terms of court ---... 504 E duties to devolve on committee of eithey Columbus. Ohio, . House in absence of ______________ 962 appropriation for rent, internal-revenueCommittee Reports. service .. . 929 reference sets to be indexed, bound, atc_ 622 deficiency appropriation for services, pub- { Committees, Congressional, _ lic building . -. 426 limit of preliminary reports, em, , printed · Columns and Posts, etc., I for ____,_______ _ __________ _ _______ 624 duty on iron or steel 515not to aifeot number, etc _____________ _ 961 Colville Agency, IVash., Committees, House, Special and Select, appropriation for Indian agent at . 286,876 * appropriation for expenses ____________ 168 qq] or support, etc., of Indians at .. 304, 893 ‘ deficiency appropriation for . 19, 62 448, 639 Colville Indians, Columbia and, Commutatiem of Homestead Entnze, ’ 7 appropriation for annuity to Chief Moses, provision for, in Qkjehmm, _____________ 3 BUG . .. ... -- - - 291,88] 5 C017l7l‘l'ui¢lti0’N, of Rahons, Col well, Thomas A., ? appropriation for, Army ______________ 237 658 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 453 Commutation of Rahbns, etc., ’ Comanche Indiana, _ _ * appropriation for prisoners of wer, eee_ 412 955 appropriation forfuliilling treaueswith 289,879 Companies, ’ or support, etc., of . 301, 891 tax on net proiits of, Speemed ________ ___ 556 Combi nations, X annual returns required from; contents- 559 in restraint of imports void; penalty 570 ‘ Compensation i n Lien of Moieties, Camjits, · agropriation for _____________________ 390 931 duty on .,..,.. - 524 I d ciency appropriation for ’ 17