Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1325

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INDEX. 1303 . . . . Page- . . Pm- Dzstnct of Columbm—C0nt1nued. l District of COl2LmbLd—CODtlDH€d. approggiaéion for repair of Aqueduct I apgmropriation for courts ii . .k 204, EK; ri ge ._. 252 or expenses Zoolovical ar . . 9 leases authorized in Rock Creek for surveyor. etc, ..._... 935 Park ,._.. 252 for removing ice, Potomac River .. 969 for snrveyl; etc., bridge over Eastern for rgdestal, statue of Dr. Samuel D. 73 ranc ., - ... 752 ross 9 for expenses Washington Aqueduct- 253, 752 aeeciegg apprgglriation for repairs, etc., 16 improving receiving reservoir ... 752 orm oo ..._... cleaning conduit I _.. 752 for expenses court of appeals ...,. 19 raising dam, Great Falls; Gen. T. L. for rent, sunerintendent of charities- -- 431 Casey to be consulting engineer- - - 752 for advertising taxes in arrears -.-..-.. 431 testing and report on tmme conduit, for general advertising .-. 481 etc _--..-.-,,____---..-----_,-__-, 752 for assessing real property ---.---- 431 for public schools, expenses ---.--..- 253, 753 for grading streets, etc -. Y ...- 431 for police, expenses __----,-________- 235, 755 ! for improving High street -...-.-.---. 481 for iiredepartment, expenses ...---.- 2o5, 7 56 for George_Drew & Sons ...-.. 431 for telegrash and telephone service- 256, 757 [ for sprmklmg. etc., streets -...---..--. 431 for health epartment, expenses --... 256, 757 3 for fire department - 431,851 removing garbage, etc., additional 57 ! ior $212110 scggtols .-...--...r gg, for extra service ...- ‘ ...- F7, 7· l or 'ce co .. . . - , destroying garbage, etc.; contracts ; j for sulpport of convicts - 432, 851 report ____________________________ 757 l for re ief of the poor ,----.---.---.,--. 432 for preventing contagious diseases- 257, 758 ‘ for judgments against .. 432, 852 regulations of board of health in 257 £0r mlgam Forsyth 433, 850, gg grcg ______________________ __ _____ O1' 1 8. --.-.-.--..----.---- smallpox hospital; restriction on cou- for coroner’s oH:lce-_ ...-r. . -.-...-. · 849 taglous diseases hospitals .-.-..--. 758 for survey0r’s salaues and expenses- -- 849 inspection, etc., of private hospitalsés? ior E. Sctlgaeuireréh. -.- néd ----- x for police court; ___________--_ _ _____- , or c ca. s _ eg y1ssu --.-..--. ` for miscellunegus court expenses -..- , £0r board of assgstaént assessors --.----- 2553 forluuacy wri , exneusm ... , 0I' €1I181‘g§¤0Y 1111 ...-...-.. · for gg;-vices compi ing District laws; for removing garbage, etc -...-.-.-... 850 sale; dismbuuon, etc ,--__,---_--- 759 l for eluldren s guardians ...-.. 850 rm- interest and sinking fund ...- 258, 760 for Judugml expenses .. 850 gu- muerglegrcy fundédgurchasos ----. ggg, §01‘ I'Gp&l1'S, SWG6g6B, dsaé .. 0 (xyuv] ____________ _ , 0I' 1'8p3.1I‘S 001111 y' 1*0 .-...--.--.-.. fg; Egg;-pghouge, care, etc _____________ 760 for condemning streets, etc ...-... 851 for wm-den of hi] _______________ _ ____ 760 for court of appeals, crier --... 851 for gxpguggs ofljail ______-___-_______- 760 for supreme clourt justices -...-... 351 f tm, rtjng pq;-g, tc ____ _ _ _ _ 258, 760 or reform sc 00 ----,--.-- . --..- 51 , fg; W §;>n gg1m-? .-...---.. 258, 760 for Washington Asylum .. 851 for Reform hool ,-.-----...--. 259, 761 for Freedmerfs Hospital .-...- . . . . 852 for support of indigent insane -. 259, 761 for water department . 852 for instruction of deaf and dumb ..-- 721 accour§s to be exegcninegmby étuditor for 207 f hm-iti ----_____,-_-,--,_--_,-_ 5,7 , a.e,ec., par ens ..,..-..,, _ 0§'r:eedme(·;’s Hospital and Asylum. 259, 762 * adoption of children authorized; pro- Girly Reform School . 260, 762 l ceeclmzs . 687 Board of Childrens Guardians- . . 223, 7g ‘ lfrroceedggfs, ctc .. 5 { .. 63; g nm _________ _ _______ 2 ," a eyseo msquare7 .r Ogesmcgoz? __________________ _ ____ ::03 assessments for laying water mains . 275 camp of instruction . 261 · nsyment of pending .l,.. _ . 276 department revenue and in- ba ance of interest on board of audxt for mm: b h , 261 763 certiiic tes to be paid 2**7 s8 ...-... . . 8 .---. •

§;)l!:,u1i)yr;;$,ch ______________ _ 261, 763 board of assistant assessors authorized to

contingent erpenses ; fuel, etc 261, 763 assess real property . : ..._ _ _ _ _ 282 interest and smking fund; use of sur- F celebratxou of centemnal of laying corner ¤*¤:,;#W:.#·é: ·-·· = -n—~·-+····+·· 32;, #21 .m..¤?€.“l$0‘:f.1¥"°*"*°‘ ······o········ i? ' rvxce , A . »-----·----------- - ·--· lixrntzdtl ong reguissgtions from Treas- charter of Graceland Cemetery to cease- 220 my ____ _ ______________ _ ___,_____ 262, 764 interments prohibited; removal of forex|:endingNorth Capitol street (from 90 chemigoldxezéé . - ig. - - .{ - - -5. - Enggé - . _ 220 Di tt; revenues ... - ~ _ » ·» POS} Q ‘°’ ‘“;£c°°“°°““ "" °“‘””“"““‘° m' ¤ma£§°§s°§?§;a£§%”§Z¥»?$esm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 923 493 ... . .~·--··--- · ---»—--- . —---~-- tm- gmding Massachusetts avenue ex- 399 court of gpgieals, asmstant clerk author- ml _____________ _ _______ .. me , e c ..,... for 1?8¤;g1e‘{>?1Bdie¤¤t soldiers ... 405, 949 terms, ctc r.. , .--,---------------- 161 for mmm to com-bhouse ___________ 413, 955 hearings by hyq Justices : divisions - - - 161 for court of appeals, deputy clerk, etgd 417, 266 d repéarter of oprmgns autlmtrgzded _______ gg als. s pea.1 -- 7 epu y coroner 0 uppom . fogogudnonlgglt? naégsernf. .1iei 126 l employment of clerks in health depart-

  • 0* *8**5- ‘*"”"*¤¤· “°"*"’”"‘·· $39 * 8 mb¤'§fL‘¤2?1`€€l°6‘€S?,*" sexgma ··‘‘‘· 2

nrt.], ___________ , _,_, ., : s _ rv o e e; exffg; (:d-Sdlfnctof jaifldf 203 K _ tensxon of Massachusetts avenue-- 588 for relief of the suifering poor 650 exmse board, ussxstaut assessors to act ss. 285