Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1351

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ngnnx. 1329 Page. { Page- India Rubber, f Indian Depm·tment—Cont1nued. duty ongzotton cloth containing ..,,. 529 I appro%hatg1 f§ 58lmbETS1Fg losses at manu actureso ..,... 535 rc, `ne i geso 00 ---. ,... 30 hard or vulcaréizedh manufactures of-- 536 for 3£pr:·1ésa.% of improvements, etc., on free list, cru e, ol , etc .. 54 E oro ee ation ,. 3 7 Indian Ajfairs, Commissioner of,i for Stockbridge and Munsee Indians, appro riation for,assistant,c erks,etc- 194, 795 l timber suits .. 307 to mage annual report of all employees,- 313 · for claims of beef contractors . 307 to send certificate of property lost to name of W. F. Niedsringhaus cor- Treasury accounting officers .. 47 rectcd 592 to supervise, etc., Indian schools .. 311, 907 £0r mder Brothisrs . { -E _______ E, 899 Indian A encies, or owance, c aims o ugene . appropnqiation for civilian agents .. 286, 876 White and James E. Cooémr .. 308 for bujldjngg and repairs ,__._.._ 288, 878 . for census commissioners, O1 Settlers dehcigucy appropxiation for buildings, Cherokées- . . . .. 308, 901 etc ______________________,____ _ _ _ 873 for support of schools ...,..__... 308, 903 diversion of funds for specified em- limit of cost of pupils ,.. 308 ployccg _________________________ 313, 907 contra?; schools , ani ..,.. k 903 Ind' A ts, c nures, c c., un or irectiono agagopgigtion for civilian, at agencies- 286, 87 6 Xggmmissioner of lndlan Affairs- 311, 907 gn traveling, etc., expenses -.-.- 288,878 report; fn dxscontmuing contract f Special ______________------------ 288,878 schoo s .--.--.-... 31 deiggiency appropriation for pay -.------- 479, face value of certain bonds to be placed 484, 872, 875 to Cf6d1b of tubes xnterested .-.--- 311 Indian Cammisslimz, Citizen, appropriation for interest on State bonds ;

tion fg uses ------------ 288, 878 sale -...-.---.-.--------..---- 312

]n?3p,£20g3;r¢$_ Y expe claim of W. B. Munson to be examined- - 312 appropriation fm- judges _-_----------- 306, 879 supplies to be advertised for ..-...--.. 312, 90'2" Ind` Dg rfment’ exigancios; irrigation expenses; opengggygpmgziou for Commissioner, assist- II13.l‘k8l7 D111`Cl13S6§ ... 312,907; ant, etc ---.----..-..--.--.. - -- - 194, 795 manufactures by Indians ..-.------- 312, 907 for expenses of the --.---.-.--.----- 286, 876 advertisements; delivery ----------- 312, 907 ‘ for Indian ents at agencies ..-.--- 286, 876 diversion of surplus funds .--------- 312, 907 ‘ not available for Army 0mC€1’S de- treaz not to be used --------- gg; tailed ..-.---.------- . -.-------- 288, 7 repo o ’vcrsions ---------,------- , superintendents of training SCh0Ol; purchase A1; gattle, etc., from subsisté . t u ts .. , ence S . , for i$;¥pz;t§ s- gif]? -------_-------- 288, 878 trangcxé of fundsgor employees -_--__- 313, 907 ftors; expenses ------------ 288, 878 nm 01: supp es, etc., immediately fg;-1;,1c€]§1 superintendent; expenses% €1va1l?b1c-Héf__{ ___- 6 £___ _____ é t _______________ _ _____--___--_ , regec on 0 unsa ac cry 1 -----,- , for géggucy buildings and repairs 288, 878sale of property not needed; p1jccecd,s_ 313, 908 for ccmdngencws; employees; speo1a § I payment? to;:g£1zcd Ludxans mstcad c§ ts ----------.-... - . , V T8 OH , . . for gggéu commission ____ _ --------- 288, 87 8 E annual report of employees to be made- 313, 908 for fulfilling treaty stipulations with { employment of Indians as herders, etc -- 313 and Support Of 1;;-bcc _---------- 289, 879 restriction of sending children to schools f11 rts. .-.---.-- 301,891 out 0 reservations -..-.-.-.-.-. 313, fg; g;];g;a??1$ld;;lt§Fgxwnus . 303, agreeznent wiith Funktonfigxix, Da,];;, f H `l1, Pima. Agency ...-.--. 304, or sa e 0 una, 0 e am ru 1· 53; 11g5g1g2c,, Flathead Agency .-.. 304, 900 fled - - T ..1... - 313 for util}, Shoshone Agengg, Vgfyo . 304 ; applkqprmtlou for purchase; distribm f 1] tt' , t ,, an ; 98.888 — i 1011 -. or {*O;€d1?€_ _? ______ ___--------- 304, 900 { for adult members of the tribe ------ 319 Suits by Imligng glgiming land --.--- 300 y fo1‘ Qlqlm of Scouts -----..----..----- 319 fm. Louisa Beveridge _____ _ ___,-______ 900 | d1spos1tion of proceeds of lands sold _ _ 319 for irrigation machinery, etc ..-...-- 305, 900 lands 0peu to settlement; regulations- 319 for addltjonal fm-mers ___-_------- , , 305, 879 agreement with Yakimas, Wash., for cad- 4 for matryus .~—»...-.. - - {NQ. $[9 ing iislwry right, ratifed i ..“.. 320 fm- Indian police _______... . . ggggég approprmhon for purchase of mghts, { · d , I di rts ... , e c I .. .. fg; {,`§C§{°sataI5¤,aglm§il}: Z e0<s,8g9 1 agreement wml com- a*A1c¤eS, Idqhg, for expgugg of purchmnng supphes- - .306, 8»9 1 chqnging boundary of reservatmn, for transporting supphcs ... - - - - 306, 879 ; fatlfjléq ..»... - 322 vc ‘n and ullottin reserve.- appropmatuon for lands ceded _________ 323 for Sm- yl g g 306 900 i survey of new boundary sale of 1a ds t" _ _ ________,. . ... , i ; rx for sxjrltieying lands of Five Civ111zeg cedid Thi- ih} _____ { ,______ _____ E 323 T ·b€ ___ __ _________ ____ , { agrecmen Wl lans or cessmu 0 for negotiations for surrender of I‘€·>S€1‘— S110§zg;€Se1%vation, (img., I-?{;{_§gg_ 393 ti _ _ _____ _ _,_,,__,_ approprla ll 01: pu1‘C ase 0 an s 501- vsglgmgf Shoshones, etc., lands, g f36d6d; dI9D0S11i10D -... -- -- 326 Wyo '__ _ ________ _ _______ _ 306 ( opening ceded lands to settlement _____ 326 for J Kenneth White ______ _ __________ 306 g agreement with Nez Perces for cessiqm of for John pajmjm- __ _______ _ ___________ 306 j nnallottod lands, Idaho, mtiiicd __ 326 for damages to settlers, Crow Creel& appropriéntion for lands ceded; pay. and Winnebago Rcgcrva on ,... , » ; men s ,..,.. , .,______, STAT——VOL XXVIH——84