Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1361

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INDEX. ] 339 P¤8€— [ Pago. La Guayra, Lake Superior, 8pp1‘0pri3t1011 for 0011BuI at ... 148, 822 appropriation for waterway from Kgwgg- La Pointe Agency, Wis., naw Bay .,._. 356 appropriatwu or Indian agent at . 287, 877 for survey of canal to connect Missis- La Rabida, Convent of, sippi River and ; proviso .. 357 exhibit i11,trausferred to Columbian Mu- preliminary examination of mouth of scum, Chxcago ... 843 Iron River, Wis., to be made ______ 369 La Tourette, James A. M.. Lake Union, Wash.. payment of Court of Claims judgment appropriation for improving waterway to exccufrrix of ... 474 to Puget Sound .`________.________ 360 La Tmmze River, Md., survey, etc., of waterway from Puget appropriation for improving 348 Sound to be made ____,___________ 948 Labor, Commissioner of, Lake Washington, Wa.•:h.. apgrropriatiou for, clerks, etc .. 203,804 appropriation for improving waterway or 1uv ting efects of machinery to Puget gouml __________________ 360 on r .. survey, etc. o waterway from Puget may be to act as Superintendent Sound, to be made ________________ 948 0 ensus *6 innebagoshish Band, Pilluger Incompeusatdon - . 3 dians, modiicatious to be made in Elevc-mm appropriation for fuliilljng treaties with- 289 Census publications . - 60 Lakeymm, Jo; h qi, to iuvestggaggwork and wages of womeu payment of 31m of Claims judgment to- 460

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to 1¤Vig@f6 Md TGP0N? 0¤ UQUOT Pi'0b· 804 app1·0prigt§m Jar sugvey, etc., Northerth --·--------- ·- · --------—---·- an 0 ______________ ', r to pumasu human on cbuditiou of labor- sos MMS, w°“ em ° pnutiug report of, authorized; ehstribu- duty On, not gpggijgd ___________________ 51; mm ---—·-------—·——--------—---- - Lakes Hua Great Labor, Convict, ’ · · ' mpoing was made by, promwm ¤¤>= “"}Z§°%‘33€i£‘§ EE;;'?.`;? ?.§’€§£]; ‘¢1£"’ °‘° @$3 gv1h bm hOHM 96 cage, Duluth, and Bufalo. ... 947 . --·--············· or commission on deep·water commu- IMM, E17?><=€* of M¤9’···ww 0*2- nication to me Am.-mm ..___. . gw agpropnatxon for 1]1VOStlg3t1Ilg . 590 mlm for preventing collisions on 645 . ¢"8» Alien C°"'t"“°t» Steam revenue cutter for authoriéea- _ — 6 tomp0rury c1npl0yment of, Atlanta. Ex- Lanmmhéb George S ’ ‘‘‘‘ POS]- Ou -·--—--·-····· · 1 · 7 ·······‘ °T Cdif i Mid i E t 0 1 gJ;Zmeut of Court of Clmms Judgment to- 4w4 Interstate Fair T . - 224 on {ree list _____________________________ M5 PP°rtla€g Exp°SlEn°n · 1 ‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ 603 Lame Willianz R I ° mm", S1 Ou ‘‘`’ , t f Couist of Claims 'ud rmeut to 460 Laborers, Chinese, Wyman *0 J 5 ' eumma to remain m Umm sum to ob- I L¢g*·{>'>l¤¤'~· ,10 tain certificates - .. 7 I u y °" ‘‘‘·‘·‘················’····· " de ortation on failure toprocure 7 ‘ L¤mP¢» Aleivnw, degumou of ____________________ _______ 3 } payment of Court of Cluxms Judzxment to- 4· I convention prohibiting im¤1igl‘8¢10¤ of-- W10 * Lam?/· H*’;"Té/ t f Cl _ , I t t 450 La  ; pnymen o our 0 mms Ju: gmen 0- sum list, crude, etc .. 541 [ Lunc¢=·u•0orI. Lac S irits,on free list. rough. etc-- .- . 546 Ou gee list . 541 i Land Cmirt (mac Court of Private Land Laces, [ C aims). duty rin fax, etc .-.- [ Land Grants to gailroads, woo , e ‘· -- - -··-----.- Q appropriation or surveying, etc.: reimsilk, cic - --; ..-.-----·---------------- {$2 ; bursement ».A.. 395. 938 OTE hee hs? °t,StI`“W• “°·· for ham ··-·-- *38 ‘ Land Grants to Railroads. Fmfeitcd. Ln6W11S- Shoe, Corset, €t€'·· _‘ · extension of time for settlers 011. to purduty pn, cotton, etc 4.-—-—------· M9 ‘ - chase _____________________. _ ,_____ 15 L¢ggcg¢é;eh M1 Land Qyiqes (see also Pqblic Lands). may DI¢;m¢ge;·j·s; `ii2)}h2·» img. 130wz 0;, L;¥Zr§';’,$Zfl*tf“ f°’ °°“““g“‘* “P°”*€°· *9*- ”"" . ,. · . 1 — ‘ · . _ m wu§;;1tg;.§}3§lf Z3? ar§;€,l;1;i f1 $5 ;t;Yg;: E;lgTOSS€d, etc.. by typewrxters . - 80, Iaggggi lférzgggh f Cl i jékmeut to 460 pat€ug;gé§iq;g for certain valid locations Dggléree list ____ ___________ 545 Landlord and Tenant, D, C,, Ldlm Alonzo; ‘‘'`"`‘`’jurisdiction of justices Of the peace un- payment of Court of Claims judgméuf t0- #$0 m d  ;;"*“$€d m· cases ·······*········· °‘ 1 L(Ll;fp$$ig¥{0$.L}T£’asu{m:me station ss? · *"·PI}Y:9P!'i**ti0¤ f<>r gusfvdy of ...--..,.. 390. 9§1 purchase of water rights. etc., for fish dehclgucy apprvprwnvq ior care- etc 416 lmtchmy authorized ________ _ _____ 17 Lands m .$eqer·al(‘y fo Indnqns, Lake Erie appmpnauon for surveging reservsmous euginemz board to report on canal to cou- , and qompletiug a ctmeuts 900 Dm Qhjo River and ______ _ ____,__ 35-J I for allottmg, etc ...,.. 301