Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1398

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1 3 7 6 INDEX. Page. _ Page- Postal Seroice-Continued. Postmasters—Continued. _ orders outstanding one year to be paid original receipts of revenuesdeposited by, by Department __________________ _ 32 to be sent S1Xtl’1 Alldltllll . - 28 repeal of time limit of orders ___________. 32 salaries tO_ be full OOIIIPGHSMIOD foI' all recalled advices to be filed with accounts- 32 SQTVIOGS ...----·----------- - - - 32 issuance of application blanks ...____... 32 Posts. _ accounts of money orders to be sent to on free list .. 546 Auditor __________________________ 32 Potash , forms for money orders to be issued . 33 duty on bichromate and chromate of 511 r coupons to be sent to Auditor with hydriodate. iodide and iodate of ...,... 511 ggcgunts _________________________ 33 nitrate Of. I‘€flI1€(l ..». - 51 1 limited money orders authorized ; orders pruSSi3t0 of ..-...-...-.------ 511 limited to $5 _____________________ , 33 on free list, crude, carbonate of . 543 issuing duplicates for lost orders .._. 33 caustic, hydrate Of 543 payment of lost orders after lapse of one nitrate of .. - - 543 year ______________________________ 33 sulphate of .,,,... 543 regulations to be made by Postmaster- chlorate of ...»»V~»V.- 543 Genera,] __________________________ 33 muliate of ...,,.. 543 warrants to be signed by officer desig- Potatoes, ngted ____________________________ 33 duty on ...,l.,. 523 not to take effect July 1, 1894 __________ _ 33 Poteet, Benjamin F., _ mail matter, Soldiers’ Home, to be trans- payment to .. . ..».l._.r. 998 mjtted free ______________,_____,_, 412 Potomac Flats, D. O., original receipts for revenues deposited suit to settle title to remain in supreme to be sent to Sixth Auditor 28 court ...r. 599 postmasters’ bonds to be approved by Potomac River, D. O., Fourth Assistant Postmaster-Gem appropriation for improving 349 eral __.,_,_____,______,_________., 21 for examining water rights, etc. , of punishment for sending lottery tickets, Great Falls of the 402 _ etc. , in the mails __,,..,._,... 963 for clearing ice from .. . .. 969 Postal Supplies, prohibition 0 unlawful fishing continued points of delivery by contractor, may be ten years; penalty 40 prescribed by Postunaster·Genera1- 106 fishing permitted .,... 40 Postmarking Stamps, etc., depositing chemicals, etc., in, prohibited; appropriation for . 105, 691 penalty .,,..._... 40 Postmaster-General, Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency, appropriation for, clerks, etc .. 199, 801 Kane., for postal service, office of ...__. 104, 691 appropriation for Indian agent at . 287, 877 balances of postal accounts certified by Pottawatomie Indmn Lands, Okla., Auditor to, conclusive ,_.. 207 homestead settlers granted one year’s exmay arrange plan for weather signals on tension to make first payment . 3 mail trains. etc . 274, 738 may receive patent in one year by pay- may prescribe points of delivery by con- ing $1.50 an acre ___,__________ 3 tractors of supplies ... 106 » allowed extension of two years for iirst powers respecting lotteries, etc., extended I payment 901 to all letters, etc .. 964 Pottawatomie Indians. to contract for all envelopes for Depart- J appropriation for fulfilling treaties with 294, 883 ments; condition .,.._____ 624 for interest __,____,,_...__,__ _ _ . - 294 to decide on necessity of special facilities, l for R. B. Kennedy ,..,_,_,____ _ . - . 885 railroad service ... 106 Pottowatmnie Indians, Citizen Band, to designate officer to sign money-order t appropriation for paying balance due- - - 295 warrants .. , ... 33 { Pottmvatomie Indians, Kane., to destroy money-order statements, etc., r sale of surplus lands in Jackson County ten years old . 107 I authorized ______,_,_____________ _ 999 to issue duplicate lost money orders ,._.. 33 ; conditions; sales to Indians ___________ 999 to make money·order regulations .,_.,,_ 33 i appropriation for expenses; reimbursable 910 to prescribe rules for paying money i Pottawatomie Indiansof Indiana, andMichorders remaining unpaid ten years- 107 i igan, to regulate allowance for clerk hire, post- , appropriation for fulfilling treaties with 295, 885 offices ,_,_.,_, 31 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 450 Postmaster, House of Representatives, ‘ payment for legal services _______ _ ______ 335 appropriation for, assistant, etc ..__.__ 167, 770 census to be taken ,..__________,____ 894 for horses and mail wagons ...,. 167, 770 appropriation for expensesof paying judgdeficiency appropriation for employees- - 449 l ment to ________ , ,______ _ _________ 894 Postmaster, Senate, Potter, Alice K. (widow), appropriation for, assistant, etc ... 164, 766 pension increased _____________ _ _________ 1045 Postnwsters. Pottery, appropriation for pay _.,...,,. 104, 691 on free list, works in, for permanent exde ciency appropriation for co1npensa— hibition _______________ _ __________ 547 tion 446, 481, 485, 487, 863, 863, 873, 876 i Pottsville, Pa., at first and second-class offices, may ex- { construction of public' building authorpend miscellaneous fund without izedat .,_,___,__._,______ 675 written consentof Postmaster-Gem j appropriation for __..____,_,___,__ 912 eral .. 104 i contracts authorized for constructing . 912 fourth—class, may administer pension 7 Poultry, oaths, etc _____,_.,.,,_,,,,______. 499 E duty on ._.____________._ _ ,________ __ __ 524