Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1415

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IND EX . ]_ P , n pegs_ San Diego: (Ital., ageSanta Monica, Cal., appropnahon for improvement of harbor- 346 appropriation for expenses Volunteer S01- for quarantine station ..,..,_... 392, 934 diers’ Home ____________________ 410,954 deficic1;c¥i appropriation for quaramtincw 429 I S Exsc of p0sth11Gm0us fund .. 410 s a on .,.,,. , an ee Agency, ebr., San Francisqo, Cal., · apfropriatiou for Indian agent at . 287, 877 nppr0pria.t10u for salaries, assistant trans- or industrial school , ..,__,, 299, 888 f srgefs office .. gi, S forgnairrong ...,. 299,888 or aries, mint at an ee iver, . C., f fcr wazcz; wrzatgqgcnt expenses--- gg: gg? Sjrpnrvpréatgzior improving ------------ 350 or quamn me s 1011 .. ntwgo c , mphtha much a-- ’ 915 S a;;pz·;>)priation for consul at .____,. 146, 820 for road to matic cemetary, Presi io an 0 omingo, of ,, 405, 949 appropriation for chargé d’aEa.i.ros .,,r 141, 816 for dispatch agent .. 143, 817 or ponsul-general at .. . . 145, 819 for public building; examination of Santomm, gmudation _._ gg S dr;ty cn, and salts of .,.. 511 for rovcnuo steamer . ..-.- an os, deficiency appropriation for quarautiueu 429 S aI;pr05ri;1h<}1; for consul at ... 147,821 station _______________,.________, , an os, u io . admission of mycles for lgdwintcr Ex- 1 convcuiriqu ;';1bH1j:t\2i.D%"tO arbitration 1205 ition, utyfrec,c · C8`lD10,Bg81D8t ...,. cou£ authorized for constructing deficiency appropriation for arbitration public building . E . Bé 913 Sapa Scguc Ecuador ._... 844 I`' tic 0 r, to 0 n , ., pm mm;0£g£; o? rocks .. 364 appropriation for quqrautiue station, t 392, 934 mvmug cutter authorized for ,_. 286 d c1eucy_appr0pr1at1cu for quarantine San J0nqqi1y.River, _Cal., _ Sa t¤t8h011 --------------------.------ YT apgmizmqou for nmprovmg; cut·0ifs--- N 358 raso a Qay, Fla., _ _ or gghmng ______________,__,______ 374 , 918 wmpmuou for improving ,... 351 preliminary examination of, to be made- 364 Sa mes, · survey directed of Old River Brunch ---- 369 dilty GBE ---- E --------------------.--- 523 Sa J sc, Scwanoa veg- e., ¤T;>1>:¤pri¤i=i<>¤ for consul at -----.----- 146, 821 survcghcf, drfectgd -..--.----.---..-- 370 S J , 1 · aaT;1p$>7:*iatd0n fo; consul at ..____. 147, 821 pqymeutpf Court Ji Claims judgment to- 455 San Juan, Puerto Rico, Satm, Wh1te, appropriation for consul at -----.- 147, 821 S gqtyvguoé ----------.-.-..--.-----.---.- 510 S L1l.Obl8jJ0‘ ,Cl. am 0_, aa1;>pr01;riati0u for gmirrovcment ofharbor. 346 on free hst, rough, etc . .- - - 1 546 San Marcos, Tex., Sauces, deficiency upproprintionfcrishhatchcry- 430 duty cm -------.-.-.-...--.------..--.-- 523 San Rafae Creek, Cal., Sauerkrauy, preliminary examination of, to be made- - 364 S on hre Itnsgfi .-..-.--.. 544 Sa Salvador, auga uc j, _ w z., _ azpropriatiou for consul at ,,. 147,821 S apprggagpfo13mprovement¢>fl1nrb0r- 344 XResc —f ,A'., auga c_ yver. mm., Saazlrprggggtiou gg I:10(;li8D 'ghool ,,... 309 S appr<;pnat{T0r;’for improving ..,. 347 » 4 auger aes, i . ., Isaegndéreo list ..r._,__.._..,,_____,. 545 I appropriation forimprovement ofharbor. 341 Sand Beach, llich., _ E Sausage Sigma, appropriation for improvement of harbor. 344 i Saou frgg lm ----- - -----.--.-.-----.---.. 544 S d f . _ _ , usag, , _ ‘ ¢$;¤t;·¢<:?¤€¤ndressed. ng; specriied -----.--- vi: { Saou f;s;¤1¤g*¤.lb<>1¤z¤¤=¤ -------------------- 568 d tg iii _.._,_____ 5 usa 1 0, a .. . Sangxgésg Orlgg, I 8TH11i0d jght Of way through Lime Point ¤p5>r<>Iglri¤ti¤¤ for range lights, etc -.---. 375 2 S I}_i¤1¤==¤jyg¤»s<¤·v¤¤¤¤ ------------- 98 S , Oh- , , awge rancm ., _ _ aa';{};;·:»priatic:; for improvement of harbor- 343 g Sap8yH;6;1lt<;§{?0\u1 of Clmms Judgment t0_ 46,2 ‘ V ,M ., p wanna! _., _ _ baaiiqilrgzzgahozsgor improvement of harbor 339 a.pp1·0%r1ationdfor Ede water route to 3;,1 of refuge --·····------··-·-——----- , emu **1*- ·-———--———--——»·-- ` V. J., Pr ‘ G d, for xmprovemeut of harbor .._._____ 404, 947 Suagifiliqflgj-gfgcéén for scaggxlg, nygrnélgl shore- - for pxguggt bujkgipgiédi ______, G; _ ` . ... con san on orcous c g 2; ziggx? .,,,,_,__. 214, 706 I survegof weggbinggchmnel to Beaufort, 0p¤11'S` , '1w3d d harf ..-- 706 l .C.,ec ..------ 371 gg; gxpeusegié officegg, eg.; tools- -- 215, m E S report guRqnch0g1ge in hm-bor ._____ ____ 341 was ___________ _ _ __ amnna wer. a., paigxgut t;>egcv;*;1;5·};i;2&:., of schoonerappropriation for improving below Au- _ ` S¤¤k by pr<>i<>¤¤1<~> fwm --~-----»- 1008 ¤ abggzj ----- { 5; ---------- - ---------- gz} , `V. M . . . ugus —~·-·--——-··--—-——-·— 0 Saz;ggr€;€aH0ne`}.Jr Indian school ...,... 311, 906 for hghtugg .,.. 377. 918 for S_ M_ Cm ________ _ _____________ _ , 893 · S suyveygf. lcguected .._..,... 370 ‘· M." Col bz s Cararel,amngs an ·a,_ mtgenmb Colnlgtbiain Museum .. 842 classes of, excepted from mcome tax W s·rn·--v0L xxvrrx-88