Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1427

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INDEX. ]4Q5 Star R0uie8,_P0stal Qermce, _ Statuettes, China, etc., Page apprgpmgihgn for Inland mg;] trangpor- duty 011 white ..._.. 512 St h muon by ,______________._.___.. 105, 692 decorated 512 arc , Statutes at Large, °“¤fK£.'£ iii11i11i?"; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘* EZ? &"'i“2“% 2L‘fh°’?3°°‘ ‘“‘““€L‘£i°“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 6*5 Stark, John H., _ _ -----*- u:1e---?T-???’. ??---?-?f-Y?1: 615

of gmrus Judgment tv- 456 swam: at Large, Fzftythird congms,

· . . · · a.ppr0pr1ation for ed1tmg, etc . 170,778 S,¤¤g¤;,<:¤ ¤¤,g~==·¤·=·* -----—------—--—---—-— 9*** sm Bam m` » mn · * freeliét payment of Court of Claims judgment to, 456 i °° ‘‘‘‘‘’’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*"‘‘‘’’‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 545 State Admission o a New SW”€8’ _ provisions for Utah -- . ,______ 107 on fr°° hSt» w°°d ··-·· · ···········-----· 546 State avg ldTe·M~it0r211l Homes, Volunteer Sts!!?? on , 0 t I 17 0 M8, u non r s ee .`.. 5 appropriation for uid to; deductions if - Stcam_Vessels, _ pensions retained _____..________ 412,955 mammugu tluclm of externally fired goiiciency agglgpriatiou for ...___ 434, 853 _ b01}6l‘fp]élt6¤ mééteased --%. -563 , , 690 ocumeuts sent . . ...______ 159 I61I118510D 0 BBS, 9 ·, 0B, BX 671 to State Capital Printing Cmnfpan , 811 vessels .< : - .._, 595 deficiency appropriation or agvertising- 858 Stecmnboat-Inspection Service, . ` ' State, ctc., Departments, Auditor for (see l appropriation for Supervising Inspectorggdigr fozstho State and other 1 (Laneragé c1erks,og;g_B ___________ 179,780 pa men . accoun to examin y Audito f State, War, and Navy Department Building, [ Treasury Department . 1; XY 206 appropriationc for clerk, engineers, wa.tch—89 790 inspection SiS1I0D and steel boiler plates men, e ._.. 1 , u. m' ..,.________________ _ ______ 28 fog fuelz lights, etc ._ 189, 790 stanrgfr by assistant inspector, etc ___,,___28 opemug b1ds for supphes 33 pe Sy for forgmg, om _________________ 28 Statcment_of Ap;»rq>rmatim•q,_ www of foreign vessels abolappropnatnou or preparation . 418,958 1sb _..______,______ _ ____________ 699 Staten Islam; Light-House Depot, N Y, inspectorsof hullsaudofboilers; districts; S appro£lr;agonN olnsea wa.11, etc 374, 917 sa1ariesM _________________ _ _____ 699 ta en , . ., error correc ._____________,___ _ ____ 34,3 approggzigstggnaiear channel between New 341 annual repo: of inspections as basis of 699 States, ~`-<-----------_------- I 3SB`1St8D· tinspecntoiénntigonz-zod_—}'§Qi§fi];§; dei·icienqy_ appropriation for refund to. ‘ etc .______ _ ____________ ___ 599 ra1sgu_g volunteers .. T ... 480,871 I Steamboat Letters, Postal Service, . copy of mihtary lustory of reggments to, appropriation for __________________ __ _ mg, 693 ¤¥0¤ g0V61'¤01"¤ ¤PPH<>¤*}°¥{· - - ; ·- - 788 { Steamboat Routes, Postal Service, grunt ;>md6¤¢1’|¤ buds *9, fo1' ¤'¤8¤¤¤¤· 402 I approporiation for mail transportation - .. ~ * r q loan of vessels, etc., to, for naval militia. il _“eamhig3 ````"”`````'````` 10°’ 69'“ uses . - ., . .- 1.. 9 · · - . · · ···· · perrmtt to unload on muking pre11m- may tax natwua.1 currency and Treasury · . ,. ¤<·*—·=¤ ¤··= ···<>¤¤v —---—-------- - —--- ~ 27* - M (8e2E7H ¥£`S£§ “A ‘‘‘‘‘`‘`‘‘°`‘‘ S" statement of annual profits not required- 556 ‘ ‘ duty on stmcm Stationery, Postal Service, [ b0i]m,’0r other lxé ’·‘··············· appropriation for ...s. 105, 691 k I h P °' ·················· g smmmaz Abstract, · Qc: P· “ °*“Y"q· ";° -···—--·—-—-----·—·- 512 _p,4nu¤g mmm-ized; aimibumm _.. am hwmgmd Ofgryi -———--·—---———~——— ${9 Statistics, liureau of, Treasury Depart- l mjlgjay bam mils 8% ‘··········· ···· gl; "'?” .· . I u ts .. I . Z ZZ ````-'`````'`` ' 8ppI'0I;Yt::$t!0D· for 0mc7f -clcr¤{78 , Btc. , é;1VéI£i2C·d,_  ; ; Smmm pm¤m,1>epm·¢men¢ or Agway]- = §{};°§§fI}{§@”i°,;,P*§{fe‘§f,‘;°3*· §§1'§1“,{‘,ffi,‘Q,· 5*6 3 1-0 tgiztiou rm- mumcmu clerks 265 728 °*°·# ”°* P°1?°h°d ——-- I ——-—·---»—— I 516 PEL, Expenses ______. ’ .._ I j 266; 729 § . ¥‘h°°§· mgcm °’ md; °**€°*— 5*6 · monthly crop report .. 266, 729 , mgo ’ cu gs’ ‘‘‘‘·‘····· · ······ 516 exuendi foreign markets for domes- wm ‘‘‘‘ I HH ‘·‘‘‘‘’‘··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ 5*7 do P,g§um ____________________ 266,729 1 rw vwrmce ..-.~. 517 Sfczwary, , _ _ _ 1 *``‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ E'}; on fl-go 11st; deimtwu of ..l 042 · lates ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘······· · ···········— - B for societies, etc ._...v.. 543,544 St ?O1.Z 7; '‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘· · ··············· ··-- M9 Slatuary Hall, Capitol. ee ‘ .87,}-per $(1* eign Wisconsin authorized to place statue of “PPr°I:h’?gu°¤ or h’·8h‘P0W€T $1115; ad- __ Pere Marquette in ,... 12 Steele Vg18g?}? —·-----~—----—-—--·····- 214v *04 St t , D. C., * .’ · _ gpggpdadon for G€u_ william Tecum. 94. _ Stpiyment ofgudgmeut, Court of Clauns to- 469 h Sh _____________________ 3 ee s, . pe;-mjsgiqu for erecting, of Dr. 9_3 , Stdjlty Oli tag}? eff .. , .,,_,,__ 513 ue , ross . v ‘ etnmann. 0 n. 7., appropriation for pedestal 973 I payment of Court of Claims judgmgnt t0_ 463