Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1443

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INDEX. 142], Pa . _ Wabasla Rivqr, Ind. _¢md Ill:, ge War Department (see also Army), Page appropnataou for 1mprovmg, above Vin- appropriation for Secretary, Assistant. ccuues __..__.. .. .. 356 clerks, etc _._... 186, 787 below Viuceunes ______,,,,... 356 annual report of contract; and pm-. Waccamaw Rwer N C. and S. C., chases, repealed ___ _______________ 787 apgropriatiou for improving 350 for clerks, etc., Record md Pension Wa; er, Jzihgz W., alias Wagger, 982 Office -.i ...___,______ 186, 788 ‘ c urge 0 ‘ osertiou ramov regimauta histories to State _____ 788 Waddington, N. K, Adjutant-Geucm1’s Office . 187,788 prelimmary examination of harbor to be - In?ect0r-Geuera1’s Office .,.. 187, 788 made . 367 Ju ge—Adv0cate·General’s Omce. _ 187, 788 Wada, Gun, . Signal Office ; ..._,___ 187,788 duty on . ... 534 3ua.rtermastcr—Genera,1’s OtHce___ 187,788 Wafers, _—Gcucml’s 0501: . 187,788 on free list, uumedicatcd, not ed1b1c . 545 Surgeon-Gcucm1’s Oficc . 187, 788 Wages. Government Printing Omce, r-Gcneral’s 0H10s ... 188,789 maximul/{1/1él night work . 607 0; ggicf gg Ordnance .. 188, 789 Wagmr, i iam M., o 'ef Engm' oars .. 188,789 paymdgt of Court of Claims judgment to- 468 f OHM; of liebellion Records ... 188, 789 W n locks, or pos ages amps ..____ 188, 789 ggotree list . 546 for contingent expenses ..___ 188, 789 Wahpcton Indians, forsta.ti0m>ry ... 188, 789 appropriation for peg capita!. 1:0: - - - : - - - 300, 889 for rent: ,. : .. I .. 188, 789 or scouts and soldwrs, dxstubutnonu- 889 for officc Public Buildings and Wales. Philip S., Ul S. Nag], _ _ Grounds, clerk, gardeners, watchcredit in accounts direc ; coudmou- - - 826 f giginécténv; . H N .. 188, 790 W lk , Edwin. or , 313 811 8 Department dleigency appropriation for legal serv- 444 buildizag, clerk, eugueers, wamhisg 790 'ces . - mw, 8 , Walker,lGeorge H., _ _ , fol'hBiI$,€b0·,9f pors0nski11cdiuFord’¤ dgiigigm; appropriation for services 865 -Tl{eutBr dlsastcr .. _ _ _ _ 932 Walker, Join g.,Rcar-Adén:m§IU S. Navy, 990 gcr 01V`¤1 cnppens? und;!; 200, 3:1 _ accept ecoration m ouczuc -- or armones an arse s ,__ 00, 1 Wm, R. Pollard, _ for buddings and grounds, D. C ..._. 401, 943 pa tof Com-1: of Claims Judgment to- 467 for mmhtary posts ; pqrks .. . 403, 945 Wa 12er Indian Reservahon, _ 1 number of assistant surgeons appropriation for support, etc. , of Iud1¤u§04 898 chauggdi - - .a§S€lB;ééa. - .1. - B_ _? _ 403 .,... , paymcn 0 c er Walker,O{’1how11as J., · unused leaves of absence T 403 Wpaymeut of Ccgrt of Claims judgment to- 456 _ tra.usfo{ of military records of the 403 ll, W’l1` ., g R} ou on . T . Saymeur $1,:303rt of Claims judgment tc- 463 1 for rxvor and harbor 1mprovemeutg_ _ 304 39336 W lla W ll I, 1 _ _ gppmpgiagior? f1<;·":upport, etc., of . 303, 892 . for uatmun.1 cemetancs . 404; 949 Wallace, Elbert. 1 Gattysbur% battlefield .. 405 payment of Court of Claims judgment Autietum attlefield .. . - 950 m .,.,,.,_,, 474,475 I for survey, uorthern, etc., lakes 405, 950 Wallace, John TI, for commzssmn on deep-water channels uyaymeut of Courgof Claims judgment 1:0- 473 f Great Llgxes to the Attglautic ______ im ll , Il 'ce ., or sp0 pgmaps,e ..____ , ugayflgfmft gtugzurt of Claims judgment to- 469 . ;or lnxubsagemsiéi _ ia} _____ 4435, II ln . or app umces or sa so 011-- - 5. spiicfpégion for consul at -.» 147. 822 I ior C 9553 ll B ti , 1 or a 0 ospuz, . . ,9 W;;1p;(;1r0p1ri(e;t;e€;11Bforc0wsfurnished Indians- 899for expenses of military convicts 408, 951 `Walneat Bend. Ark., I for Rebellion Records __..___..,____ 406, 951 examination of Mississippi River at, to { for artillery school. Fort Monroe 406, 951 revcnt dama to Saint Francis for infantry and cavalry school, Fort P B' er ge 582 I Leavenworth Kaus 406 951 IV - . ...- - - · ---------- · · - . · ···--··-·—- - s ' Walnuta, _ for New York Harbor .. 406, 951 duty on .. _ ... . . 524 per11tat1:)c}1t appropriations for 406 · h °l' J-. no avec .---..

VV;g!;{14f;;tz0?lpC01;)rt of Claims judgment to- 473 for military prison, Fort Imvmwmh, 40-

' tv ‘ I(3n_s '*·*····‘‘·‘··· ; · ·········· ‘ (Z.;Z;1e;1€1<;f $i>urt of Claims judgment to- 456 _ for National Home for Disabled Vol- _ V*}:¤1~1»1 Walfer J-- _ _ ¤s¤¢¤¤¤ ----------·- ------- :- ·{08»9·>1 vlyuy-mem of (ifurt of Clmms Judgment to- 483 for 2;.112 u1;:sSta.te or Temtomal soldzgerz 19 Q_- . Z · 1 ··················-···--·- **1 00 al;;€5’;;uJ0f _____ _______, _ _.________ 1005 for back pay, bounty, and commutation u£°,.‘ John E., 1 <>f ¤1i<>¤¤ - : - - 412- 955 payment of com-1; of Claims judgment to- 463 { £0r Kugdbiudlng ... Indi , 1 or _ c emy .. 0,*1 T§’§.'€,‘}’,$‘§¤.m E>'I·°¤c¤¤¤¤ me mum: an- 889 1 gr ggnnmnom . . . gg, gg ¤·ib¤¤<>¤ --------------·---------- mj :1---;--, ---~--»---- ; ---· 1 ' W ppoo C t. S. C. ! dciicmncy a proprmhon for repmrs old gpproprigtiou foxsimproving 350 Fm·d’s 'lgmater ,.,,,____,__,..,, , . - 2, 42, 59