Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/437

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408 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 301. 1894. m{j:g¤,g·¤ gggghgg Nnrronn. norm non nrsnnnn vonunrnnu sonnmus. soldiers. Snmwrt. For the support of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, as follows: myan. ons. Ar rms Cmrrnnr. Bannon, AT D.4YroN,_ Qmo: For current °"""°"* °‘l’°"°°· expenses, namely: Pay of omcers and noncommissioned ouicers of the home, with such exceptions as are hereinafter noted, and their clerks and orderlies; also payments for chaplains and religious mstruction, printers, bookbinders, telegraph and telephone operators, guards, policemen, watchmen, and nre company; for all property and materials purchased for their use, including repairs not done by the home; for necessary expenditures for articles of amusement, boats, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, and musical instruments, and for repaus not done by the home; for librarians and musicians; also for stationery, advertising, legal advice, and for such other expenditures as can not properly be included under other heads of expend1ture, one ‘ mm. thousand dollars: Provided, That in addition to this amount not ex- ¤£$",,’{§f'“°"' *"“l eeeding sixty-four thousand dollars of the balance of the *‘ Posthumous fund," in the hands of the treasurer of this Branch on July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, may be used for payments authorized under this head. _ ¤¤¤·*•¤¤¤·- For subsistence, namely: Pay of commissary sergeants, commissary i clerks, porters, laborers, and orderlies employed in the subsistence department; bakers, cooks, dishwashers, waiters, bread—cutters and butchers; the cost of all animals, fowls, and iish purchased for provisions; of all articles of food, their freight, preparation, and serving; of tobacco; of all dining-room and kitchen furniture and utensils, bakers’ and butchers’ tools and appliances, and .their repair not done by the home, three hundred and seventeen thousand dollars; naman. · For household, namely: Expenditures for furniture for officers’ quarters; for bedsteads, bedding, and all other articles required in the quarters of the members, and for their repair if they are not repairedby the home; for fuel, including fuel for cooking, heat, and light; for engineers and firemen; bath-house keepers, hall cleaners,laundrymen, gas-makers, and privy watchmeu, and for all machines, tools, materials, and appliances purchased for use under this head, and for their repair unless the repairs are made by the home; also for all labor and material for gpholstery shops, broom and soap shops, ninety thousand six hundred o urs; · Hvrriw- For hospital, namely: Pay of assistant surgeons, matrons, druggists, hospital stewards, ward masters, nurses, cooks, waiters, readers, hospital carriage-drivers, hearse-drivers, grave-diggers, inneral escort, and for such labor as may be necessary; for surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, medicine, liquors, fruits, and other necessaries for the sick not on the regular ration; for bedsteads, bedding, and materials and all other articles necessary for the wards; kitchen and dining-room furniture and appliances, carriage, hearse, stretchers, coil fins, and materials; for tools of grave-diggers, and for all repairs not done by the Home, fiftythree thousand nine hundred dollars; ·rm¤p¤r-uses. For transportation, namely: For transportation of members of the home, two thousand five hundred dollars. c¤¤m·¤¤¤¤¤. A For construction and repairs, namely: Pay of chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths, carpenters, cabinetmakers, coopers, painters, gasiitters, plumbers, tinsmiths, wire-workers, steam-litters; stone masons, _quarrymen, whitewashers, and laborers, and for all machines, tools, gppliances, and materials used under this head, seventy thousand o ars; _ Fun- For farm, namely: Pay of farmer, chief gardener, harness-makers farm hand, gardeners. stablcmen, teamsters, dairymen, hog-feeders, and laborers, and for all machines, implements, tools, appliances, and materials required for such work; for grain, hay, and straw, dressing