Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/720

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FIFTY -TH1RD CON GBESS. Sess. HI. Gus. 139, 140. 1895. 691 amount of steam pressure that will be permitted to be carried in boilers constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Act shall be determined hom measurements showing the least thickness of the p a es. Sec. 2. That all laws or parts of laws conflicting with this Act are Renalhereby repealed. Approved, Febrnary 28, 1895. CHAP. 140.-An Act Makirgxpppropriations for the service of the Post-Omoo Do- February 2s, 1896. pertinent for the fiscal year en g June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. -it-1- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, §’°*!**·l••¤*¤··P1>¤* and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the Post-Oiiice mm"' Department, in conformity with the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, as follows: d OFFICE or Tmt POSTIASTER-GENERAL. Pcstmasm-seumi. For advertising, five thousand dollars. Auvmmug. For miscellaneous items in the office of the Postmaster-General, one ummmu thousand dollars. OFFICE or THE FIRST AS ISTANT P0sT1LAsTEB·GmNEmAL. 1*‘ir¤¤A¤•\¤¤¤¤P¤•# mnstor·Geueral. ‘ For compensation to postmasters, sixteen million dollars. P·>·¤¤•¤*¤¤ For compensation to clerks in post-offices, ten million one hundred A Clerk- ir- 1>¤¤¢·¤F thousand dollars. °°°` For rent, light, and fuel for first and second class post·offices, nine B¤¤Lligl¤¢.¤¤•if¤d· hundred thousand dollars. _ For rent, light, and fuel for post»offices of the third class, seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That there shall not be allowed for the use of any third-class postoflice for rent a sum in excess of four qc.:"" °`"°"°`”° °f hundred dollars nor more than sixty dollars for fuel and lights in any one ear. F1; necessary, mi cellaneous, and incidental items directly connected M*¤¤¤¤¤¤•=¤¤=» with first and second class postoffices, including furniture, one hundred and nfty thousand dollars: Provided, That the Postmaster-General, in his discretion, under such regulations as he shall prescribe, may ’° t"°‘ authorize any of the postmasters of said offices to expend the fund he may allow them for such purposes without the written consent of the Postmaster-General. For advertising at first and second class post—oi’1ices, fifteen thousand M*•>¤i¤*¤s- dollars. For free delivery service, including existing experimental free-deliv- *"'°°°*°"'°¤'- ery omces, twelve million seven hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and eighty-three dollars and sixty-four cents. For stationery in post-offices, fifty thousand dollars. $*··**¤¤·¤‘¥· For wrapping twine, eighty thousand dollars. T*i¤¤· For wrapping paper, fifty thousand dollars. P•w·· For letter balances, scales, and test weights, and repairs to same, S°•'°*- fifteen thousand dollars. For postmarking and rating stamps, and repairs to same, and ink "g:¤·=¤1i¤s. ctc-. and pads for stamping and canceling purposes, thirty thousand dollars. "' For packing boxes, sawdust, paste, and hardware, one thousand five Putin; boxes. eu. hundred dollars. For printing facing slips and cutting same, card slide-labels, blanks Prl¤¢i¤:- and books of an urgent nature for the postal service, fifteen thousand dollars. For rental of canceling machines, sixty thousand dollars. C¤¤°¤*i¤&¤¤·¤¤i¤••