Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1001

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978 INDEX. North Dakota, Page- Oakland .-igency, Okla., _ Pageappropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, , O alpprolpnatlion for Indian agent at . 322 · etc . . 173 572 Y u an fa . for incidental expenses, Indian service in y 338 i appropriatidn for improvement of harbor. 213 double fees allowed tield deputy marshals.. 183 { condemned cannon, etc., donated for sol- North Dakota and Minnesota Central Railway , 0 h d.iers’ monument in cemetery .. L 473 Company j at a may bridge Red River of the North, Minn. 186 E commissioners and clerks of courts may North Georgia Agricultural College, g administer .. . .. _..: . 184 released from payment for destroyed gun. 751 ‘ of marshals and deputies may be adm1ms— North Jlanitou Island, Mich., , tered by Federal or State 0iIicers.. . 481 temporary lease of land for light station; ~ Obion River, Tenn., condemnation, ..,,, , ,,... . . -- . . 91 ~ appropriation for improvement of 224 North Paci c Pilot Chart Obacemc Literature approprgtiou for expenses . 165, 564 ‘ sendinig,lby expiesscompanies, etc., uulaw- 512 North River Wash.u .·.-.. . ---.. ---- preliminaiy examination of, to be made- 238 punishment . . . . 512 Northern and Northwestern Lakes, Observatory, Naval (acc Naval Observatory). appropriation for printing charts, etc . 414 Oecoquan Creek, Va., tbr surveys, etc . ... 444 i appropriation for improvement of --.- 219 Northern ('lueyevmc and Arapahoe Indiana, Ocean and Lake Surveys, appropriation for fulfilling treaties with-. 329 O appropriation for . . . . . . 362, 649 Northern Cheyenne Indiana , ceanic Steamship Company appropriation for comniission to negotiate appropriation for edditiohal compensation for removal of} to Crow Reservation- 341 O kl Pacific mail service; limit. ... 315, 647 Northern, clc. Frontiers c awaha River Fla. entry and ’ele£ara`n‘cf {'lee; by vessels on 0 apizropriatiomfor improvement of . .. . 221 waters o a is e -... 689 cmu gcc River Ga. Northern Liberty Jiarket, Washington D. C., appropriatioh forjimprovement of .-.. 220 drawback certiiicaties authorized for losses, Oconee River, Ga., f destruction 0 .. .--. ---- 500 appropriation for improvement 0 --. . 220 Northern New York Railroad Company, Oconto, Wis., maybriidge, Saix?Lawrence River, Hogans- O appropriation fog improvement of harbor. 212 urg N. - 603 , cracokc Inlet N. . Nmhm Pacific Railroad Land Grants, g survey of, directed . .. 242 appropriation forcommissionersto classify- 436 ’ Odessa, Nor! rn Padjio Railroad Cmnpany, · apipropriation for consul at .. 34, 586 deiiciency appropriation for classifying - or clerk hire . . .. . . . -. 36, 588 mineral lands, grant to .. . .. 22 O’Driscoll, B. J., settlers on second gndemnigy Liin- deficiency appropriation for, Ford’s Theanesota may ave other an s or, ter disaster .. . . 274 canceled entries . ... 245 Officers, Army, Northport Harbor, X. Y., appropriation for pay of line; longevity. 60, 609 preliminary examination of. to be made. .. 238 for pay of general stat}`; longevity . 61, 610 Norlbporl Wash. for pay of retired' longevity . . 62, 611 deficiency appropriation for ore-sampling V for commutation of quarters ... 63, 612 works . 270 , d iipr mileage; allowance 63, 612 Northville, Jlich., e ciency appropriation for pay etc .. 21, detioiency appropriation for iish hatchery. 279 ’ 283, 307, 311 condemned cannon, etc., donated Grand no deduction from pay for defect in comkArmy post at ..., . . 133 xplission if service performed during Norvml · Conn. the war . -. . 593 appropriation fog improvement of harbor. 204 title ani! uniform of highest rank in Reg- Norway Sircrhn an u nr Army uring the war allowed appropriation for minister . . . . .. 28, 579 discharged, etc ..,,__,._.,, ,,_, 511 proclamation tsuspepdinip igohibition of 872 volunteers, to have rank from date in comimporta ion 0 catt e om . mission . . . . . . . . " 93 Nottingham. Ojiccrv, Marine Corps, 0 appropriation for consul at .. .. .. 33, 585 appropriation for pay .. 375, 662 for clerk hire . . .. . 36, 588 allotments of pay permitted _,______,_____ 361 1\`o.x:ube·0 River, .l[iu., to receive beneiit of service in other corps. 361 N apprzpriztiou for improvement of 221 no payments to, employed by contractors 'uero are 0 a ter June 30 1897 .. ... 361 A appropriation for consul-general at .. . 32 employment made unlawful . -. . 361 for clerk hire . - 36 Ojiccra, Navy, Nuremberg appropriation for pay . . 361 648 appropriation for consul at . . 33, 585 allotments of pay permitted ,_,_ _ _,,,_,_,, ’ 361 A for glerk hire .- ... 36,588 no deduction firom pay for defect in com. Horses, rmy, mission i service f d durin Ymay be buried in national cemeteries. 625 the war . , QT? . . . 593 1\•yacl‘_Harbor, 3. Y.: _ to receive benefit of service in other preliminary examination otj to be made. . - 237 corps . - . . .. 361 extended to surgeons appointed for meri- 0. torious yel1ow—iever services ... 361 no A J t Q I no payigentis to, ganpggyled by contractors . . fygatc wouer, a er une , 1 _________________ 361 deigcieency appiippriatiou for refund of Erie. 272 O employment made unlawful- ... .. .. 361 Oak rc ard, X. . jlicial Gazette, Patent Ojii , survey of hurboljdircctcd ·... 242 appropriation for pmaugisg . ... 170, 569