Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1021

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998 1N1>1‘—1x. ,;,,;;,,,-8, Malachi, Pago. S4¤dyHoo]c1froe,•ing Groupd, M J.—C0nt’d. Pm pension ____,,,,_,_, ,. . . . . ... . 831 8PiP¥`0Pl'l:;l*;\ for;?g;1;:: °t°· ···· · ······642 Ag; d , orpro oono ...--- - ------ a=¤;;>r':>;>ri=¤1¤i<»¤ for minister -.--- . . 28, 579 S•w¢¤dB¤r?Lar¤;t0,•;_1gntry Los Angela di met 384 Som a Island; ma osu pc _ _ _ 9 5

1 0 :1 riation for motcctin interests iu. 31,582 immediate transportainon prwxlogas oxmp on , .. . . . ... . .

So pple lb 'd I g tended to 384 grauiicd honorable discharge ... . . 822 Santa Fc County, N. Mex, Sams, Founiain 1·'., issue of bonds by, va11dat0d .. 488 doiiciouoy appropriation for, 1·`ord's Thou- 274 S mpygofgndindobtoduess . 489 tor disaster an a `e, ’. ex., San An l T ., o propriation for Indian school .. 348 tnfmgzfqycoalit __,_ __, _______,____,,__ ,,_ _ 456 I Sarga, Jugnigq Bay, Ca],, San Carlos Agency, Ariz., i board of onginocrs authorized to select loappropriatiou for Iudum agent at . 322 , cation, etc., deep water harbor at San Carlos Indian Reservation, Ariz., | Sap Pedro or . . .. .. 213 agreement with Indians for ceding coal 358 I Santa Moowz, Coii., V 1 te Sol 1 el .. . . .. · approprw. 1011 or expenses o un or - conhxes ..,, , , , , ,... . , 360diars’ Home ,,,,,, , _ __,__,,,,_,_.,.. 447 nppropriaggon for survey of rouadary line. g I Santas,. Hiram, 825 coded lan open to mincra en y 9 pcnsnou .. . ... . . .. S Di , C l. SontooAgency Nebr. agppropriattion for improvement of harbor. I S“app’ro;'ri:;tion for indian agent at. .-.. 322 for quarantine station. . ‘ n i ma _ _ _ San Felipe Agricultural, Memujocturing and l Sadaigiogncy nérpzopnatnon for services . 291 lrrigoiion Company F n e {vcr, _ . '. _ lands in Texas rgcouvoyeil to ,.. . . 126Saapprgpl‘iBt;;)¤ fi;? lIl1p1‘0V81!10l1t of ---- 220 Son Francisco, Cal. ntco iou.1: gcncy, appropriation for dispatch agent .. . . 30, 581 ; appropriation for Indian school .. . -.. 333 for salaries, assistant troasurofs offico. {gg, gg; { Sa forqmatrouk . .. 7:-. .. - ---- 333 f gal i S, min: at ,,___,.,.. nlm riour n ions in 'e ras ‘a for wa;;;; contingent expenses .. 159; 559allowances to, receiving mouoy in lion of for marine hospital .. . . 416 allotments . ..-. - .------ -- ------ 33*i for quarantine station . . Santiago do Cuba? 1 t 84 585 for lighpvossol ,...,,,., appropriation or comm a . . , dciicioncysppropriotion for assistant tron- 278 Sontiopr {Boer, Orcg., ti f to b 238 um; ,,,_ , _____ _ _,__,,.. pre rmxnary oxamma on o o 0 .. repeal of provision {or entry at, of vessels 691 Santo Domingo, f b 6 dy ,H_ 28 580 for certain other ports .. .- .. appropriation 0I' 0 org R h\i1‘6S ... survey of rocks in harbor, directed 2333 S for consul-general at . . . - . . 32; 584 terms of court ..., . .. ---- 1anloa San Jacinto Forest Reservation, Cal., appropriation for consul at .. ... . 34, 585 proclamation setting apart. .. ---- 893 Sarasota Bay, Fla., Son Joaquin River, ('ol., _ appropriation for improvement of --.. 221 approprisrtion for improvement of; distri- 232 1 Sargaant, Daniel K., f F d Th ution ... - . . . . . ¢ ciicioncy appropriation or or ’s oaforeiighting- ... 419 S tz: disaster .. . -... 274 Son Jos , argentizabelh A. (moiher) appropriation for consul at .. 34,586 ; pension .. . I .. .-.. 745 Son Jem: del ’orle Q Saaomm River Me. appropriation for consul ot .. 34, 586appropriation for improvement of . -.. 215 . i . Son Juan, Poerto lm-o, I Sougotuckn Mach., Saappropibiaiuou grlconsul at . . .-.- 34,586 5 S upprppnggiop for improvement of harbor. 211 n nm bupo, o ., { auger wa, . . npplroprizmou ior improvement of hnrbor- 214 i appropriation ’ for improvement of bar- Son orcor, Tex., 1 bor . ... 206 S dof;)¢;i;anc5£'oppropriation for fish hatchery. 279 1 So¤om•oh,_Gto., f _ t f h b an ro. a . appropna non or nmprovomon o or orboard of engineers authorized to select lo- { P contracts . . . . . , , ,. I 208 cation, own, for deep-water harbor, l for improvement of inside water route to 9 S I Soianta Mcmco Bay or. . . 213 I Fornandimn ., . ,,..,.,,_,__,,,. , 221 . on o vu r, for public buildin · cost increased. 415 S aoppopxzatgyilonl for consul at .. . .- . 34,586 contract? authoring rot steamboat chan- GTN GM » iv n, i nc to Beaufort S. C . -. 208 npproprgotifon for improvement of harbor 2 ‘ Savannah River, Go., , 0 rv nge ...·.. 11n ro riation forim ro omont f bot Samiford, Eliza (daughter), { PP gavanush andlkuéinta. .?.t .- - YT? 220 pension .. 753 K for im ro am 1: or, a 6 A B; , 220 Sandusky, O., 5 for Iig¥nti;g...T Y. . .KqT..? . 419 appropriation for improvement of harbor; 2 X Sayre, Warren G., survey. ·.----..--·- . - ...-.. -.- 10 ¤ s pr riation fora o no .. .- ... 339 for range lights ,... .-.. . . . ..., , 417 I Soogpoog Bay, Ong.,:-P u Sandy Bay. Cope Arm, Mans., W preliminary examinations of, to be made-- 238 oplvropxéiatgan for improvement of harbor Soloifrli, Annie (widow), 0 T6 ¤g¤ .-·.-. - ·-----·--.··--- 203 ‘ union . . 819 Sogndy Hook Proving Ground, N. J., I Scllmling, Lewis C., appropriation for our-rout expenses ...,.. 259, pgngigu. ing-eased ____ _ ___________________ 720 for expcpsos of oniccm, ctc ... 259,64s , Sqwol Bmldmyi, N. JIM., for r¤p¤¤·¤ t¤ track . . . 259, 643 . issue of bonds for, validated. . 488