Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/378

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348 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 398. 1896. and tlfby dollars; for pay of superintendent of said school, one thou-

 sand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-eight thousand   hundred

$$5;*;] mmm 0, and fifty dollars: Provided, That hereafter no Indian child shall be went to •»=¤k¤ pnvil taken from any school in any State or Territory to a school in any ‘°"‘°"'°' S"“°‘ other State against its will or without the written consent of its


“¥’°"°"°— “““‘· For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Pipostone, Minnesota-, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, sixteen thousand seven hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand two hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, twenty-five hundred dollars; in all, twenty thousand four hundred dollars. S**°¤· ONS- For upport and education of two hundred and hfty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Salem, Oregon, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars por annum each, forty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand six hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, one thousand five hundred dollars; for providing water supply, two thousand dollars; in all, forty-six thousand eight hundred and iifhy dollars. S“"“‘ F"·N·M°‘· For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Santa Fe, New Mexico, at one hundred and sixty- seven dollars each per annum, thirty-three thousand four hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand six hundred d011g1g; tgr wang; iixgifg fc; irrigation and firc protection, one thousun ve uu 0 s· or eneral repairs and im rovcments one thousand dollars; for erecltiou of hospital, two thousugd five hunllrod dollars; in all, forty thousand dollars. tffQ°§‘,F‘;§f’ K""'" For support and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyouning, at one hundred and sixtyauveu dollars per annum each, twenty-five thousand aud fifty dollars; for psy of superintendent at said school, one thousand four hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, four thousand

 dollars; in all, thirty thousand four hundred and ifty dollars.

T°*'”‘*'· w“· For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils ul; the Indian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, sixteen thousand seven hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand four hundred dollars; for gener:] repaiis and imyirowéegxailnts, one thousand dollars; in ull, nineteen thousand one hum re 0 ams. T*’*“•P°"*“°"·°*°· For collecting and transportation of pupils to and Hom Indian schools, and also for the transportation of Indian pupils from all tshe Indian schools and placing of them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of such suitable white families ns may in all respects be qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, under arrangements in which their proper care, sup~ Tris, sung éeclncation shall be in exchange for their labor, thirty-five t ousun 0 urs. “EQQ{;Q§{§§ "“‘I‘”’F“ That the Commissioner of Indian Ahhirs shall employ Indian girls as gssiefsing nnamins ;ll\(1 IIl(llElll boys as fgfmerz und industrial teachers lll u n iam sc noo s w 1en it is practices 0 to 0 so. _H3"X;;j;*;fj’*;j;'_y{;;{}{ That the expenditure of the money appropriated for school purposes ¤¤p··m1am¤·»». in this Act shall be nc all times under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner ut' Indian Atihirs, and in all respects in conformity with such conditions, rules, und regulations us to the conduct and methods of instruction and expenditure of money as may from time to Tn? be prescribed by him, subject to the approval of the Secretary of t e n erior. . plf;;jQ;}‘{j§j;l`!;;{;Q]{j Sec. 2. That no purchase of supplies for which appropriations are herein made, exceeding in the aggregate five hundred dollars in value,

 at any one lime, shall be made, without first giving nt least three weeks’

mE¤¤¤v*¤¤¤· ¤¤:~·¤- public notice by advertisement, except in case of exigency, when, in ` the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, who shull make mn