Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/957

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934 INDEX. Page. I Page. Cotton States and International Exposition Com- Crew List—Contiuued. pany, penalty if all persons not present; excepbalances from nppropriations for Govern- tion . .. . ... 688 ment exhibit to be paid to . . 454 Crews, transfer of Government building to Atlanta 271 space to be allowed, on seagoing vessels. . 688 Council Blufs, Iowa, on Mississippi steamers .. . . 688 terms of court . . . 2 Crimes, Counlerfciting and other Crimea, appropriation for prosecution of .. . . . . 449 appropriation lor suppressing . . .. 430 Crimea and Lliadomeanow (seo also Fines, Pendeticiency appropriation for suppressing. . 269 alties, and Forfeitures), Coimlerpoise Gun Cawiage, Howell, _ appeals or writs of error in cases not appropriation for purchase and test .. 260 capital taken to circuit courts of ap- County lfouda, D. C., peals . . 492 appropriation for current repairs ... 399, 671 death penalty reduced to1i1`e imprisonment for constructing; schedule ... 399, 671 in certain cases .. . ... · -- 487 . suspension of building permits on Con- penalty for depositing ballast, oiial, etc., neeticnt avenue extended . 400 l in Potomac River, D. C . 127 revoked . . . . . . . 672 for falsely impriniingnotice of copyright, _ Court-House, D. C., or importing, selling, etc., article so appropriation for care of . .. . - . . 408, 680 marked .. . . . . . . . . .. 694 dencieucy appropriation for repairs .. 282 for receiving illegal fees, etc., by court Court of Appeals, D. C., officials .. . . ---. 183 appropriation fiziliistices, clerks, etc- .. 178,577 for unauthorized performance of copy- for reporter e of reports . --.. 178, 577 righted compositions ... 481 appeals from decrees, etc., in cases under for using illegal measures, District of highways eystem . . 2 Columbia .. 192 certiorari by Supreme Court allowed . 692 for violating medical laws and regulawrits of error from police court to ... 608 tions, District of Columbia . 201 Court of Claims, punishment for destroying survey marks, appropriation for judges, clerks, etc 178, 578 etc., Indian Territory .. 343 for contingent expenses . . 178, 578 for failure to extinguish camp fires . 594 for reporting decisions . . . 178, 578 for false statements, etc., fraternal benefifor printing and binding . 453 cial associations .. 1 . --.- 634 deficiency appropriation for defending for falsely personating inspectors, Disf suits in .. { . . . .. 26, 24 trict of Columbia K-. -i.. . . 619 or paying judgments; np 305 for injurin monuments, unt ng, etc., for paying judgments, depreds- nationai military parks . ... 621 tion claims .. . .. 306 for passing, making, etc., mutilated claim of James Stewart referred to .. . 809 coins . . . . .. 625 of "'1`ally-Ho" owners referred to .. 483 3 for prize fighting, etc .-.. . . 5 Court of Prirafe Land Claims, ¤ for sale, etc., of intoxicating drinks to appropriation for salaries .. 178, 576 Indians .. . - . . .. . . . . 506 tor expenses .. . .- .,.. 449 for sending obscene literature, etc., by extended to March 4, 1899 -- 577 common carriers . .. 512 Court.9~.lIarlial, efv., Army, i for shooting at railway trains, ctc., Inappropriation for expenses ... 63 dinn Territory . 136 Courts, United States (eee United States at freight cnrs, etc ... 137 Courts). for speculating in claims for court fees, Coiclilz River, Wash., etc .. . ... . ... . . . . .. 595 appropriation for improvement of . -. . 234 for violating not to prevent spread of Cor, Francis M., contagious diseases . . . . 641 deficiency appropriation for services . 301 for violating salmon fisheries laws and Cor, P. E., · regulations .. . . -. .. 317 deficiency appropriation for services . 304 . for violations of law as to bottling spirits Craighill, Cul. Villiam P., Q in bond ... -.- .. 627 deficiency appropriation for rent of rooms. 284 for willfully setting timber, etc., on fire. 594 Crain, Hon. W. H., Ialc a Reprcaenlalive in Criminals, Congress, appropriation for bringing home, from deficiency appropriation for widow .. 302 ~ abroad ...,... 30,581 Cramrr, N. J., I Crop Report, Monthly, appropriation for supplies .. - 344 appropriation for preparing, etc .. 101 Cramlall, Mollie (widow), { Crosby, Julia H. H. (widow), pension . .. .. . ..,. 713 _ pension increased 822 Umar_/'oril, Wear, I Crouch, Michael H. J, _ granted honorable discharge . ..,, 801 · pension ,,,,.. - ..,..,,..,. 738 Crawley, William C., ‘ Crow Agency, Mont., deficiency appropriation for .. . ... 305 _ appropriation for Indian. agent at.· 322 Cray, Alary (wije), ; Crow Creek Agency, S. Dak., pension. . . ... 745 appropriation for Indian agent at .. ... 322 Croc Indians, ilor Indian school ..,,... ,... 333 appropriation for deportation to Canada. . 117 Crow Indians, Creek Indiana. appropriation for fulfilling treaties with. . 327 appropriation for fullilling treaties with- . 326 Crow Indiana, Mort., Crefeld, , appropriation for commission to negotiate appropriation for consul at . . . .. 34, 586 | for session of lands .. . . 341 ilu- clerk bh-8 ____ __ ___________ __ ____,. 36,588 for commission to treat for removal of C PFW LM. Northern Cheyennesto resorvationof 341 of vessels in foreign trade to be banded Crowley, Benjamin H., boarding officer . ... 688 deficiency appropriation for services .. 291