Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/978

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' INDEX. 955 Husbands, D. C.—jContinued. _ P•;¤· Imported Articles, P¤8¤· not liable for wife': antenuptxal debts 194 special delivery authorized of, not exceed- Hymns, Svlwrwn, ing $500 in value .-.·..-·------- 263 pension increased .. . .. . .._,,, . ,,, 750 Importers, Hyannis, lllaga., deticiency appropriation for repayment gpprgpriggtlqu for improvement of hgrbg]; 203 to _____,_____________ _ _ _ _ , _,_,___., 307 Hydrographiq Ojioe, Imports, appropriation for clerks, etc .. . . 165, 564 impure or unwholescme tea prohibited enfor draftsrnen, eugravers, etc . 165, 564- try; regulations . ..,,, _ 604 for materials, etc . . ... 165,564 lieu on, for freight, eneral average, etc., for rent, etc .. . . . . 165, 564 while in custody of customs edicers. 129 for expenses, lnranch omces .. 165, 564 Imports and Exports, Monthly Summary Statefor North Pacific Pilot Chart, expenses 165, 564 men t, for printing and binding .. . 452 number to be printed ...,,,,..,__ _ _ _ , _ 459 .Hynca,_Tl•on•a•, Inaugural Cmwnonica, 1897, deficiency appropriation for, Ford': Theo- appropriation for maintaining order, etc. . 699 for dissster .. . ... . . 274 for Sen ate expenses .. . . .. . . 701 loan of flags, etc., for decorating streets of I. lVnshingt0n ...,.,.,, 482, 700 Ice and Snow, D. G., temporary use of streets by railroads perreplations for removing from sidewalks, mitted _,,,,_ _ __,__ _ _______________ 597 etc., to include agents, etc . 608 use of reservations, streets, etc., ior plat- Idahv, forms and stands _ _ ,,_,, 699 appropriation for surveyongsnsral, clerks, temporary overhead electric-light wires etc . . 172, 571 permitted; removal, etc.. . . 699 for incidental expenses, Indian service in 338 additional conduits prohibited . 699 for commissioners to classify mineral temporary overhead telegraph wires perlands in, etc .. . 436 mittcd .. - .--. . . 7(X) deficiency appropriation for classifying Income-Tax lfeturns, miners lands .. 22 immediate destruction directed _,. ,, , 470 for ineidentsls, Indian service in . . . 292 Incorporation, D. 0., double fees allowed Held deputy marshals 183 Convention of American Instructors of the proclamation opening to entry lands ceded Deaf - ... .- .. , .,._, 499 by Nez Perce Indians in 873 Convention of the Protestant Episcopal setting apart Bitter Root Forest Reserve.- Church of the Diocese of Washingtion, Montana and .. . .. 899 ton 58 Priest River Forest Reservation, Wash- National University - .-.. 194 ington and. . . .. . .. 903 Post Graduate School of Medicine 4 Idiots, D. O., Supreme Council Thirty-third Degree Scotdisposal of real estate of, by direction of tish Bite Masonry, Southern Juriscourt .. 536 diction of the United States . .. 58 Iynd, John, The National Soeietp of the Daughters of deficiency appropriation for .. ---- 272 the American evolution .. 8 Ignacio Colo., provisions for, fraternal beneiicial assoeim rations, etc., to he issued to Southern Utes tions . 633 at .. --- --. ..., . 1*35 Increase of the Navy (sea also Naval Estab- Illinoia and Mississippi Canal, lishment), appropriation for construction; contracts 227 construction ofnew vessels authorized.. 378, 664 ggguring right of way . ... . ... 227 . Iincurablef Home, D. 0.. construction of bridge authorized across, appropriation for maintenance . 410, 682 Rook Island County, lll 78 Indepan ence National Bank, 1'hiiadelphiu, Pa., Illinois Central Railroad Company, duplicate vlwult to be issued to. .. 707 may join in bridging Tallahatchie River, Indequndent Treasury, Philipp, Miss .. 190 appropriation for assistant tr•.·usurers' I""l|0lI,,1`r07'”l¢|`1l Judicial District, _ officen ... . . .. 156, 556 appropriation for clerk ..,.. -.. 178, 577 . for special agen ts, eta 158,558 Illinois River, lll., for paper for checks, ctu . . . . . . 158. 558 gp row-intion for improvement ot'. .. . % 1 for contingent esrpensen 429 tion- lighting . ... 419 , deficiency approp ation for contingent construction of bridge authorized across, expenses . . ... 19, 480 Grafton, lll . ... 131 for assistant tressnrers, Baltimore, Philapreliminary examination of upper, to be elelphia, aud San 1·`rn.ucisco . 278 mm]`; ________ _ _ _ , ,,,, , .,,., 236 India Famine, Immediate lransportation of Dutiuble Goods, vessels to transport food to natives, auprivileges extended to Erie, Pu ... 393 tberized ... . ... 701 Nan ta Barbara, Cal .,.. ,-- , ,_____,... . . 384 lpayable from navnl·sppropnatmns . 702 Syracuse, N. Y .--. ,,... 121 Indian .-fairs, ('ommissioner of, Immigration, appropriation for, assistant, clerks, etc- 168. 568 ul,i,mpyi¤,gion for enforcing Chinese exclu- to supervise Indian schools ... 348 sion . . ... . . 431 _ to report annually all employees . --- . 319 lbr expenses, entbrcing alien contract Indian Agencies, labor laws ... .1 ... .- 431 appropriation for civilian agents . .--- 321 Immigration Bureau, ihnbuildings and repairs  :.-_ 323 appropriation for commissioner-general, ‘ dehcrency appropriation for buildings and clerks, etc . .. 155, 554 . _ repairs - ... 309 Import Tarij}', diversion of funds for specrhsd employees- 349 protocol to treaty with Japan as to ,.. 855 Indian Agents, Importation, appropriation for civilian, at agencies bond, etc., for entry of tea. .. 605 deticiency appropriation for., .. . . 309