Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/990

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INDEX. 967 Mail Transportation-(Continued. _ _ Pere- Mare Island, Cal.—Continued. Page- , deliciencyappropnation for foreign mails 294, 310 appropriation for im rovement of plant, _1<>r wir revies .. .. . . . 310, 313 boiler, and machine shops .. 660 Maj. C. jlngel Post, G. A. R., Lambertville, Mare Islas? Strait, Cal., · ·, survey o directed ... 239 condemned cannon, etc., donated to ... 129 Marine Con}’s·rence, International, Makah Indians, Wash., appropriation for recouvening United appropriation for support, etc., of . 337 States delegate; ____,______________ 4 Ma aga, _ _ modification of fog signals on vessels. 381 apipropuation for consul at . . 35, 587 Marine Corps, 01* clerk hire .. . . . 37, 588 appro riation for pay of officers, active Malden River, Mass., list .. . ... . . . . $75, 662 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 215 retired list, . ...,,...,,,,,._,_._,,,, 375, 662 Mallery, Helen M. (widow), 767 for pay of enlisted men ... 375, 662 pension increased .. .- ... . .. .. retired list. .. . . 376 662 Malia, _ for undrawn clothing 376; 662 appropriation for consul at . . -- .. 35, 587 for mileage of olilcers 376, 662 Haltby Building, Senate, for commutation of quarters .. . . . . 376, 662 appropriation for miscellaneous _ exim 540 ger eivil force-.i . f. , ,... 876, 662 penses . . - . . .. , or provisions · imit o rations ... 376, 663 for repairs .. . .. .. . . -- . 452, 541 additional cynlistments .. -. . .. 377 deficiency appropriation for repairs . . . 27 for clothing; fuel. ... . . .. . . . . 377, 663 Mamaroncck, . K, for military stores . ... 377, 663 Alappropriation for improvement of harbor. 206 for mpogadgn andrreacdruiting . 377, § anagua c to aci c rai o s e Happropiiation for consul at .. . . .. 34, 586 ger repairs, etc., barracks . 377, 663 anatce River Fla. or forage .. . . . . . . 77 664 Lfappropriatilm for improvement of; proviso 221 ger hire of quarters .. 3778: w anchcatcr, or contingent . .. .. . . . . . . , ep ropriatien for consul at . . 33, 585 deiiciencglappropriationfor provisions-. 285, 287 Eu- clerk hire .-.. .--. - 36,588 §or;mtting.% .. gg Mageheeter Mau. or i ary s ores .. . ... appropriation firr resurvey of harbor .. 203 for trau portation and recruiting . 287, 308 Msurvey egkharbor directed. - . . . ... 240 int forage 6 .. .. . ... és" gig anga-m la. or con mgen . .-.. .. , land office established at .. . .. 491 for pay ., ... _..- -. . ... 308, 312 Ianifcets of Imports, Manne Hospital Sermce, Lfappmopriation for clerks, liquidating 151, 550 appropriatioii {orhsupervising surgeoniu 554 anla l encra c er e e . .. . . Mapprdqiagon igr consul at - . 34, 586 i Marine I _ t n_ ' , . 5 ap rona on orrepa1rsec-. . . . o mmon Titncsgzsed .. . ,,,,, . . . ,..., 799 : gr goston, Mass .. { . . . . 416 Maniatee, Mich., ’ for Chicago, Ill . , . . ..-. 416 appropriation for improvsment of harbor; 211 Q for %;¤;:i)n:1§i,ghi0 ---·.-------·--.---- 36 ' `t ti ns al . ... or 1 ic ... 6 Manintiqdgliicx., rape Q for Louisville, Ky . . . . . . 416 condemned cannon donated Grand Army for New Orleans, La .. . . 416 post at ,,.,.. -. .. . . 385 for Port Townsend, Wash ., . .., 416 Manitowoc, Wie., 1 for San Francisco, Cul . . 416 n propriatiou for improvement of harbor. 212 for Saint_Loul•, Mo . . . . 416 pllms for improving lmrbor to be sub- 465 g got uilmizgltcip, N. CM . . ... m·ttQd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-,...,,,.., Of lhby 3V6D AQ!,.,...,.. Mankato, lllinn., , for beating, etc., apparatus M6 changes in public building authorized 461 l Mdgciepcg appropriation for expenses. . . 271, 307 M J l, a n, s . _ ‘ dzgizieiiccy appropriation for judgment appropriation for expenses Volunteer Solagainst Bistrict of Columbia . -. 282 q M kd 2310:8, Hcmeé . . . . . .. 447 M nnhain, Q ar , as ers . . _ gppropriation for consul at . . 35], 5% Mapp'1;pp;i)at}ion for salaries and expensesr 394, 667 ' ..-,...,.,...,,,,,,,,, E ¢f , , Maniac;;:? ,, ’ I rents,’etc., tc be paid to collector of taxes. 394

  • ~¤·¤·*··¤··‘*=·**··*·,‘··;imP*°'°*"“°°‘ ········ 2** ¤ ”;’.;’.'€·,f.'$;€3,‘;2Z1·..d,...,. ...1 m

Ma ua 'r k ". . · B“ —--··- -··· sitriveycozcdinected ,,,,, ,,, ,,., .,, ,.., 241 Marquette Bay, Mich., J Manual of Saboiatence Stores, Army, _ I ¤¤1'V¤Y, _¤*·¤·» f¤!‘ b1‘¤¤kW¤*·°¥ ic be ¤“b· deficiency appropriation for printing and 300 , M rq Jpiimdi -·--- - --·-- - ---·- - ·---- - -·-- 469 ‘ ,..,... . . - ; a uc , . Maps ofl;l;d;»it;;d.S1p;teQ,;;L· 168, 567 Mzppzzpiipiog lor improvement of barber. 211 0`3`n '. I1'!} .-.. g ... _ dggziggytgppmpiingon for1si)dvertising.. 290 { minors obtzixn written consent of pei-- 118 · *q l en , e ...,.. . M:£&a;n¤dd‘:]til&?i1;u(;f3;og?_ _ ____ _ , ,,,_,.,. 701 l persons authorized to celebrate . - 118 y,,,.,,,_.“,-bo l penalty for noncompliance with law .. 118 A appropriation for consu1—general at., 32, 584 license; certificate; record, etc .. 119 M ggyhclcykfim ______________ _ ______ _ _ _ _ 36, 588 penaltgnfapp neglect, etc., of clerk ol the 190 i ·b ad, . ······· 2 ··‘·‘‘· ·‘· ‘··‘‘‘····· : * Mgiiitfe; of hiiliei directed ------ - ----- · - -- 240 wwrddcligk; certified ccpy iv be evi- 100 »- Il ,•a,(· 1., _ ‘ ·--- - ----- · —-·-·····---~--·-~- 5 gpeprdplristioil for dredging channel, etc. -. 6e5 effect; general repeal . . . . .. . . 120