Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1685

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• . UNIVERSAL POSTAL CON\’ENTION—WASH[N(}TON. JUNE 15, 1897. 165] revising the Universal Postal Convention which was concluded in Vienna on the 4th day of July A. D. 1891; the same is by me, by virtue of the powers vested by law in the Postmaster General, hereby ratified and approved by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post Office Department of the United States to be hereto aiiixed, with my signature, this sixteenth day of November, 1897. ‘ [sen.,] _ Jas. A. GARY, Postmaster General. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Convention, and in testimon thereof, have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto aihxeei gSEAL.] Winmnu McKm1.n.Y. y the President: J cms SHERMAN Secretary of Slate. Wnsnmcmou, November 16th, 1897. UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. FINAL PROTOCOL. mm proeomi. [Translation.] ` Au moment de proceder a la si- At the moment of proceeding to gnature des Conventions arretées sign the Conventions concluded by par le Congres postal universel de the Universal Postal Congress of \Vashington, les plénipotentlaires Washington,the undersigned plensoussigués sont convcnus de cequi ipotentiaries have agreed as folsuit: lows: I. I. · Il est pris acte de la declaration Ofhcial notice is taken of the vm ¤r_ ni-msn faite par la. delegation britannique declaration made by the British ’“"°‘“ °"'°‘ au nom de son Gouvernement et delegation, in the name of its Govportant qn`il a cede aux colonies` ernment, to the etlect that it has et protectorats britanniques de assignedto the British Coloniesand l’Afriqne du Sud la voix que ]’ar- Protectorates of South Africa the ticle 27, 50, de la Convention attri— vote which Article 27, 5th, of the bue it " l`€l1S€1IlblO de toutes les au- Convention attributes to the whole tres colonies britanniques." of the other British Colonies. II. II. En derogation in la disposition In modification of the stipulation s.{=¤sj¤,g·;m··]¤f¤¤¤¤·*· do Particle G de la Convention, qui of Article 6 of the Convention, " °° “ l°' tixe in 235 centimes au maximum le which fixes the maximum registradroit de recommandution, il est tion-lee at 25 ccntimes, it is agreed ronvenu que les Etats hors d’Eu- that the States outside of Europe rope sont autorises n maintenir cc are authorized to maintain this maximum n 50 centimes, y coinpris maximum at 50 eentimes, including ln <l•¤livran¢·e d’un bulletin de de~ a receipt given to the sender. pot 1`1 Pexpeeliteur. III. III. lin derogation aux dispositions In modification of the stipula- rpynim f<·r_ mz 4le1'article 8 de la Convention, il est tions ot'Article 8 of the Convention, " " '°1°“ convenu que, parmesure de transi- it is agreed that. as a temporary tion, les Administrations des pays measure, the Administrations of hors d'Europe dont la legislation the countries outside of Europe,