Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1689

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL GONVENTION—WASHINGTON. JUNE 15, 1897. ]655_ Having examined and considered the provisions of the atbregoing tina] protocol signed in Washington on the 15th of June, A. D. 1897, relative to the Universal Postal Convention of Washington, signed the same day; the same is by me, by virtue of the powers vested by law in the Postmaster-General, hereby ratified and approved by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have cau ed the seal of the Post Office Department of the United States to be hereto aiiixed, with my signature, this sixteenth day of November A. D. 1897. [sun,.] Jas. A. Gnu, Postmaster General. I hereby approve the above-mentioned iinaliprotocol, and in testimgnydthereoij have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto a x . [san.] P WH.LIAM MCKINLEY, By the President: Jomw SHERMAN Secretary of State. Wssrmmrou, November 16th, 1897. REGULATIONS OF DETAIL AND ORDER. _ Re lement de Detail et d’Ordre pour Regulations of Detail and Orderfor *’°'°*¤°°¤¤‘°°°i¤H· lgEa:écution de la Convention con- theexecution of the Convention conclue entre lhdllemagne et les Pro- eluded between Germany and the teetorats Allemands, la Republi- Germanlhrotectorates, the Greater que majeure de l’Amérique Cen- Republic of Central America, the trale, les Etats- Unis d’Amér·ique, United States of America, the Arla Republique Argentine, l’Au- gentine Republic, Austria-Huntriche-Hongrie, la Belgique, la gary, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia- Bolivia, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, Herzegovine, Brazil, Bulgama, le Brésil, la Bulgarie, le Chili, Chile, the Empire of China, the l’Empire de Chine, la Republigue Republic of Colombia, the Indede Colombie, l’Etat I ndqsendant pendent State of Congo, the Kingdu Congo, le Rogaume de Corée, dom of Korea, the Republic of la Regrubligue de Costa—Rica, le Costa Rica, Denmarkand the Dan- Danenzark et les Colonies Da- ish Colonies, the Dominican Renoises, la République Dominica ine, public, Egypt, Ecuador, Spain and l’Egypte, l’Equateur, l’Espagne et the Spanish Colonies, France, the _ les Colonies Espagnoles,l¢tl`r¢tm·e, French Colonies, Great Britain les Colonies Francaiscs. la Grande- and various British Colonies, Brit- 1fretagneet[)iz·er·aes Colonies Bri- ish India, the British Colonies of tanniques, l’Inde Britunnique, les Australasia, Canada, the British Colonies Britanniques ¢l’A astra- Colonies of South Africa, Greece, lasie, le Canada, lcs Colonies Bri- Guatemala, the Republic of Haiti, tanniques de l’A_/'rigue du Sud, la the Republic of Hawaii, I talg, Greco, le Guatemala, laltépubliqne Japan, the Republic of Liberia, rl’}[aiti, la ltegaublique rl’Hau·ni, Luxemburg. Jlerieo, Montenegro, l’Italie,leJapon,la Iiepublique de Norway, the Orange Free State, Libiiria, le Lurcmbourg, le J[e.ri-Paraguay, The Netherlands, the que, le Montenegro, la nY0)’l}(lgl?, Netherlands Colonies, Peru, Perl'Elat libre ¢l’Orauge, le Para- sia, Portugal and the Portuguese guay, les Pays-Bas, les Colonies Colonies, Roumania, Russia, Ser- Neerlan¢laises,lc Pérou, la Perse, ria, the Kingdom of Siam, the le Portugal et les Colonies Porta- South-African Republic, Sweden, gaises, la Roaman ie, la Russie, la Switzerland, the ltegencyof Tunis,