Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1730

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1696 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CCNVENTION—WASHINGTO}T. JUNE 15, 1897. amendements, proces-verbaux et editing and distribution of amendautres renseignements. ments, journals of proceedings, and other information. _ Dir¤¤¤¤r· 10.-Le Directeur de ce Bureau 10.-The Director of this Bureau assiste aux seances des Congres attends the sessions of the Conou Conferences et prend part anx gresses or Conferences and takes discussions sans voix deliberative. plart in the discussions, but without t e power o voting. ""“'“‘“ “’P°'* °"· 11.-11 fait sur sa gestion un 11.-He publishes an annual Rerapport annuel qui est commu- port on the work of the Bureau, nique it toutes les Administrations which is communicated to all the de1’Union. Administrations of the Union. I·"‘¤""€°· 12.-—La langue oincielle du Bu- 12.—The official language of the reau international est la langue international Bureau is the French fran aise. anguage. P¤¤*·<¤’¤¤¤¤ir¤¤t0¤w· 13?—Le Bureau international est 13.-The International Bureau is charge de publier un dictionnaire charged with the duty of publishalphabétique de tous les bureaux ing an alphabetical dictionary of de poste du monde, avec une men- all the post offices of the world, tion speciale pour ceux de ces bu- with special indication of such of reaux charges de services qui ne these offices as undertake services sont pas encore generalisés. Ce which have not yet become gendictionnaire est tenu au courant eral. The dictionary is kept up au moyen de supplements ou de to date by means of supplements, toute autre maniere que le Bureau or in any other manner which the international jugera convenable. Interémtional Bureau shall deem suita e. ··°°•*· Le diétionnaire mentioné au The dictionary mentioned in the present paragraphs est livré au present section is furnished at prix de revient aux Administra- prime cost to the Administrations tion qui en font la demande. which may apply for it. XXXVIII. XXXVIII. gy ¤¤¤¤ ¤f •¢·» Qpice Oentral de 0'ompatabilité et de Central Office of Settlement and Liquidation des Complex entre les Liquidation of Accounts between Administrations de l’ Union. thexldministrations of the Union. 1.-Le Bureau international de 1.-The International Bureau of l’Union postale universelle est the Universal Postal Union is charge d’opérer la balance et la charged with the duty of effecting liquidation des décomptes de toute the balance and liquidation of acnature relatifs au service interna- counts of every kind relating to tional des postes entre les Admi- the international postal service nistrations des pays de l’Union qui between the Administrations of ont le franc pour unite monétaire the countries of the Union which ou qui se sont mis d’accord sur le have the franc for their monetary taux de conversion de leur monnaie unit or which have come to an en francs et centimes metalliques. agreement as regards the rate of ‘ convqrsiqn of they currency into meta ic rancs an centimes. Les Administrations qui ont Pin- The Administrations which intention de reclamer, pour ce ser- tend to claim the aid of the Invice de liquidation, le concours du ternational Bureau for the service Bureau international, se concer- of liquidation, arrange accordingly tent, a cet eifet, entre elles et avec among themselves and with the ce Bureau. ~ Bureau. s;.•¤i•1•¤¤¤¤¤¤. Malgré son adhesion, chaque Notwithstanding its adhesion, Administration conserve le droit each Administration retains the d’etablir a son choix des décomptes right to prepare, at its option, spespéciaux pour diverses branches cialaccountsfor diiferentbranches du service et d’en opérer a sa con- of the service, and to effect the setveuance le reglement avec ses cor- tlement of them, to suit itself with