Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1848

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1818 INDEX. Army—Continued. PMB- Army—Continned. P¤S¤· appointment of militaigv storekeeper an- retired ofl·icers’ service in time of war 979 tnorized _,____ , ____,, . , , . , , 571 examination, certain staff appointments detail of officer to act as Indian agents, from dvi} life-- ~--. - ----- ------ 979 om ______ _ _____ _ _____ , __,_,____ ,-,- 573 Record and Pension Office, War Departappropriation for agents not available ment, rank of chief, etc 979 for oiliooi-g_ ____,__,_,,__ , ..,,. 64, 573, 926 · cooks, pay, etc ... . . . . 979 repeal of requirement of separate certiti- cadets, Military Academy, number, etc 979 cate of attorney fees m payments to l Quartermastefs and Subsistence departoolorod soldiers ___, _ ,,_,,,,,,_, .. . . 640 ments, assignments repealed .. . . 979 soldiers' mining claims not forfeited for Regular Army, strength of .. . , 979 _ failure to work, etc .._______, . __,_, 651 volunteers, number to be recruited, organi- Engineer Corps, organization ot, etc .. 652 zation, etc . . - . . . . . ._ 980 Subsistence Department, rank of commis- brigadier-generalsofvolunteers, nnmberot 980 series etc., during war .. . . 715 major-generals of volunteers, number of .- 980 additional officers for volunteer service. 715 engineer corps, appointment of graduates protection of harbor defenses and fortitica- of Military Academy ... 980 tions from malicious injury, etc 717 I appointment of volunteer staff . - . 980 Inspoctor·General’s Department, tempo- limit of service, volunteer stnif. .. 980 rary increase of officers, etc . . . . 720 1 muster out of Volunteer Army . . -§ . .. 981 Ordnance Department, increase ofotiicers, transfer of enlisted men ... . . 981 etc .. . . . . . . . ... 720 temporary enlistment of organizations in oggignments to staff, etc. .. .-.. 720 Philippine Islands . . . .. 981 volunteers, pay to commence from date restoration of Army to former basis alter of enrollment, etc .. 721 July 1, 1901 .. . . . ... 981 enlistment of cooks authorized. . . . 721 promotions under existing laws, etc., unnumber of post quartermaster-sergeanlits changed .. . . . .. 981 increased .. . . . . ..-- 728 allotments of pay of enlisted men 981 pay and allowance of chaplains .. 729 sale of intoxicating drinks prohibited... . 981 use ot, in compelling withdrawal of Span- Maj. Joseph W. Wham to be restored, etc. 1489 i ish control over Cuba .. . . .. 738 Capt. Robert W. Dowdy restored to active printing of military publications author- list --.- .. - . 1521 ized ... . . . ... . -. . .. 739 proclamation calling for 125,000 volunone year suspension from promotion , teers for war with Spain . r... .. 1770 waived ... ; . ... 747 I calling for 75,000 volunteers, second call. 1772 purchase of newspapers for military- I Army G am Factory, information division, etc ... 750 , appropriation for finishing guns at. , . 400 Chief Signal Officer to be on staff of corps , deticiency appropriation: for Pond Machine . commander . . . . 752 ‘ '[‘ool Co .. . .. . . 667 act reducing grade ot} repealed . 752 1 Army Ojiiuera (sec Army), appointment of assistant chief, etc - 752 reorganization of the line, etc;. .. 364, 977 oliicers not to be assigned to Weather Bn- » may furnish medical supplies, arms, etc., rean. .. .. . . - ... 752 to Cnbnns .. . . . .--. 419 appropriation for deficiencies not to effect é one year suspension from promotion permanent increase of .. 781 . waived . . . .· , ..,.. , . 747 extra pay to volunteers ou muster out in Q Army Regulations, ieu of furlough, etc .. . . 784 1 printing and distribution authorized. 740 oflicers accountable for pnblic—property ’ Arnold, Jernniah, certificates of nonimlebtedness req- · . payment to administratorof .- 1161 uisite to final ppyment to . . 784 l Aromatic Cachoub, officers not acoounta le, atiidovit of .. 784 stamp tax on . ... . . L . 463 mnsteringofficersmayadministerouths, etc 784 Arrears of Pay, deductions from pay of volunteer dyinisix . deficiency appropriation for volunteers. - . 55, months after enlistment only w ere 121, 142, 143, 148, 149, 707, 710, 1113, 1249 clothing actually overdrawn . .. 822 Annals and America, volunteer regiments to retain their colors. 890 appropriation for Rock Island. Ill .-.. 39, reorganization ci; etc ..,,,, . . , , ,,,_ , , 977 _ 625, 1073, 1102 composition of. . . . . 977 I for Benecia, Cal .. 40, 1102 storekeeper, Qnartermastefs and Ordnance , for Frankfort, Pa .. . . - . .. 40, 626, 1102 departments, abolished after presentfor Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J.. 40, incumbenth _,,_,_ ,__ _ ,,,, _ _ ___,__,, 977 626, 1102 cavalry, composition of regiments ... 977 for Springtield, Mass. ., _ _,,_, 40, 525, 1102 chaplain, colored regiments . . 977 for testing machine, Watertown, Mugs__ 40, band, cavalry -- .. . - . . 977 525, 1102 cavalry troops to consist of . . 977 for powder depot, Dover, N, J __________ 40 veterinarians - - . . - - .. 977 for repair s, etc .,,,, , ,____________ 40, 626, 1102 artillery, composition of regiments ... 978 for repairs of ordnance, ego _____ _ _______ 325 bond . . . .------··-----. 978 deticieucy appropriation for repairs of ordbatteries of heavy . --.. 978 nance, etc .,.,_, _ ,_____ _ ___________ 703 of field .. · . .--. .. 978 for transporting stores to, etc ____ _ _____ 394 infantry, composition of regiments ...,... 978 for current expenses , . . 395 chaplains, colored regiments . - .. 978 = for manufacture, etc., of arms, ego ._____ 395 band .- . - -··· . . 978 Arthur Kill or Staten Island Sound, N, J,, compensationof companies, agelimit, etc 978 I preliminary examination of, to be made . . 1158 vacancies to be filled by promotion- 978 Article, Adjutant-GcneraI’sandInspector-General' importing, to prevent conception, forbiddepartments, composition , ,,_.,_,, , 979 don ,,,___ _ ____, _ ___,_ _ ___,_ _ _,_ ,, _, 208 vacancies in grade of major, how tilled . 979 Arlifciol Limbs, composition of etatf departments nn- appropriation for . . . ...,, . . 50,635, IRB changed . . ... . . . . . . 979 de oiency appropriation for 149, 667, 712