Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1863

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IND E X . 1 8 3 3 Ca,pe'l’o1poise, Me.—C0ntin11ed. Page- Carlisle, Pa., P¤g¤· estimate to be submitted for improving appropriation for Indian school.. 80,587,676 942 hm`b°f --·--··-·--·--- - - · ----·- - - - - 1803 for additional pay military onicer acting ’ Cape San Bias, Fla., as superintendent .. . . .. 942 appropriation for removal of light station deficiency appropriation for reimbursing to Black’s Island . .. .. . . 14 appropriation for Indian school 129 Cape Sparlcl and Tangicrs Light, Carlisle, Samuel, surriring partner ctc., appropriation for contribution . 265, 825 payment to administrator of . . . L . . 1203 Cape Smytlw Whaling and Trading Company, ’ Carlosfs Band of Flathead Indians, Alon!. Secretary of the Treasury to examine ac- appropriation for support, etc. of. .. 77 585 937 counts of .. . . . . 1215 Carmack, E. W., , y 7 Cape T own (4frica.), deficiency appropriation for contested-elem appropriation for consul· general .. . 267, 827 tion expenses ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ______ 686 Cape Vincent, M Y ., ‘ “Caroline," Brig, appropriation for tish culture station, em- appropriation for paying French spoliaployees , ,,, . ..,.. 23, 610, 1087 tion claims .. ., .,...,,. 1200 for improvement of harbor .- ... 1124 Cqroihgrg, Huqh, Capital, (Scelndnstrial Commission,) payment to __,____,.. . _,,,_,,,,_,,,,,,... 1179 Capital Railway Company, D. C., Carpenter, Stephen, may USB 0V01‘]16&d t1'0]l0y system on Navy- payment to administrator of _____________ 1204 Yard Bridge .. , . .. ... .. 470 Carquincz Strain, Cal., · time for completing, extended .. . . 470 preliminary examination to be made of undergroand electric system authorized; channel between, and Golden Gate. 1155 etc . . . { . ... . ... 471 Carr, Paul, Capital Traction Company, · pension increased , . .. 1472 coupon tickets issued by Brigbtwood Rail- Carrabelle, Fla., way Company may be used on . _ 719 preliminary examination to be made of Capitol, harbor east ass ... 1156 appropriation for additional bookcases, Carrabcllc Bar imd Harbor, Fla., etc . . - . . . .. 31 appropriation for improvement of ..., _,;, 1126 for new boiler, ctc., House wing . . . . 32 Carrera, Joh 1:, for repairs, etc .. . 31, 617, 1094 payment to administrator of .. . ... 1196 for replacing asphalt roof over com- Carriagcs, Gun and Mortar, mittee rooms · -. . 617 appropriation for ...,. - ,, , 401, 1251 for Haus east and west fronts, etc .. 31, 617 Carroll, Edward C., for cleaning works of art, etc 31, 617, 1094 deliciency appropriation for, Ford’s Theafor care, etc, heating, etc., apparatus, ter disaster .--. . . . . 109 Senate ..,... - .,,._... - . . - 32, 617, 1094 Carroll, James, transfer of attic story and public closet payment to . . 1172 for ventilating . . - . . . - .. 617 Currvlllon, Ky., for improving, etc., grounds .. 31, 617, 1094 appropriation for public building 998 for lig tin , and grounds 31, 617, 1094 deiiciency appropriation for public buildfor engine iouse and stable, repairs . . .6ié- lggl C ing .. . . . ... {217 , o , ars, for Bags, center of ,. . . '- . 1091 l stamp tax on seats in palace and parlor. .. 464 deficiency appropriation for work at .. 1231 i OD berths in sleeping .. . ... . 464 for work on grounds ., . 1 .. , 1231 é Carson, Jamey, for Washington Gaslight Company for 126 ; Cpaymelpt to administrator of . 1203 as .. . . . ... ...1 g arson, lor., ‘ for riplacing elevator, Senate wing. . . 127, 672 i apipropriation for salaries at mint .. 295, 867 for paving, etc., roadways .. .. . . 127 g or wages; contingent expenses .. .. 296 for restoring crypt to original condition. 127 i availability oi appropriation, etc . . . . 867 for lighting, and grounds . .. 127, 672, 1231 I appropriation for ndmn school . 80, 587, 942 Capitol Police, _ g git_new bu¤lding._..._ .,, 942 appropriation for captain, lieutenants, » denciency appropriation for contingent gw ______ , ,,,,.,.,.,.. . . . 280, 849 egnpenses of mint .. .. .. 148, 1218 for contingent expenses . ... .. 280,850 g Carson, IH Ham, _ _ for one month’s extra pay . . _ 60 [ payment to administrator of . 1164 deficiency appropriation for extra services 685, » Carfer,_CharIea, 1241 V deficiency appropriation for .. . . 139. 687 for additional temporary privates .. 706 1 payment to .. . ... 1243 for additional privates ---··---- 782 ? Cal"", U- JL, December salaries to be paid December 17, 732 g C payingnt to I}? made, for serviceq . 88 1997 . ,,.,...,,,,,,...,. * arter, corge ,, , Capron, Arba, _ , payment to administratrix of ,,., ,.-. 1172 pension increased . . ·· .--- 1067 { C¢¤7"¢P`,J0h¤ J·, 6'¤rd¢n¤~, · payment to ·---.·. -- ...-- · - --··-- 1166 appropriation for consul ,.. . . 270 i Carter, T homas,e ~ Cardij', payment to admmistrratrix of ._...,,,_ 1167 appropriation for consul. ...,.. 268, 829 Carter? Qreek, Lan,cqpter·County, Va., Carey, Mary E., erin. of Jamea J. Newell, preliminary examination oi] to be made- .. 1160 payment to be made for legal services 88 Cartmell, Abyah M., Carl, PWM 0-, payment to .. -- -----·-- ------ 1167 pension .. . ...,.,,.,,_,, ,, .-. . 1488 Casa Grande,. I Carlin, Brig. Gm. William P., _ appropriation for custodian .-.. 33, 620, 1098 deficiency appropriation for discharging Cane, Mary C., (uwdow), from liability, etc ...--------·-- 111 pension .. . .---·---... 1443 carzme, George A., _ _ 0¤•vy,;1?#qh¤»»• T-, _ payment to admimstratrix of -... 1176 pension increased . ... 1449