Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1900

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187 O INDEX. Freeman, Alphonso, Page Furniture, etc., Public Buildings, Page. pension increased. .,., . _.,_, . . . . -. 1437 appropriation for .. . ... 28, 614, 1092 Freeman, Edmund, for inspector and assistant . . 614, 1092 payment to administrator of .. . .. 120-1 for repairs ... . . . 614, 1092 Freeman, Francis M., deficiency appropriation for . . 142, payment to ..,. , .,,.. . ,.,,. . ...,. . - - . 1180 148, 235, 656, 706, 1216, 1216 Freeman, Mary A. (widow), use of, already owned . . . . . 235 pension ..,, , ,_,,,._.. . , , . . . .. 1499 Furniture, Inspector of, Freeman, Thaddeus S. K., ‘ deficiency appropriation for .. -.- . 1217 payment of funeral expenses of . . . 1228 Fur Seal Fisheries (see Alaskan Seal Fish- Frcemasons, ori es) , erection in District of Columbia of statue appropriation for continuing investigation to Albert Pike authorized ... 737 of, North Pacilic Ocean, etc . . . . 29 Free of duty, for detail of Government employees, etc. 29 Spanish literary, scientific, and artistic - for Leonhard Stejncger and F. A. Lucas. 29 works admitted, into Spanish rclin- appropriation for log books . 29, 616 qnished territory .., 1761 killing of', in Pacific Ocean, etc., forbid- Freeport, lll., den . . . . . . . . . . . 226 appropriation for public building .. 996, 1076 equipping or furnishing supplies to ves- Free Public Library, I). C., sels forbidden . . ... 226 appropriation for salaries and expenses. 528, 1048 I jurisdiction of offenses . . . . . . - 227 deiiciency appropriation for .. . . . . 1220 right of Indians to Heh not affected . . 227 to provide site for .. . . 1372 taking ou Pribilof Island, not affected,. . . 227 Freer, Martha Jennie, search of suspected vessels ... 227 pension as nurse . . . ... 1488 to be seized and taken to port . . -. 227 ` Freezer, Peter L., President to make regulations 227 payment to . . -. . . -- .. 1164 importation of skins prohibited .. . . . . 227 Freiburg, Fdrth, appropriation for consul . . . 269, 830 appropriation for consulate at Solingen, to Fremont, Nebr., . bein place of ,. . . . . 270 deticiency appropriation for post·oHioe . -. 660 "Fusileer," Vessel, French Broad and Little Pigeon Rivers, Tenn., appropriation for paying French spoliaappropriation for improvement of .. .. 1142 tion claims .. . . . ... 1196 French, George Z., · ` relieved from liability for lost post·0nice funds, etc . .. 2 , 111 · G' otherwise liable for acts as postmaster.. 112 _ French Spoliation Claims,_ Gaddy, Francis M., ~ l appropriation for defense in . . . . 55, 641, 1113 P¤y¤1€I1t to ---- - ----· - - - - --------·- - ---·· 1176 forpayment of .. ---. .. . ...,,.,. 1191 Gtlddy, H· A-, _ _ deficiency appropriation for defense m. 680, 1236 I payment to =¤~<1nnn¤¤twwr of ...· -. - . . 1176 Fmt, Jacob G., r Games, Abner, pension increased .. . . --- . . . 1426 }{35'¤1f>\11? to -··---------·----- - --···---·-- 1237 Fpigdgn qld Company, Balffmgrg, Md_, Gainesville, JlIcAlester and St. Louis Railway deficiency appropriation for .. - ...,,,_ 654 _ Umpany, ‘ _ “Friendship," Brig, t1me extended for right of way through appropriation forpaying French spoliotion IDG- T --··-· - . . -..·-... 715 claims ______ _ ________ _ _________ 1290, 1203 grant of right of way through Ind. T. "Friendship," Schooner, 3U16X1d8d . ~ - Z. - 891 appropriation for paying French spoliationG“1"d"°"» Ja‘”•°’» *“"f"’1”!/ Par"'"; “°-» claims, _____ _ ___________ _ _ _________ 1202 I payment to administrator of. .. . ..,., 1293 Fries, Eveline, heirs, etc., I Gall, J¢¤8P¤’, payment to _,_,,__,__ ,_ ______________ ____ 1172 payment to .. . . -. 1169 Fruit Juices, Gallaher, Henry, • ' adnltsmted, sale, etc,, forbidden _________ 247 payment to admnustrator of .. -.. 1164 Fry, Sqmh (widow), ; Gallatin Forest Reserres, Mont., ' pension increased _____, _ ____ _ _________ ___ 1494 I proclamation setting apart ...,.. .- ..,,,,, 1788 Fuchau, Galloway, William A., appropriation for consul ______ _ _______ _ 267, 828 I payment to . . 1180 Fudge, James I'., Galveston Bay, payment t0_ ____,___,____ _ _________ _ _____ 1173 estimates to be made for certain improve- Fuel, ments . ..:-.. .. . ... 736 eppropsiation for depots to supply · I ¤·PP¤`°P¤`i€m°¤ {0* lmP¥'°"°m°¤t nf SMP 'gvy _ ______ _ _____________ _ _____ 374, 1029 Channel and Buffalo Bayou ,,_,,___ 1127 Pigel, D- C-, I Galveston Collection District, Tex., 1H6PM3U0H, 0170-, of, PNY0h8SM} -··... . . 316 Sabine Pass, Tex., made a subport of entry Fuel, Lights, and Water, Public Buildingg, and delivery _ __________ _ _____ _ _____ 487 nmgroprietien for ., - .. - .. 28, 614, 1092 Gazmm, 16;,, d8¤¤1¤¤¤Y ¤PP1`0P1`1¤U0¤ for-- --·--- · -... ·. 142, appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1127 · _ 148, 706, 710, 712, 1246 resurvey, etc., of bay and harbor . . . 44 Fuel, Liquid, _ _ _ for report on desirability of dry dock at, 379 appropriation for experiments with in vfgr wats; route up 131153110 Bayou to _ Navy -- -_- --·----- - ----- _ -·-- - --·--.. 384 Houston, Tex.; contracts; d1-edges _ 1127 Iuel, Rent, and Light, fostal Service, for improvement of channel at, to Texas deficiency appropriation for .. 146 City, T0; ______ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ____ 1123 Fuller, Abner T., deficiency appropriation for refunding to payment to ». 1162 collector at . ...,,_, . _ . _ ,,,_ 111 » Fwwlml, Meulviru, preliminary examination of channel hom nppropmmvn for ¤¤n¤¤1 . -.-· - --------· 270, 830 james to Texas City to be made 1128