Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1919

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INDEX. ]_ Interior Department-—Continue<l Page Interior De ' . . , _ _ _ · _ - partment—Co 1: d. P . apprepgigtion for pomnussnoner of Indian _ deiieieney appropriatigmlolsexpensce, etc., age f C ml} é-¤¤1S$¤·¤¤, cl6{'kB, ctc r 30:2, 878 surveyor-gencra.1 Montana. . . 128 or cpmlngxssgoner of Pensions, deputies, for reimbursing Charles F. Easley .. 128 for C °n y ¤_<= ----- ; —-··- , —------- _ --·- 306, 879 for surveying Indian reservations . 145, 180 cglilpgiszogner 01 Patents, Assmtant;07 879 £or_pension2 115, 147, 150, 422, 674, 708, 711 ! . ‘‘·· · ····· · · ···--··--—· · .. . . 2 for Sgmmisuouer of Education, clerksé07’ 880 fg; Klgiaitiongl enlplogizs, office Assistant 38 _ _- ---_·-: ·----- -, -·.- . . -- Attorney-Gen rel . . 671 tor zpcmuniissioner of Railroads, clerks, ’ for contingentexp‘enses-- 126, 671, 711, 713, 1247 for Arc-12h3R --6i_--£B---é-- -%-3-- -1-- 308,881 for postage stamps -------.--..----.--.- 671 dl-ufgsluau etc 8 ap} 0 y c Brkégg  ::01. .Qwhl? - K · I I · _ - - l I i i · I l I l _ y -------·- ; ----- or amn . raw or .. .. for gzesgoztgf the Geological Surveyéo 8, 881 £or gxpenseggzilleventh Census .. 672 . » ·-—---·----- ---— ------ - or stent ce . ... 672,1231 for contingent expenses . . . . . . 309; 881 for pension agents .. .-.. 708,12-17

or rent, . . ... 309, 882 for examining surgeons .. 674, 708, 711, 713

fg: Szigygceziéhpggks, etc £, for Indian Departinéntagé . .. . . 128, ··----... . . T o for surveyors-general and their clerks. 882 for registers anihreceivers. for Indian Department . - . . 62, 571 for surveying public lands -- 128 711 713, 1249 for rppnnrg to buildings _,,_.. -- , _ 31, 617, 1094 for pension aggmoies ,_.,_..__,,.. , ’ -., 711 for Lupita} and grounds .. --.. 31, 617, 1094 for reimbursements to receivers for exfor pu he lands .. 32, 618, 1095 cess of deposits 713 1_'or iorest reserves . ,- ._ . . _. 34, 618, 1095 for additional members board of pension 0;- gxpguggg cgmmigglgu on ]]]_]_D_B],‘a,1 ap 3]; __,__ , ______, ,, ,,__, __ ____,_ 12% lggdg, Mgptggg and ]_`d3hg_ _ __ 37, 619, 1096 {nr 0533 ______ ,_ ,__.,_, ,, ,_,_,, 1230 for surveying public lands , .,.., -. . - 619, 109*1 for stationery .. .- . . 1230 10r settlements on Northern Pacific land for Capitol building L .. 1231 8\'¤¤*, BW --------·- - --------- - -·--- 620 for In 'am supplies .,..., ,., 1247 for Geological Survey .. . . 36, 622 1098 for Indian iing 15 ____ _ ____________ 1247 for Supreme Court reports . .. 38, 623: 1100 for Indian whg;?_T_ ______ _ _____ ____ 124 7 for Government Hospital for thesgiéésg 1:;- army pensions ____________ _ ____ _ ____ 1247 ‘ elmo. . . . . . . . . 1100 to ave control of Post-Oiio Do a, tm 1; for Columbia Institution for the Deaf Lbuilding, etc ... .-? Fs.--??. 28 Bild Dumb I ---· : ------.·----- 38, 624, 1101 S001'6t8I‘y to Bppoint additional employees {lor Iklpwsdolgmversrty -_. .& .. £, g, md tcfroclasaifg letters patents . ,... 440 or as a, nee ion rein ee:.- . pe ty ormag atlidavit in claims for Yosemite National Park . . . - ., 624,1099 before, etc .,,.. 718 for iu;lestigoting.,irijuries to Seminole 625 for making false cprtiiicste, etc . 719 u "ans .. . . . . . . printing or o adclitionnl oo in of for Dee Moines River land settlers .. 625 1 decisions, etc., relating to lpnblie _ gor printing and binding . 60, 647, léég g d lands . ,,_ ______ 749 or pensions . 276, 5 iversion of e proprietiou for re aim 141 tor investigation, etc., of forested lands. 31 [ Post-Otiilce building . . . H . 882 ibr publishing biennial register of the 5 proceedinpe for admission to Government Ifuilmd States .. .. . -. 38, 1100 · Asy nm for the Insane, changed 811 · io: domestic sugar production, investi- 39 E I Census office established in . . -. .. 1014 gution .. . . . . . . . . .. Nkfrneull, J. C. for additional employees General Post- 8 7 , I regulptgons goieruirég, etc ...,., ,, ,,,, 228 Omee building . 7 f Mena ercnuo (scc temps, Internal Revfor re airs .. . . . 882 * BHIIG) for hxljan affairs . ... ... -.-. 625, 1099 appmpriation for Commissioner, deputy, for memorial bridge, Potomac River 1100 clerks, etc . . .. . . . 290, 861 for purchasing Ohio land records ... 1099 g for stamp agent, etc ... 2 . 290,861 for ee Moines River land settlers .. 1101 ¤ for salaries collectors, deputies, ctc. .. -. 293, tor patents to settlers, Great Sioux In- X · 450,865 digg Reservation .. .- .. 1101 for expenses oleomargnrine and tobacco deticielncydappropx·iation for printiuplémrégg 1241 miuapelction 1.- ‘ ‘ ____ , ,,_,,,. ‘ ’ . e c eese nws . . . .,,_,.. · ' for €>n accounts of George I 126 l vo imcrcuse in number of deputy col- I ,93 E i..- . . .- . · ec ors.e c . L fm- ggglisgpg roofs, Pension and Patent J6 2 I fag egents, guugers ..,. 293, 865 Hices . . . . . 1‘ or 'o icitor . .. . . 313, 886 for ghesepeake and Potomac Telephone E for punishing violations of low -- 26. 613, 1091 Company .. 126 { for purchase of books for chemical labfor sala1·¥;§' Louis Garescbe, clerk, Pen- U6 f oratory, etc . .. . . . . . - . -3é gg, e' .. . . . or s amp paper - . --.. L ` {0, (,;::,;-31 jignd Omen ,,.. .-.. . 122 l for enforcement of Chinese exclusionl .. ’ 30, { C ’tol 41 rs ds .-.. . 126 67. , 616,1093 rg; csgilnyibl: Dieiugnd Dumb Institu- , i2_ 3 §<>r cggpstins . I .. - . . . ti ..., -- .,.. . 4 ‘ or u 1 ions cmp oyees. .. for Gozlemment Hospital for the Insane . 127 I deficiency appropriation for agents, gaugfm- public land ggrvice, 127, 144,147, 149,673,708 ers, etc .. . ... 108, 710 for Geological Survey . . . . 127,149, 674, 711 for collectors, deputy collectors, etc . . 108, 1218 for expenses commission on mineral for \\ . L, Hall. for money expended, etc- 108 kinds. Mongaua and Idaho ,_.. . 128 for salaries agents, etc .. . . 142, 148 for investigating forestry policy . . . . 128 _ for refunding taxes .. . ... 142, 148, o07, 710 von xxx-119 .