Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1949

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IND EX. lg] 9 New York Agency, N. Y., Page l Niagara Rivcr—Continned Pa e apprlopgraignixgxfor Indian agent at, .. 63,5gg, , for improving from Tonawanda to Port g , -~-—-- — ---- - —----·------· »=> » ay ·--- - ----- - ------ - ----- -- -·---· 1134 Q,;: g,;; ,,0, Niagara lxgrerN§r*idgc and Tunnel Company, . , m cr ·1 appropriation for liglht and fog signal sta- i Nicglagzlybe mgam Rim at (rm,-ld Ishmdl 522 _¤·>¤, west Mm ------------..-- 14 appropriatiou for mini · for improvement of Bay Ridge, etc., · * pilor £acretary of legaziggn . - 233, { c\»¤i¤¤<>ls». .. _ 1..-- . 44, 630 I Nicaragua Canal, i for prex enting deposits; office force . .. 50, 636 mvestigation of route for, authorized; or crew, ctc, icsscls ._ .. 50, 636 l site; location, cost .. . . . 1150 for establishing naval magazine xu . 1027 i construction of harbors .. . . 1150 for preveptuég npunous deposits. . . 1109 g engineer omcers to be employed 1150 `0l' pay o office orce . ... . . 1109 i concessions to N` ° ·' g: Kjcssrelzgsspgxim; construction .. 1 V, appropéiatipn, ~--·-----· · -·---·· ---- · 1 wara ua ana ommiaaio for channel from Narrows to the sea.; i apprgpriatiou for expeusgs, etc ,.. 59 _ contracts . . . ... 1123 appointment of ... 59 deficiency appropriation for building for deticiency appropriation forsurveys etc--234 653 f gmygligy-ant sgatign gn Ellis [gland _ _ 1|3 4 for rent, ${36 _ _ __________ _ _ _______ i _ _ _ Z _ _ I 653 or ar or . . . . .. 707 ~ com ensation an mi v ' appointnient of board to select site for P member . . .. flllgmler 645 naval magazine . ... 372 i Nicaragua, Cosfa Rica, and Salvador H l N anchorage regnlations extended to Kill van I appropriation for minister .. .. 262 823 Ku]], gm _,_,__,,_, _ _ __,,_,_, , _,,,., 1081 ~ for secretary .. - . . 263, 824 estimate to be submitted for improvement Nice, _ i of gang (magna] from Nangwg t05g5g_ 1386 , appropriation for consul _ ,_____ , _,__,_. 269 830 New York Indian Agency, Nicholls, Andrew, i ` {0; physician _,., .- .. ,... . ... ---. 940 payment to administrator of - .. -: 1174 New York Indians, Seneca Nation, : Nichols, Frank 1)., appropriation fm- E_ V_ B;-Ookshim for serv- j payment to executors of .. 1167 ices ..,. . .. 595 , Nichols Hem C, . N,,,, y,,-;, yq,;y- ]Tuy-d, , paynient to? . - - . . ... ...- 1174 appropriation for repmrs, etc., of dry Nichols, Ichabod, dock No. 3 . .. . . . ... 221 g payment to administrator of __________ ___ 1200 · for clerks. . . 373, 374, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1037, 1039 , Nichols, Jamcb H., - for repairs, etc.,toconstructionp1ant. 382, 1038 , pension ...,.,__,_ __ __________ ____ 1574 for buildings, etc ... ... -... 1033 _ Nwhals, Lucy, for machinery plant .,.. . ... 1040 ; pension .. . .,,,,...,__ _ ________ ___ ____ Mgg for repairs, marine barracks 1043 S Nwodemua, John, deticiency appropriation for .. 695 { payment to administrator nf ,___ _ ____ ____ 1171 for repairs to building ... . . ...- 238 { 1Wc0demus, John L.,

“_or reppnnng dry doc No 3 -·---- - -·-- 693 j M r>%¤;e,rg§
;;,5,,, .. . ... 1171

or wri er .. . . , , 1 r , ug " New York Packet," Slaop, _ _ , appropriation for new boiler ______ _ ______ 1109 appropriation for paying French spoliatnon * Nmetcenth Street, D. C., claims , _ , . . . . .. 1204 deficiency appropriation for grading of, _ _ 1220 Nez Force indian Reserralimv, Idaho, widening of . .. . .. 891 appropriation for sawmills, etc .. 84, 591, 940 1 Niobrura River, Xebr., _ surveyors employment on, how long to 8, appropfizgion for repairs to Government continue. . . - . .. ..- . .---fl gv 801*0sS . . .. . ...,, 940 · ayment of . ... 85 Nogales, _ _ NM 7"¢r¢¢ I·•¢¥i¤~¤, _ _¤~ppr¤pr¤¤_¤¤¤ for <·¤¤¤¤1 · -- 270, 830 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. . . 70, 1 Aogales, Ang., 578, 931 proclamation setting apart as a public res— Nez Pave I vdivwe, Idaho, _ _ ervation lands in .. 1765 appropriation for support, etc., of . .- 78, 580, 938 Z`0l{LN,'B6'II_]dIIlHl l.., Nez Pwr Indians, ·/¢>~¢ph’c Band, pension ...-.-. · -..-.. . ... 1461 appropriation for support, etc., of .. . 78, 585, 938 .\0Iand, Pearce,, Nez Perccn Agency, Idaho, ~ _ paylncnt to adminnstrntrix of .. .. 1168 appropriatiou for Indian agent at . .. 63, 572, 929 Nomnu Creek, I a., , gw Indian agent at .. ...- .. 92n fapproprmtron for improvement of ..., ..-. 1136 Nc: l’er¢·ea Indian Lands, V _ .A07l7'€81d81lt Lhzlaren, I Right of way to Clearwater Valley Rail- 1 ynot to be permitted to public schools, D. C. 1056 road Company through ._ ... 90b Aoonan, Mary H., to Clearwater Short Line Railway (`om- fpayment to ... .- - 1189 pany ... - .. . . . ...- 918 Aorfolk, L_0b::., _ _ _ _ _ Niagara Falla, Canada, appropriatxon lor public bnrlding . 9l0, 1076 appropriation for consul . . . . . 830 Norfolk, Via,. _ , I Niagara FaIls,N. l., _ approprxatwn for public building; cost name of customs port of Suspensxon , increased .. 12 Bridge, changed to . -.. 330 ‘ for clerks, etc., at navy—yard ... 373, Niqyara Frontier, _ _ 374, 376, 1028, 1030, 1031, 1038, 1039,1040 to encourage holding of Pan·American , for new roads, etc., naval cemetery. 380 Exposition on .. . ... . . . . 1022 , for uavjal magazine . ... 1028 Niagara River, _ public works at ... _. .. . ... 1034 construction of bridge authorized across, , repairs, etc., construction plant .. 1039 at Grand Island- -·---·- - ---·.------ 522 machinery view ---- --·---- - ----- 1034 appropriation for improvement of .. . . 1124 i for payment for land condemned . .. 1034