Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1953

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INDEX. 1923 Ordm·—Continued. Page- Oregon and Washington Bridge Company, P¤g¤· stamp tax on, drawn upon bank for pay- time extended for bridging Columbia ment of money. . . . . 459 River . . 783 other than at sight, gtc _____________,_,_ 4,59 Orgndprj, Mqry, Ordmoney, of the United States .. . . 459 payment to .. . . . . . ,.. 1168 panes, _ _ Orient Point, M Y., Oreyspositioig ¢?`mct:?i>‘t:::ed Sipangahj . 1757 mapprpjpriationhfog light s-Rridyfog signal 14 nance an • _ non, oar o , dent oint ig t tation . . d011B10X10X 8ppl‘0pl‘1¤·tl0ll fol' . . .. . . 712 appropriation for completingt __ _ _,___ 1078 Ordnance Department, Army, Orme, Walter, appropgiation for pay of officers; 1onge§9 1066 payment to .. . ..,,, , _____ 1165 1 y . - . ...~.. . . . . . . . . , Ormsby County, Nev. fo1‘ current expenses . . . . ... . 325, 1072 appropriation to reimburse, for improvefor ammunition for small arms .. 325, 1073 ments on. lands donated for Indian for targets, medals, etc - . 325, 1073 school .. . ..,..,,,_, 87 for repairing, etc., ordnance and ord- Ormsby, Maj. William M., nance stores . . . . 326, 1073 payment to hair of ,_,,,.._,_, -_,, 1211 for purchase, etc., ordnance stores .. . 326, 1073 O1-ne, William, for equipments . . 326, 1073 payment to administrator of . 1191 for over auling, etc., new ordnance.. 326, 1073 O'Rorkc, Ellen, for iirinlf morning and evening gun. 326, 1073 granted pension as nurse ...,. 1443 for arti ery targets, etc ... . . 326, 1073 Orphaws Court, D. C., for manufacture of arms at armories- 326, 1073 Supreme court to exercise powers of, ctc. . 434 for, applicable to magazine arms ... 326 probate of wills devising real estate .. 435 for, l if to civilian clerks . 1% Orr, Joseph , 82 for a -- .. payment o. . L ... 11 for grmiauce stores, etc., used by volun- Orthodox Russian Church, Bridgeport, Umm., teen, Spanish war, to be replaced to 1073 0 mayjcceive git of bells free of duty . 1397 States .. -.-. .. -.- ... ... cage gevwy, a., for small-arm plant, Rock Island Arsenal 1073 appropriation for Indian agent at-- . 63,572, 925 for publications, use of . .. . . 1074 Osage Indians, dedciency appropriation for current ex- appropriation for fulfilling treaty with,. 70, penses at arsenals, etc . . . . 395, 703, 778579, 931 for mechanical labor in office of chief. 395, 778 Oaagc River, Mo., for ammunition for small arms, etc . 395, appropriation for improvement of; con- 703,778 tracts . 1147 for ordnance stores ... .-.. 143, 395, 703, 779 Osaka, _ _ for equipments .,..., , ,., 395, 703, 779 appropriation for consul . .- 267, 828 for repairing, etc., ordnance and ord- Osborn, George W, mmm gm;-ea, egg ___,,,____ , _,,,,_ 395, 779 pension increased . . . . 1475 for overhsuling, etc., stores .. 395, 703, 779 OBUGMG, John, _ _ fn; manufacturing grmg, gte., national ghyment to Glecutnx of . 1190 3;-me;-ies ,____, _, .,,., 396, 703,779 Os rvmo, Anna W, for targets, medals. ctc ------- 703 rmyment tp . ... .. 1209 foremergenc{1purchaseWinchesterrifles 703 0’Shea, Patrock, for Springliel Armory- . ... - . . - 704 pension .. 1574 for dynamite guns, ammunition 704 Ovkaloouahlogva, _ _ · _ issue to Volunteer Soldiers' Home of obso- appropriation for public building 1004, 1070 lete cannon for artillery targets 1073 Oswego, L, IQ, _ suspension of limit to amount for clerks 434, 1351 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1123 materials may be {purchased abroad .. 434 Oiay, Walter L., _ _ may be admitte free . . . , .. 434 payment to admmistrator of .. . .. 1165 stores, etc., may be purchased without ad- Otoe Indian Reservation, Okla., vertisement .. . . . . . . 431 right of way to Missouri and Kansas Teleincresse of officers ctc ·--- ·· ·-·.--.- . ---. 720 phone Cv -------- --.. U;. -- 834 assignment tofstaiil positions, etc . Owe andulgakxrtgd Agency, Okla., 1 onca, I awm itiono. .. . ... ·- .-·--- 6 gziegogf storekeeper abolished after pres- appropriation for Indian agent at 63, 572, 925 ent incumbent . . . .. 979 Ohc, Rebecca (wsdow), L Ordnance, Naval, _ _ pension increased ... . . ... 1:114 appropriation for reserve guns, auxiliary Ott, John W., cruisers .,.. . ... 372, 1027 mpayment to .. . ,.,,, ... , . , . . .. 1186 O ce o Ch o awa, Oralpmrefprialgon {or mlgahénical labor. 300, 872 appropriation for consul-general . . . . 267, 827 For repairs; rent ., . ._,. , 872 for c1erk’hu·e .,.,.. . - ..,. . . .. 271, 831 deiiciency appropriation for mechanical Otter Creelr, fj., _ · 1,,,},0;- _ ____ _ _____ _ __,,,, , ,_,,,,,.. 703, 778 appropriation for improvement of . _. - . 1133 Oregon, _ _ 0H0f 1`Ml ind1a|•a, Wlnto Earth Reurvateon, appropriation for superintendent of life- Mimi., __ __ » saving, etc., stations . Z 16, 603, 1080 apcpropriatiou for support, etc., of 77, o8o, 937 for support, etc., confederated tr1bes of sta, La., _ _ Indians, middle ... . . . . 77, 585, 937 time for constructing bridge across Ouach- {01- incidental expenses, Indian serrgcgss 939 ou dm it;_R1v•Iu· extended ..---- · ·-..·--.-. 240 in .. . ..,.., , .. a a wer a., for surveyor-general, clerks, etc .. , 310; 883 time for constructing bridge across, exdeiiciency appropriation for V01q¤1809l'¤-_ 707, 710 _ t011d0d -----·~-····--···- - ~-·--·-·· 240 prosecutions for illing fur seals, in district Ouachita Itwer, Ark. and La., com-; ____ _ _____ _ ,_,,, , ,,.,, .-.. 227 appropriation for improvement of 1142