Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1964

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1934 INDEX. Pima Agency, Ariz., P¤s¤- Plumbing, D. C.—Continued. PS36- appropriation for Indian Agent at.. . 63, 572, 925 unlawful to work without license, etc 477 for repairing, etc., Hour mill .. 84, 591, 939 police court to try violations . 477 Pine Lake, Mwh., Plumbing Board, D. C., appropriation for improvement of entrance · deficiency appropriation for .. 1220 to . . .- , .-.. 1130 Plum Gut,

 Pine Mountain and Zaca Lake Forest Reacrva- appropriation for light, etc., signal on  14

tion, Cal., Plummer, George L., proclamation setting apart ... 1767 granted honorable discharge ... . . 1548 enlarging . . --.. 1776 Plummer, Nathan, Pine Ridge Agenqq, S. Dak. deficiency appropriation for . . 679 appropriation for Indian agent at. .. 63, 572,925 Plunkett, Charles T., Pine Ridge Indian Renovation, S. Bak., payment to, of amount of certain drafts.. 1522 appropriation for surveys .. . . --. . 940 Plymouth, Mass. , expenses surveyor-genera1’s office 940 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1121 Pina River, Mich., Pneumatic Tubes, appropriation for improvement of -... 1144 appropriation for public buildings 615, 1092 Pinkston, A. A. (widow), for transporting mails by ... ‘ . 4 42, 963 nsion .. . ... 1 additional contracts . ,. - . . . . . 442 Pig: Lina, Pocahontas, Ark., . · special excise tax on .. -.- 464 bridge authorized across Black River 359

monthly§eturn of receipts, etc .. .  464 pomhonm, B,-myc Company,

S 4P¢8W’•*’» 4***%, ma brid e Black `ver Poo on . appropriet;iorE$`or Indian school . g2, 589, 942 p0ca;5;,;1,, 1%,,;,,, R1 ’ ah tu' Ark 359 for new ui in .. .. .. 2 589 94 ind a _________ for repairs Indifn school- ---- - ----· - -’- - ’ 944 pg:,,,,,;,,, gal? gym to no hom t 424 tiations with Yankton Indians S. · · ’ '¥ “°g° A . v appropriation for improvement of-. .. 1136 Dak., for purchasing land near . 87 PM Charlotte (widow) Pittman, Elizabeth D. (mother), Péusion ’ ’ 1517 pension . . . . . . . 1 `° Z `‘' Z ’` 'I '`’' ’ '’ Pmsbwuh Pa · Poe Reef, Jllaolcmac Strada, Mach., time oxtepiled for constructing bridge “PP;`°P““t’°“ 1:* light V“"°l ·----- - ·-·-· 601 across Monongahela River .. 330 P"];" °"g"¤ J""'? ¤ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1125 R“Y’;°“t t° ‘”;°"“t°' °f ····---- -- --·----- 1171 Pittsburg aud Mauq/iold Railroad Company, P°"'t "7°* Pa ‘> . time extended for bridging Monongahela °PPr°P"“¤°“ f" t°l°Ph°“°¤ °t°·v hght' River at Pittsbiug, a . .. ,. 330 _ h°uS° ···· · ·············- · -•-· · ---—- 602 pm zum. CMM.; PM ·=*¤r·e¢”1·· ¢‘··'-» . .

 a.pp1;>{3;ation for payment of .,,,,,,..,,,, 121], ;;If;°£;?2;“ti:;I;l§23 st?t1°“ --·-------· 1g1g

inte nna, ,S S ° “ ···· ---·---- appropriation for support, etc. ,of, on West- Pmm 1?°"°w* Ala'°k°z . . cm Sh°·h0mRcs°"“ti0u New 7% 586 939 deficiency appropriation for refuge station PWM Indians, Pyramid I.akeReaervatim•, Nev., P , t Hat ···· ia"- · ·;· ···é-· ------ - ----· 114 proceeds0f sale of town site atWadeworth, °"° ue']"? g t Si““°"’ °l*¤ . N8v to be umd fm. ______________ 594 ¤»pp1'0pl‘mt10I1 fo1' right of way to public right 0: purchase under town-site laws, Pwd J;£;*’?-k- ·j - -···-- - ----·-·· - ---·-···· 1079 ,,,,,,---,-.,,,,,.,,______,_____ 0'l

 Huh Rxéalm, N,,,  594 appropriation for improvement of harbor

appropriation for support, etc., of Indians, 79, °f *`°*r“8° ---- - - - - ---···-— · - · - —----· 44

 586 939 Point N%1’;»o¤I Light Station, Puget Sound,

Pirky. rmwr. av ·, payment to ...,,, , _____ _ __,__ _ _____ _ _____ 12]] appropriation for fog-signal . ,.,,,..,. 602 -P4¤¤°hé» MW`! 0-; Point Trinidad Light-houac, Cal., PlP¤g:*°¤* *° ···—·· - ·-·-·---·-~ - ----- - ·---. 1169 approyériotion for telephone to Trinidad, M 7: 3 .. . . . . .. . .. - ...,..,. 1079 ¤t$mP*¤x °¤ ·----·-- - --···---·-·--. -. 462 Police Ca 'tol see Ca itol Poli Plate Gl?} Inauruoce, p,,;;,,,; p_‘%; ( P 0B)' ¤*9·mP il! °¤ ° ic? -·-- - -·-~~ ---- ·-·- 461 appropriation for major officers atc -- 536 1056 Plata and Held gore, 14;:- mnt fuel re airs .{.. 531057 of surveys of forest reserves, how tiled 34 for contingent elrpenses, Bags, etc,- . 1057 {2*;: gggigggcg °§; ·---—-—-·—·--·---·--- 34 special policemen for oorporetnous, etc 1057 y xrector of the survey . . 34 deficiency appropriation for repairs to sta- Plwvbvryy N- Y·, tion houses ._,_________ m (165046DCy 8ppI'OpI`i8ti0I1 to ].'68t0l'0 3m- for cgntinggut °xpcnBes 663 1221

 p1oyecs’ compensation at port ., 108 Police Court, D. G., ,

Plrwcm appropriation for salaries; eipeusen- -- 538, 1059 “PP’°P“°**°¤ f°' °°¤¤°1 ———~-·-—---·---- 268, 829 for m=u·¤lml’s and witnesse fees 538, 1059 Phd9e: for repairs, rent . . .,, _ _ _ _____ 539, 1059 stomp tax on, of lands, etc ..,..__,, __ 461 {0;- juries ____ _ _________ _____ ______ 539 1059 PZ0W1¤¢}••, T hrmwt S., ’ deliciency appropriation for fees of mard6’fi¤1¤;g;:[;];;;];1gation for contested elec- gh;] md wggumgefi _____ __________ ug s· .. -.-- prosecn 'ons in, or vio tin regulations PWM B°¢¤Z’•» F- L, governing cemeteries, iurials, etc,- 230 ¤PPl`0P\:|$tl0!l for light and fog-signal sta- for pgy of ju gu, ctc _____ 665 _ mm -···-· - ·---- · -·—·——~------·- --- 600 for witness fees . . . ,,,__ ___, ,___ 665 ·P'*""b‘Z'9» D- 0-: for repairs .. . .. _ __,___ ,,,_ , 665

  • PP‘l“**'“9"* °f 7**2***1 °¤ ---—·- ·— ---·—- ·-- 477 to try violations of law relative to privies. 233

qnthihbtionsforlneense as master plum- prosecutions in, for sale, etc., of udulter- » bu': °*° -·--·-····-· - ·-·- - ·--·-··--- 477 ated food and drugs ., .,,... 248