Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1969

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INDEX. ] 939 Precious Metals, Production of, Page. President of the United Statea—Coutinu¢d. P¤z¤· appropnatiun for collecting statistics -. 292,863 may authorize organization of volunteer Prjqfcrrcd Crcdnora, engineer brigade force of 10,000 imll1 b@1lk1‘¤p?cy Rrocaedings, who deemed_ _ 562 mungs ______ _____ _ ________________ 405 Preliminary lmammalions, may establish or discontinue land districts for river and harbor ymlprgvgyngutg (lirgctgd l14Q ju Alagkg ______ , ___________ _ _ __ ____ 414 Premnppa, may organize volunteer signal corps . 417 certxhcugtsgor, not to accompany c1garctte may mppcint mgtional assistant adju- Il ¤ 09 ---»-· ---- ---- --.- :mts·gcucr .. . . ...,.. 41 Prcabytenan Cfurch, Murfreesboro, Term., may appoint officers of Regular to Vcluu· P¤Y!¤6¤$ to --·--- . ----- = . ..-- 1187 tear Army, etc . . . . . 421 Prescott ( Qaerada), to appoint commissioners to revise patent Jpprogmugn for causal.] . ..-- 269, 830 and in-»Ae;¤;uk1?ws,E:a;. . H -. -..1 431 cocott ores u ion riz., 0 ma o appoin ants br t o in ustria prmhgation setting apart. ,,,... . ,_,,... 1771 commission " ... i. .. 476 Prea om to approve 0 ’ amos ctc., 0 octaw iillodp by ristail druggxsts, not taxed, etc.- 456 and Chickasaw 'i‘rib• of Indians.- 512 Preoidentpf tlw United State: (ue Proclama- of Muscogoo Tribe of Indians .. ..-- 518 hang). to appoint deputy to International Fishappropnntum for compensation .. . . 284, 855 orion Exposition, Norway -. . - 733, 734 for uxecutive officc. .. .. .. 284,855 if in opinion of, emergency exists, forts, may reveals? Executive orders, etc., rela.- ctc., may be created upon private tive crest reserves -- .. 34 36 roperty .- . . ,. . .,. 7 to cause negotiations with Great Britain , to useinud and naval forces, ctc., in comrelative t0'cat.tlo regulations ... 7, pelling Spain to relinquish authoriauthorized to use appropriation for pre- ty,;;?., in Cuba .. . . .. 738 ventiu epidemics, ctc .. -- -. 31 may pro i it exportation 0 war mateto desiguatogmard to survog deep water- rials. .. . ... . . . . 739 ways, ctc., between rest Lakes, may waive one yoar's sungonsiou hom proetc ,. . . . ... 50 motion of Army 0 can 747 to examine improvements at Pass of in Hawaiian Islands, may remove officors, Arausas,.Taxu.s coast .. . . .. . 51 ctc : ... : -.. .. . . 750 acts, ctc., of councils of Five Civilizcd toagapqnnt gcmmismonnrstcmcommcnd Tribes to be approved by, bbc -. 84 cgnslatwuz ctc . . . . 751 appropriations for Indians diverted in dis- to direct expenditure emergency fund for croticn of .. . ... gl A¥UEY $$S£ N3V¥ 1. Li.- - --.-. 772, L'; mpg-: to bg made by. .. 1 to appcm 1 iona uava c ets ... · to appoint commissionorstoclnnsify North- authorized to appoint James E. Palmer - urn Pacific Railroad lands, atc .. 38 passed ainiszant engineer, Navy 1495 to cgdif criminal hwg gm ,,,_,__,.,., 58 T nmss D. sr sr, assistant engineer udditionial commis¤ionoi·s,ctc.,forA1ask¤ 56 Navy . . -- .. . .. 3 1495 commission ·t¢bc0|$inu0 urvcys, etc., p",;;;.; of 34; 11;-qniwg, (,*.41,, Nicaragua an . -. . ... a rn riatiun for im viug road to cemgadditiounl judge for Indian Territory 84 I Pp li;ory,atc ,,_,,, ,.._, - . .., 49 commissioner to Intcmatioual EXPOS1- for stone wall ---. . . GM, 1108 tion, Paris. .1-..3} .- - ------- deficiency appropriation for road to comoa survoyqr-genera in as 11-;--;-. -·-- tary I .. 143 M8? ¢¤Wi' 111*0 1’°°¥}”'°°ltX D°g9t“*“°“‘- · · 2m Prcaque Ile Point, Llarquetta Bay, Mich., 1118)* ¤¤¤P0¤d :***1*9 d¤r¤¤z t““° °f such 208 appropriation for improvement of harbor · 3 06111611 ------·-·-· —·- ---·------- t . . .. .. . .. 11 1 suspoglriion may be mvgkcd - . 204 p,.,,;,,, :3,,,,,, yu may suspcndfroc onttyw 0\’0¤¤!68S0¤¤ 0 Pong0n____ ____ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ____ _ _____ )553 dntyisexactod 0nAmoricn.n products 204 P", · may ¤¤Sp¤¤d' di8¤1`i|¤i¤¤tl¤8 d¤¢i¤¤ °¤ fm" ‘ apogrtgpriution Ru- cnusul . . . 209, 830 eign vessels, vp -----· - ---·-- ; - - ;· - - 214 Preaack, .L B., maydiv1dcTerritory1¤t0 twolauddnstrxcts 215 payment to ____ _______ _____ ________ mu may appoint register and roceivar e 215 Prima,] hmndn 1’¤¤l¤¤¤Wd to i¤V°“i8“t° "““‘°“°WS “P°“l killing fur seals ou. atc . . . . . . . 227 snlo of tobacco under " mgm con- prim Andmuh tracts" -·-· - ---- ; ;--- ; --·-- -• --·- _-· 223 mleticiency appropriation for contentedt0 ncg0ti¤t0 for ¤'|0d!h0$U°n of I-°°stn°' election expenses .-.. -- 139 tions, GW ·--; ·--·· · -- -_ --··-··· _- -3-- 224 Price, Chandler, HWY ¤; ¤k° ¤;E¤l:*l°“s r°l“t"° t° hum? 227 { payment to administrator of . .. . . 1193 u1'B63B G0 .·-- -·---·;·• ··-- —-- —•·· - wg w to appoint registers and roccxvors for land i P;;*;;s{;,°;’;!£:!§asg3 ) 1512 d' bricts. .. .. ·..- --- --------··· ·- · · B",. `'```` " ````'- "` to ilppggut district judge fb". g Prgggzggucv £P`€;;·°P]_·igti°n fg]; _ ____,_,_ _ ,__ 682 northern district of Texas.: 240 pdb GMQU (L deficiency appr0p1‘iBti0D for l18§101131 d9· Q Pggsiou ’ ____ ______ ______ 1541 fume, expended at mliscratmu ut,. 274, 781 . P d 1§‘l‘ "" ‘ ; ‘‘‘‘‘ m appoint major and brigadicr generals 5 "‘é’{‘3&  ? :’ f: é:1 1438 {01-v°1¤¤1»¤:A:my,¤t¤ . ;...,-· 363 * PP t ···· ···· ········ in war time, duty in connection with 1u- I ?;é i b hibit d 008

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to ¢al1ci·;:?i° atifdeirailigl-furaé; into service, I’rinling aiu! pinding (acc Public Printing and for war with Spain . VT . I. . . 364 Bmding). in emergency, may appoint officers from Prawn Coaunianosi, Infcrnqfaonynl, civil hh}, gm,, for Navy 3b9 Y =l·p}; 0}::‘:;:g¢:;1 *0i' ¤0¤*¤ *¤*">¤y 6W ----- -6big€g ‘v t 111 worm" 8 --·- ---- ——-· ·~·- ·-·- — --···-·

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