Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1970

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1940 INDEX. Prison Commission, 1*nlernalional—C0ntinn1ed. P¤g¢· Proclamations-Continued. P¤8¤- deficiency appropriation for support of-. 666, of susfpension of tonnage dues of vessels 1221 , rom Trinidad, West Indies ---- 1791 Prisoners of- War, * Proctor, Robert G., appropriation for commutation of rations. 55 payment to, for compiling tariif acts. 1118 deficiency appropriation for commutation Program, of rations .. .--- ...,. 143, 149 salary, etc., appropriated for consul at, to Spanish, to be returned by United States. 1756 ; be paid to, at Merida. . . 221 arms of Spanish, to be restored .. 1756 3 appropriation for consul .. . . ... 270, 830 Spain to release and return ... 1757 t Projeclilfu, United States to release and return ... 1757 , appropriation for tests, armor piercing - . . 372 United States to obtain release of Spanish , lor fortiticatwns .. . ... . 1251 in handspf insurgents - 1757 n deficiency appropriation for, for large guns Prisoners, United States Courts, and 1Il0I'U9·I`S .. . . . - . 704 appropriation for e upport of 57, 642, 1115 Promissory Notes, deiicieney appropriation for support . 132, stamp tax on . . ..-. -. 459 150, 666, 684, 709, 714., 1238 on protest -. . . ...- . 462 Prisons, United States, ¤ issue, acceptance, etc., uustamped for- _ jail at Fort Smith, Ark., declared to be-- . 417 bidden .. . ... . . 453 appropriation for site east of Rocky Moun- Promissory Notes, D. C. (eee Negotiable Intains, etc . . . ... 641 struments, D. C.), Pritchm·d,A.J., definition oi ctc . . . -. 802 deficiency appropriation for payment to-- 1230 Prosecution of Crimea, Privoteering, appropriation for .. . , . . .. 641 policy as to, in war with Spain ... -- -- 1770 Prospecting, Private Land Claims, on forest reservations, when permitted 36 appropriation for survey oi, confirmed 33.Protest, 620, 1098 stamp tax on - ... 462 deficiency appropriation for surveying . -- 708 Protest (see Negotiable Instruments, D. C.), Private Land Claims, Court of (ace Court oi, of bills of exchange, etc - --.- 799 Private Land Claims), Protocol, Priniea, D. C., submitting to arbitrator claims of Charles construction, when authorized, etc . .. 231 Oberlauder and Barbara M. Mes- · Prize, Navy, · seuger .. . . . . . . . 1593 abolished ---. .--- . L .. ---. 1007 providing for settlement of claim of Pat- Prizea, rick Shields .. . 1596 certificate for, not to accompany cigarette, terms of basis for establishment of peace etcqpackages .. 206 with Spain .. --.- . . 1742 Proclamation, proclamation suspending hostilities with · of treaty of peace with Spain .-.. 1754 Spain .- . . _,.. . . 1780 convening Congress in extra session March Proudjii, J oh n., 15, 1897 . . . . -.-. 17% payment to administrator of. -;. ,... . 1198 creating a public reservation in Arizona Providence Hospital, 1), U., contiguous to Mexican boundary. .. 1765 appropriation for support of de titute pasuspending tonnage duties on vessels tron.: tients .. . . . 50, 635, 1108 Mexico . ... . ... . . . . 1767 for contagious-hospital building ... 635 on vessels from Copenhagen . ... 1778 to receive minor contagious cases .. 635 setting apart forestroservation Pine Moun- for isolating ward . . . . . 1062 . tain and Zaoa Lake, (Jul .. . . 1767 · I’ro»·ide»ee, 1:, I., Prescott, Ariz .. 1771 I deficiency appropriation hir public build- Son Francisco Mountains, Ariz . 1780 , ing . .. . .. .. 660 Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Ariz ... 1782 » Providence River, R. I., Black Hills Forest Reserve, S. Dak. and E appropriation for improvement of - . 45, 630, 1106 Wyo . ..·.. .. .. 1783 { preliminary examination of, and harbor to Fish Lake, Utah . .. 1787 I · be made . . . . . . . 1159 Gallatin Forest Reserves, Mont 1788 E Provincetown, Mana., declaring a blockade of the north coast of appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1121 Cuba . . 1769Proxy, an extension of blockade. .. - ... 1776 y stamp tax on, for voting at election. etc-. 462 calling for 125,000 volunteers for war with Publications, Division ojj Department of Agri- Spain . . ... --.- 1770 { culture, for 75,000 volunteers, second call .. . 1772 appropriation for chief, clerks, etc .- . 2. 331, 048 declaring principles relative neutral flag, for assistant, clerks, etc., document secetc., in war with Spain 1770 é tion . , _,..,,,__ 2,331, 948 enlarging Pecos River Forest Reservation, for preparing bulletins, etc., expenses. 7, New Mexico , ... . . ...,, 1773 i 336, 954 Pine Mountain and Zaca Lake Forest mode of distributing documents, etc .’ 7, 336, 954 Reserve, Cal .--.. -. 1776 , Public Buildings, of a commercial agreement with l·`r:\nce.. 1774appropriation for assistant custodians and designating Thanksgiving Day, November jauitors ., .- . - ... - -- . 27, 614, 1092 25, 1897 .. . . . . . . . . . . 1766 , {br inspector of furniture, utc H, 614, 1092 Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1898 . . 1786 g for furniture and repairs ..__ _ __-. 28, 614, 1092 restoring to public domain saline reserves S for ine], lights. and water ---- 28, 614, 1092 in Cherokee outlet . . -.. 1779 Q for new post-office at Washing-ton, D, C, 28 suspending hostilities, war with Spain.. - 1780 i for transfer of Post·Office Department reserving land for naval purpose!, HOD0- to . . ...-- ,.,. .-. ..., ,_ ,,,. . _,,, 28 lulu . .. 1786 é for \Vashingt0n, Treasury buildings ..., 13, revocation of suspension of port dues on 598,1WY vessels from ports of the island offor repairs, HTG- .. . ... 18, 599, 1077 Tobago .. . . . . . . . 1790 i for heating apparatus ihr . .,. 14,600, 1078