Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1971

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INDEX. 1 1 P“bu° B“€Mlf'98·C0¤1¤i¤¤¢d· P¤:¤- Public Buildinga—Coutiuued Page ¤PP'°P¤¤·*¤0¤ for *‘8¤l¥¤, safes, and locks. 14, appropriation for public i building New ` 600, 1078 Brunswick, N. J .,,., ,_ __'__ _ 963 1075 f°' P1““.f°" · ···--- - —----··-- — - - - 14, 600, 1078 N ow Iberia. Ls. . 1003. 1075 for superintendents ... 13, 599, 1977 Newport lf, _ " °'‘’ 1., f" &§‘°“m“"i° *“b°S -·---- - —··--——-· 615, 1092 Newport, Vt -----` -i-i -`.- ""Ei;9 107;-; f°’ °“*h°" B“’°““ -·----·- · --—— ~ -·--· 958 N¤wp0rt’N¤x}S_V¤l' - - r U---" "-`-` 839, 107}; for repairs, house in which Abraham N ew York N .Y.’ aplncsiiserls lnirehonso y 12 Li¤¤<·1¤ died ---- - -----· --.. ww pm-tales an ’ 598 for nnblic buil<ling,Aberdeen, S. Dak. 971, 1075 New York, Y., increase:;;: 969 · A *]°”°» T°X ··—-·-·-·---·-—-·-- - - - 975, 1075 Norfolk, N obr .. . ...,. , .,,_ 970 1076 A1i¤z;b¤¤y, Pa -·-· - ----. . . 11 Nomik Va ..,, ,, ,,,,__ ’ 12 A“’°°°°· P° --—-- - - ------ - -·--- J- -· 839, 10*74 Norwicll Coun. .. Q:```````` iooi 1076 A¤¤s·v<>¤¤, Md ·-----------------. 1003, 1075 omauuj cu . . . .1111 111- m4' ma. Auulswnv Mn --~·-· - -- - ·--- · ··-·- 1003, 1076 Ohio Centennial and Northwest Terri- 7 ' Bhltlmorc, Md., custom-house ..,, 1077, 1355 wry Expolltlml ______ __ ____________ 1348 B08}1l¤0¤1G, Tex -.-... . . - ... 975, 1075 0m¤.h;,Nebi- ____________ _ _____ ____ gg; img B1'!·¤`: N°b¥‘ ·-·-·- · —---··--- - ··---- 970, 1075 Oskaloosa Iowa .. . . . 1004; 1075 Boise City, Idaho . .. . ... 11, 597 Pete;-een, J ____ _ ____ _ _____________ 12 B¤9¤¤¤. Mm ------ - --.-- , 11 1·¤m¤¤a,0¤g . 12,1015 · BTldg8p0l'li, COBB., 8d(111i10l1 to .. ; 11 Pgttgville, Pa,______ ____ ____ ______ ____ 12 Bristol, Tenn .. 920, ms Pueblo, com . . ..,..,,_,_ 12 Brockton, Mass .. . . . . 11 . Racine, Wie ,,_,,_ __ ______________ __ _ _ ig Brooklyn, N. Y., addition to . 989 Rome, N, Y _ _ _______ _ _____ ____ ____ 997, 1075 Brooklyn, N- Yi, post-0111% ... 1076 St. Cloud, Minn . . .,,_ 1000, 1075 Brunswick, Ga ---- -------. 982, 1075 St. Paul, Mimi. . ... 12, 598,1075 Bufalc, N. Y --- 11, 597, 1074 Salem, Oi-e ,..,,, , _, , ,,__ _ _____,_ logo, 1076 Butte 011:% Mont .. - -- 972, 1075 Sim: Lake gity, Utah ,__, _ _,_______ 975, 1075 Camden, . J - .. - . . . 11, 597 for urchuse of site ,,,_,,., 13 gllutoaicighgg, addition to . 982, 13973 gan Fgamcisoo, Ch.] . . .,, 12, 598, 1075 IIT0 , y -.-- .. - avnxmsh, Ga. .. -... .. , ,,_ 12 Clmrlcshon, C., completing ap- 11 goattxéwgshi ...,,,,. 973, 1075 ww 08 0 -.-.-. ---- --.- ---- rin c ass . 988 1076 CEGIBHO, 77)*0- . . . . 11, 598 Slthokton, (Ea] . . . ...,.,,,_ 1076; 1354 . Chicago, I1]., temporary quarters --5},8 gtrcatori {ll . . . .--- 996, 1075 , am s,a . . 1075 1361 post-oflico, etc., plans .. . 598, 1074 Tope1:a,Ka.ns. additional ground- ,... l 12 extension of tomporug building 1074 Washington, C .. . . ...,,. 13, 1358 Cleveland, Ohio, post-0 co .. 1076, 1356 site for Washington Public Library .. 1372 Clinton, Iowa . ,990, 1075 Wilkcsbarre, Pa .. .--. 968, 1075 Columbus, Ga . 997, 1076 Wixiston, N. C - ... . 999, 1076 Creston, Iowa ... 1004, 1075 Worcester, Mass .. -- .. 13 Cumberland, Md . . . .. . . . . 11 Youngstown, Ohio . .. 599 Denver, Colo . .. . . . . 11, 598 dolicicncy appropriation for assistant cus- Detroit, Mich . . . . 598 todisns and jzmitors . .. 109, Dubuque, Iowa, addition to ... 982, 1076 235, 655, 706, 712, 1216, 1246 Eau Claire, \Viu . . . . .. 997, 1075 for heating apparatus .. . . . . 113, Elgin, lll .. . .. . ... 968, 1075 148, 655, 712, 1216, 1246, 1248 Elizabeth City, N. C . . . 983, 1075 for furniture and repairs ... . . . . 142, Ellis Island .. . ... . 598, 1074 _ · 148, 235, 656, 706, 1216, 1246 Elmim, 1<_ Y _______,_,_. . ..,.. 989, 1075 for fuel, lights, and water. . - ... 142 Fergus Falls, Minn . . . . . . . . 976, 1075 _ 148, 712, 1246, 12-I6 Fitchburg, Mass .. 919, 1075 for repairs and preservation . . 113, 142 Fi-eepei-5, 111 ,,...,.,.. . ... 996, 1076 for uppmisorf stores, Chicago, Ill .. 142 l-leetinge, Nelly; ,,,,,, . . 970, 1076 for vaults, safes, uml locks . 113 Helene, Mont., ugditional hind .. 10% * foxéBri¢|§cp0rkConn ..- .. . . Hel; S yin , Ai- .,., . , orro ton, ’y . . . ., lndiegepeli, Ind .. .. . 916, 1075 Chqrleuton, S. C . . .. . . 660 Jeekgen, Mig;. ..,. . . . . 985, 1076 j Chicago, lll .. 660 Jgqkggnvillg, H3 .. .. . . ...-.. 598 O01I1I1I1J11S, G3 . . . .. ... 235 Jnnieetewn, N,Y ,,.,.. . ... 985, 1075 Detroit, Mich .- .. 660 Jnneeville, Wig ,,..,... . ..,.. 1001, 1076 Ellis lslznud 113, 660 Joliet, lll_ ____ _ __,,__,,, ._,, . , 986, 1075 Evansville, Ind., marine hospital, etc. 113 Joplin, Me ____ _ _,,,, , ,,.,.,... 972, 1075 Fremont, Ncbr .. . . . . . 660 Knneee City, Kaus 984, 1075 l Helena, Ark .. . . . . . . .. 112 Kanggs (jilgy, M0 ,,___, ., ...,...,. 12 . J ocksonville, Fla. ---. . ... 660 Law;-gncg, Mess .. . 982, 1075 { Washington post-offico .. . 235 Lenllville, Colo ... 999, 1076 a lcrk, Pa.--:.. . - . 112 Lggkpqrrt, N,Y ,,.. ... 1076, 1.352 ¤ NGW YOI'k C11?)' - .- -- -·.- ·-.. 1.12,660 Log Angeles, Cul, ,,,,_. . .,... .. .. 13.55 Omaha, Nebi- ... . 1217 Mgcgg, Gl; _____,_ _ ,,..,,. 1002, 1(Y76 Omaha Exposition . .- . . 235, 732, 743 Memphis, Tenn _____, , ,..,., . 1075 I Philadelphia., Pa . -... 660 Lfgugmingg, Mich ,.., , ,... . .-- 984, 1076 Providence. R. I . . 660 Meridian, Mis; , .,..,... .. 12 l Scranton, Pu. .. . . --. .. 660 Milwnnkemwis -. ·- .· 12 Z 1`opckn, Knns .. . . 1217 Minneapolis. Minn ..-. . -.. . - - - 987. 1076 : Vineyard Hmjcn. Mass ----_ . -. 660 Monmouth, Ill .. . .985, 1075 I for murine hospitals and quarantine sta- Newark, N . J .. additional land .. .. 12 4 tions ... _ .- . . ... 660 · New Brighton, Pu. ,.,..,.. . . . . 1075 ‘ for repairs, (-4;,, in Alaska __,,__ , _,,,... 130