Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1987

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INDEX. 1957 Secretary of IM Ireanry-Continued. Pass- Secretary of the Treasury-Continued. P¤8•¤· contraction of revenue steamers under to make rules, etc., for entry free of duty ` ‘uT°°l?°¤ of ·--- - ~ -·—-----·- -- -- ---· 17 of exhibits for Pan-American Expo. Directgr ot Bureau of Engraving and eifion, Niagara hontier .. ., .,,_ 1022 Printing responsible to . ... 18 to examine balances due State of Nevada to transport free, silver com, from Treas· under act of July 27, 1861.; report-- 1206 ury, etc .. - . 26 to investigate and report on slaisns of to notify lfostmaster-General of complet- Utah for unrefunded iutemalaeveing o1ty post-ouice building, etc 28 nue taxes .. . ... . . . . 1215 _ to credit accounts of Capt. George W. authorized to examine accounts of the Goetbals, etc . . 111 Cape Smythewhaling and Trading ’ to dgqlgrg net amount of bounties be- Company ,___ , _____ __ _,,,,,,,,, _ , ,, 1215 stowed abroad on exports, et: .. 205 authority to dispose of notes,_etc., of into giVO•D0t100, etc.,_when neat cattle and de tedness of Central Pacilie Bailhides may be unported..-,., .,, 210 road. Compmy . ,. ., .,,. . .,. 1245 not to remit forfeitures, etc., where value to exchange light-house reservation for of imported goods is falsely declared, military reservation at Admiralty etc .. . . . · ... 212 Head, Wash ., , ,,,_,,____ _ _____ jg5o to assign space in post-otllce building to to admit free of customs duties, etc., exoccupants of rented quarters ... 235 hibitn for 0hioCentennial and Northto purchase revenue-cutter vessel for Yu~ west Territory Exposition .. 1348 ken River .. . .. 241 to exchange old cust0m·house lot for to furnish mint at New Orleans with silveradjoining lands in St. Augustine, bullion for conversion, etc .. . - . - 296 Fla . - . ... . . . .. . 1359 destruction by, of certain records, office of for authorizations for constructing public Auditor for the Post-Odlee Depart- buildings (sec Public Buildings). ` ment, authorized . .. . --. 317 to pay J. & W. Seligman & Co. for lost to establish assay office at Seattle, Wash . . 420 coupons, etc ..,..,,,__ _, ___________ 1503 to issue American register to foreign built payment to estate of Abel Adams for lost steamer "Argy e" . .. 473 bonds authorized ...,.,_ ,, __,,,____ 1504 steamer "Arizona" .. . . 473 to pay John Veeley for ee;-nin Treasury steamer “Arkadia" . . . . 473 notes .. .. .,,,_,,_,_,___ 1505 steamer "Catania" ... - 420 Secretary oxf War, vessel “Centennial" . .. 420 appropriation for, Assistant, olepks, enc, 298, 870 steamship “China" .. . . 432 may lease lands in Gettysburg National steamer “Columbia” .. . . .. 473 Park . . ...,., 44 _ steamer ‘*Leelanaw” .. 249 to examine feasibility, etc., piwuterway stnmer “Olympia" . - .. 473 on \Varrior River .. . , .,,,_,__ __ 48 steamer “Speeialist" .. ...;. .-- 475 ; to investigate water hyacintli in Florida. steamer “ acoma" 473 waters, etc .. ,.,.,._,__ 48 steamer “Unionist" L-.. 475 to submit annual estimates for river and steamer “Victoria" 473 i harbor improvements .. ,,,_ 49 steamship "Zea1andia" . . . . 421 1 to furnish set of Records of the Rebellion may issue certificates of indebtedness 466 { to Senators, Representatives, and bonds to secure loan . . s 467 Delegates- ... . .. ... 50 to coin silver dollars, etc- 467 { to make report of improvements, etc., at disposition of unexpeuded advances of I Pass of Aransas, Texas coast, etc... 51 former Commissioners, District of to furnish list, etc., of lands within Cbip· Columbia, etc ... -. ... . . 543 I pewa Indian Reservation, etc .. 67 to disregard direetiouto sell old postpollloe to furnish Conuuissiouer General Land 011 building, Detroit, Mich 598 , fice listoflauds of Chippewa Indians, to provide accommodations for olllcials in _ Minn .. . .. 67, 576 building at St. Paul ... . 598 . to approve plans, etc., of bridge across to have exclusive jurisdiction of public Clinch River, Kingston, Tenn .. 103 buildings; to assign space, etc .. 614 Pearl River, Columbia, Miss . ..J 10l to assi n s ace in new post-0Bce building, . Missouri River at Yankton. S. Dak . 1361 iiashinngton ... . ... 657 ¥ Tennessee River at Shefficld, Ala ... 1369 to donate cannon to city of Milwaukee . .. 735 » Choctawhatchee River in Alabama, at to act in adjusting certain claims against Newton and Hollis Brid e . 241 Tennessee . 743 Snake River, Lewiston, ldaéiio . 245 to refund to Chicago, Milwaukee and St. ‘ rate of tolls charged . 245 . Paul Railway Company payment Bayou Bartholomew, in Arkansas .. 275 made for certain right of way .. 749 Red River, at Grand Ecore, La .l 351 deposit with, of bonds of consular officers, Mississippi River Prairie dn Chien, Wis. 351 em _,.,.. . ... - . . ... 770 Loggy Bayou, La _, ____ 352 to grant Sa inaw, Mich., use of certain St. Francis River, Green County, Ark.. 354 post-oéce land for a park . . 804 Red River, at Shreveport, La . . , 355 to remit time· penalties on lighnhouse 1 Black River, at Pocahontas, Ark ,, , 359 render “Rose". . . .- 804 Yalobusha River, at Dodds Ferry, Mies_ 366 to make regulations for immediate trans- I Arkansas River, \\'ebbers Falls, Ind. T. . 407 portation on small quantities ofmer- 1 Missouri River, Quindaro. Kaus 472 chandise, ctc ... - ... 814 i St. Francis Lake, Lake City, Ark .. . 474 may open packages of imports where food, Alabama River . . .. 521 etc., aelulteration suspected -..- 951 I Niagara River, at Grand Island 522 notice to consignce, etc .. . . 951 g Black River, Ark .. . . . . 650 to retnse delivery od etc .. . . 951 Yalobusha River, Miss . 716 to donate set of life saving apparatus to Tombigbee River, in Mississippi 718 Imperial Japanese Society for Saw- Arkansas River .. . --.-. 782 ing Life from Sliipwreck 1010 _ Missouri River at Oacoma, S. Dak .. 805