Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1994

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1964 INDEX. Sag Page- South Canadian River, Ind. T., T’¤g0· ditionul tux on -... .- -- 449 may be restored to its original channel. . . 493 size of packages of ... 450 South Carolina, additional tax 01.1 articles bearing old appropriation for superintendent for lifestsgmps, {tc .1; ... il - . . - . . saving stations and houses of rafuggbs 16, return 0 stoc w an and ow e. 1080 manugzcfurer unt taxed as dealer, etc 451 Sotozing of United States courts in . , 769 Snyder, o n, ut akola, payment to heir of - .. 1172 appropriation for surveyopgoncral, clerks, Snyder, Thaddeusetc .. 310 883 Eaymont to ...’... . ... 1177 for incidental expenses, Indian service , So , Pom Kwang, , in . ... 79, 586, 939 conveyance of property in trust, for heirs, deficiency appropriation for Indian servotc . . .. .. - . 1402 ico in . ... 145, 150 - Soils, Division of, Department_ of Agriculture, consantto compact between Nebraska und, npgrrepristicn for ch1o£ assnstauts, etc. 3, 332, 949 ostahlrshxug boundary Imc-: ... 214 Sompr expenses, ctc. .. . ... 5, 334, 952 proclamzigcgg onlarging Black H1lls For- 1783 wrs as crve apprcipriatiou for hoadstencs for graves. - . 49, Southern Pacific Company, 634 1108 , payment of balance duo on ’ud cnt i for burial of indigent 49, 634; 1108 $ favor of ... I],- ET. ,,,,, tj 1245 for appliances for disabled ... 50, 635, 1108 [ Southern Ute Agency, Navajo Springa, Colo., . for transporting homo the remains of cer- 5 appropriation for Indian agent at . - . 64, 573, 925 tain doccasod .. -. . . 730 | Sout vm Ute Indian Reaervation, Colo., deiiciaucy appropriation for hcadstoncsn. {Cgié [ authority io Secretary of the Interior to . 1225, Z purc use water rights for irriga- Soldiers asd Sailor! Hana, DL C., . I tion .. . . . . . ,.._,_,,__ 593, 941

P fign for ughgtguggcg ,,,. ---- 541, 1061 R to {-3111111-0 bond _ __ __ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 593

Soldi Home, D. C., g Southern tc Indians medical. et¤.,_¤¤ppli¤¤ furnished at cou- 5 dedcioncy syppropniation for ram0ving,atc. 128 tract pncss ... -- ... 54 f Southern Ute ndiam in Colorado, Solicitorfor qw Department of State, [ appropriatipn fur agency building at sppruprintmu for ... - .. 313, 886 | N avajo Sprmgs  ;... 76 Sohdtor-Q•¤orala_ 313,886 i owner;:;; Mp¤tesuma]\;u.11oy Caua.1 to be I 0I' ·.----.- - . -..- TVIBWC ro ao t ' &:£;:¤}¤;g:£h:Bé . . . , . 6u, 886 * lvtstcr {gr. . .:1 . . 76 ' 0 n u enc, _ repo to ma o of amount of water appmptistiun for .. . ... - ... 886 necessary ,,,,_, _ ______________ _ ____ 76 ,3,,;;,,;;.,,- of gg, mmyy, 1 mileage, ctc., allowable in surveying appropriation for, assistant, clerks, ctc. 314, 887 b0¤¤d¤·1'y --.. . . . ... 238 E)I13W books . ,., . ,..,... 314, 887 I Snuih HGvq¤,_Mich., _ Sd for stationery .. .; _ 3 14, 887 S agrxlgprluzcu 1:1} 1l¤n1g·0v?yno1;$ of harbor. 1130 ingm, MI _ ofo TM] 8 mon . appropriation for consul . .. 268, 829 b¤d8° ¤:m¤0¤¤¤d ¤0fo¤¤ L;k¤ éhnmgluiu or cogfulatez at, t0)be in place of Fiirth. 270 S"". M3¢0m:M$:nwt hcudcf Koders y. 815 Somerlat aria widow , o was cc ia. Sopeusingx . H'. ., . . . . . . , . 1461 ¤ppfo]gi\Wi0D’ for ohtablishing light gt;. ri c, iram, OD . . . . . ..., , ,__,_ 60] gfgment to legal representative of . . . . 1209 Swfh, PWM K, Sonnebery p0¤l10¤l¤ 1111110 .-..,,,,_,,_,____ 14y) apprcgiiqtion for consulate at Coburg, to Svvih Orrqhcz Ncbr., _ _ _ S t W13 of . . . ... 270 8 ¤13»r;£·:n•}z·n8;`•:§Pg:¤!;g;;:¤uding 12 ann ag 1 m . W • payment to administrator of .. . .. 1199 1 d¤6¢=i9¤¢;Y $}>P1’0P1‘i¤¢i0¤ far BUYVOYB, ctc.- 122 Smmtag, William L., Surviving Partner, etc., I S""" R'"? f · J . I payment to administrator of . 1197 °PP'°P“"*“”' ‘?’ WP“?‘*°?“°“* °*` --···--- 113* Sonoma Creek, Cal., I Southwest Paco, Meaggépy Rwgr, preliminary examination of, to be msdn .. 1155 { ““"°Y °f· ““th°"z ··---- ---· ---·-- ···· 735 80,,8;;, E_ pq , rcnort to he made on channel . . .,,,,, 1121 payment to administntrix of .. . ...,. ms * S1¤¤~···#· S•a¤d·w» f _ Sound Signals (ms Navigation), t Sp‘g}£’!`°P¤¤~t10¤ 0F trunsportatmn of ____ ___ 1224 1‘€g¤]¤33¤;_;° P"'°”t °°m'i°“ °“ inhnd , apphopriatiou for minister . . .. . 262, 823 SW"' America, °'’‘'’ '° '''''‘‘‘‘ 102 Q ifor sicrgtggy totlfgation .. ..,,,,, 263, 324 . . . _ orcer neu an _ __________ __ 264 pg, ¤PP¢0%g:;:*¤ fm ¥‘f{’¥“m*t€ °h““s gl 1029 { fg1·_carryiug out eightyogbligations . , ddicmmy ai;I;1;(;i);_iati0];··d’1;·1};:;1;tn of · E qioucxeggaggmpnaciou for clerk him at lm °°°°t° ‘‘‘'’'"’'‘' " ‘'‘'‘’‘‘‘· 694 I for tmusportunnd af-Q§d1Q}Q```°'```° 1224 ’S°:g;;:€2;£i0n fm. consul ___________ ____ 268, 829 I dvvlaratigu of WM between United for ·=1··¤= M ·——----—-—-- -- —-·-—---·- ¤’¤·¤=¤ m"‘3¤.11;.;;-;m-e1,;2;,·u;,;1g;,5·j;;;· 3** Synth Atlaytia Quaranlina Station, ‘ saving ____ ____ __" un-. ° 36* °P}:):_°g5:‘I31‘;)‘:1‘f°;:é“P‘t“1# °“’ ···· · ······· 633 Jupplics, arms, atc., may b• r ·············•·······- Cubans in war with _,___ ____ _____ __ 419 for expuuscs . .. .· ...--·· · ···· ·-·· 616, 1094 demand upon, to relinquish authority in S¤·¢k1¢»4 M¢’•nj_$·*el;1€e¤~•·~} Q; my C11:}. m .. .-.1; m pre HD11I8X'] m A um 0 a. nys www igmcmmq; x“b]hh_m·¤$ em., between, to be msdn -.. -..3 1160 P nfposco with .. ti I; .. ..,,,.,, 1742 _