Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2019

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m1)}!:;. 1989 T wtf vf 1897—€¤¤¢i¤¤¤¤<\- ¥’==¤¤:r=·1¤¤- Page- Tarij 41897-coummea. Pmgmph. rage. ""}’ °' °“°°‘_ . , __ Jute .- Z. .. ... 566 198 w cgetsblc kno cs ... loo 164 bagging for cotton. . 344 181 wares or articles enameled bags ______ _ ______ _ _____ ____ 343 181 wM,$>rr§1¤¤¤d ----·· - --...-. 12; 124 butts ._ _ ,,________, . ____ 564; 198 8 ····-· · - ··-· · ------ carpets and our tin . 180

        • 8** ““fl '°f“°° - - ··-- - ---- 122 159 hydraulic hose . - . . 335 180

Watch W"'° --——·- · --··----- 137 161 mats . . . . .. , .__. , . , , 334 180 . w°d8°“ ------ · —·--·---··-·· 144 162 rugs .. . 334 180 Wlleell fot'1'811Way purposes . 171 165 sacks ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ________ 343 181 Wl1B----..n-,..,.. wggtg ____ __________________ 632 200 wrrer- woven fabrics ,,,, . - ,_____ , , 341 181

9 ·-··-- · -—---·--- - - - - 162 164 yarns, single -- .,.., 328 180

6 ·-··-·-----·---·----- 136 161 kmmte .. 591 198 NP9 ·--·-·--·- · · ---- - ---- 137 161 kangaroo skins ..,. . .,,_,,,,, 438 192 i'0¤¤d ·---··--·------ Q - - - 137 161 kaoliu . . .. . . ,,.,, 93 156 ¤$?¤¤d --·-·-·--- . ..·· 137 161 kelp ,. . ,, . __,__ , _589 198 wood BCI‘8WB..-.,.. 169 165 kg])1;]gdgg__________ ____ _ ____ _ % 159 Wr<>¤ght-— kid skins ...,.. , . _ _ _ , .,., 438 192 horseshoes . . . . . . . 163 164 kjqmyigg _ _____ _ ______ _ _ _ _ ____ 590 198 M11]! --···--- - . . ...-. - . 161, 162 164 kiudling wood ,...,.. 197 167 scrap .. . . . . . . 122 159 kirseh wasser ...,..,.. 292 173 _ _ srilms, nuts, and washers- 1633 {gl) kitchen knives ..,,.. . ___,, ‘, , , 155 164 mug ess .. . .. .. uittedistlc ..-.. - . . . 566 198 articles of wearing apparel, cables and cordage .,.. 329 180 woolgn _______,,_______ 370 184 1Q3U8D cloths .. . . . . 368, 369 184 articles, cotton ., 317, 318, 319 179 ivory, fabrics . ... . ... 366 184 bagatelle lull! . 417 · 190 goods, silk .. . - . 390 187 billiard balls .. . . . - 417 190 weariu g ap ure], wooleu . . . 370 184 black . . . . . - 47 153 knitting uescges . 165 165 buttons . . . . 414 190 knives, ‘ chess bells . . . . . 417 190 •rtists’ .. . . . . . . 155 164 chessmen .. . . . . . . :_. 417 190 bread .. 155 164 dice . . . 417 190 budding ... _ 153 163 droughts ...,.. . . . . 417 190 butchers' .. - . _ ._. T 155 164 manufactures of ... 450 193 `butter .. . . .. `. . .155 164 . tusks, natural or out verti— curving. . . . . . . . ,._. _ 155 164 call; .. , .,... . . 584 198 cheese . . . . . ._. . -_ 155 164 ve etab e . . 584 198 clasp .. ._ ... _._-_._._ 153 163 · guttionz . . . . . .,... 414 190 cooks' .. - - . . .. . i 1g 164 J so un -— emsers .. - . 1 163 dgqigns. . . . -- .. 402 189 fruit .. .. . . 155 164 figured goods . . --- . 391 187 htm ting .. - . . .. 155 164 Julgp .,,,, Z . ..,,. :>8o 198 k1tcl1en 155 164 japan vm-meh . . . . a3 1::4 mamcure .. . . . . 153 163 Japanese straw mettings . 333 180 psinteréf . . . 155 164 jnpanned leather . 438 192 palette .. - . 155 164 japonica., terr; ,. . . ... 682 202 pen . , . .. . .. 159 163 _!;;-; 2 ____ , Z _ _ , _ 1 ,,,__ , _ ,,,,.. ‘99 156 plumbers .. . .. 15:: 164 Jasnmne or Jasnmme, 011 of 626 199 pocket ... -. 103 163 jasper, manufactures of .. 115 159 pIOD1I1g . . . 153 163 jqllieg ,___,_ , ,.,,.,,. 263 171 shoe . . . 155 16-1 jot, kryolnth .. . . - . . . . 588 197 manufactures of ,, ,.. . . 115 151) ky8`I\150 .. -.. 591 198 uummmfacmred ,,.. . ...,.. 586 198 lnbelin g goods . .. sec. 8 205 jewelry _,__,, . . . - . - 434, 435, 436 192 labels, imitgtiqgg of ,.,_,,_, _ ,,.. . . 435 192 cigar . . . . .. 400 188 jgwglg, watch or clock - - . . I cotton . ..-... · . . . ---.-· 320 179 wists .. . .M- ggnquilg _____,,,,,,, , , , , ,,... 251 170 dye, tor;dc,ds<:>di buttons, _92 199 O"- s c an s el ..,,_,.._ n J light _____, , ,_,__,_,,_, , . . . 587 198 spirits - . ... 593 199 stick .. . . . . 587 198 lacejuglsmdinm oil ... 626 199 bands .. . .. . . . - 339 181 jugs contmnmg— bead .. . . . . 408 189 ele, porter, or beer . 297 174 bed_ sets . . . .. 339, 340 181 still wines , ,.,.,... 296 174 brunt1s . .. 339, 390 181, 187 jmce, _ 0 chgilou 390 187 vane, snrnps of. .. . . -09 168 cmp .- - · - - , . -. . 409 189 cherry .. . .. . . . . 299 174 cotton . 339 181 fruit, 11. s. p. f. . . , . 299 174 curtams . . . 339 181 fruits, preserved m 263 171 edglngs . ._. .. .. . . 339, 390 181, 187 lemon ______ _ ________ _ ___,, 597 199 em roxdemes .. . .. 339, 390 81 lime ... 597 199 etammes .. . . .. 339 181 grgggg, gOu|_•,__,__ ___,, ,,.. 597 199 HBX ..·.. .. -. .-... -. 339 181 prune. . ,..,., .,,,,, .,. . 299 174 flouncmgs , ..,, . ,__,_ 339, 390 181, 187 juniper, oil of. . ...-,. ..,. 626 199 ililtlllg'8 ··-- --·- ---·-------- _ 339 181 junk, old . . . . . . . . 588 198 . hinges .. . . 390 187