Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2054

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2 2024 Williams, Hobart, payment to Williams, James S., Page. 1208 payment to administrator of.. 1184 Williams, Jane, payment to 1176 Williams, John R., 1562 may accept decoration from France Williams, Joseph, surviving partner, etc., payment to administrator of.. Williams, Martha R., 1198 1163 payment to administrator of... Williams, Roderick, 1176 payment to administrator of.. Williams, Samuel, payment to administrator of... 1195 Williams, Sherman, deficiency appropriation for, Ford's Thea- ter disaster 109 Williams, Thomas, deficiency appropriation for.... 686 Williams, I. D., payment to 1383 Williams, William J., pension... 1473 Willie, F. E.. appropriation for services... 83 Willing, Adolph, 672 deficiency appropriation for.. Willing, George, 1193 payment to administrator of Willing, Thomas M., payment to administrator of 1192, 1193, 1195, 1198 Willis, J. S., deficiency appropriation for contested elec- 687 tion expenses Willmarth, Amanda (widow), pension increased 1515 Willock, Thomas, payment to administrator of 1199 Willoughby, John, granted honorable discharge 1514 Wills, D. C., devising real estate, may be admitted to probate by supreme court, eto 435 procedure for probate.... 435 time for filing caveat, etc 435 decedent's real estate may be adminis- tered, to pay legacies, etc... 436 437 act applicable to wills hereafter filed, etc. collectors to act as administrators... force of foreign probate, etc.. Wills, John, 437 437 1196 payment to administrator of Wilmington, N. C., appropriation for marine hospital..... 13, 1077 (feorge Z. French relieved from liability for funds lost while postmaster, etc. 111 Wilmington River, Del., appropriation for harbor... Wilson, N. Y., 629, 1125 appropriation for improvement of harbor. Wilson, A. A., 1124 deficiency appropriation for fees as mar- shal, in police court... Wilson, Abigail, pension. Wilson, Henry, pension increased.. Wilson, James, payment to administratrix of Wilson, Richard T., payment to administratrix of Wilson, William, payment to administratrix of Wilson, William F., payment to INDEX. 118. 1582 | 1511 1204 1172 1204 1210 1438 Wiltse, Catherine, pension... Winbourn, James R., payment to Winbourn, Mary B., payment to 1189 1189 Winchester Repeating Arms Company, 703 deficiency appropriation for rifles Winder Building, D. C., appropriation for engineer, fireman, etc. 286, 857 598, 1077 for repairs... for fire-alarm system. 1077 deficiency appropriation for automatic fire- alarm system 655 Windmill Island, Pa., 44 appropriation for removing Windmill Point, Tt., made subport of entry.. 30 Wind River or Shoshone Indian Reservation, Wyo., investigation directed of certain claims for improvements in, by white citizens. Windsor (Nova Scotia), 591 270, 831 appropriation for consul. Windsor (Ontario), appropriation for consul..... 269, 830 Wines, stamp tax on sparkling or other. 463 adulterated, sale, etc., in District of Co- lumbía, forbidden. 247 Winkler, Corydon, granted honorable discharge.. 1576 Winnebago and Omaha Agency, Nebr., appropriation for Indian agent at... 63,572, 925 Winnebago and Omaha Reservations, Nebr., right of way through 912 right of way through, granted Omaha Northern Railway Company... 344 Winnebago Indians, appropriation for fulfilling treaty with.. 76, 584, 936 Winnebago Reservation, S. Dak., deficiency appropriation for damages to settlers, etc... 128 Winnipeg (Manitoba), 269, 830 appropriation for consul Winston, N. C., appropriation for public building 999, 1076 Winters, George, deficiency appropriation for... Winters, Theodore, 689 payment to 1211 Winthrop Harbor, Mass., preliminary examination of, to be made.. Winyaw Bay, S. C., 1157 appropriation for harbor improvement 45, 631,1106 Wirtz, William, payment to administrator of. Wisconsin, 1169 grant of certain lands to.. 893 Wise, Creed T., payment to executrix of.. Wise, Mary A. (widow), 1167 pension Wise, R. A., 1440 deficiency appropriation for contested-elec- tion expenses 686 Wiseman, Amos K., payment to administrator of... Withdrawal, 1187 of goods at eustom-house, stamp tax on... Withers, Creighton, 460 deficiency appropriation for services as architect 124 Withers, H. M., payment to administrator of......... 1177 Page.