Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/299

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260 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. ESS. II. Ch. 38. 1898. ¤¤¤·l¤¤•*¤¤l=· For one smokestack, seventy feet high, twenty-four inches in diameter, made of one-fourth-inch steel, with brick base four feet high and a cast·iron plate, also a side outlet to connect with the breeching of the boiler; stack to be erected and fastened with steel wire guys; to be immediately available, and to be expended without advertising, four hundred dollars; In all for miscellaneous items and incidental expenses, seventeen thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars. Buildings and BUILDINGS AND GBOUNDS. grounds. mpmugmnm. Repairing roads and paths, including roads and bridges on reservation, one thousand dollars; Contiuuing construction of breast high wall in dangerous places, five hundred dollars; · Waterworks- Waterworks: Renewal of material in illter beds; improving ventilation of lllter house and water house; hose for use in cleaning iilter beds and water house, and for use in fire service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers and for repairs of siphon house, iilter house, and of four and one-halt miles of supply pipes; for sheds for tools and storage of fuel for keeper of Bound Pond, and for tool house at nlter; for gauges at Round Pond and Delaiield Pond, and for stairs for access to same, and all other necessary work of maintenance and repairs, eight hundred- dollars. Mmrw fw ¤>•·i¤ Broken stone and gravel for roads, one thousand five hundred dollars; C,,,,,,,,,, Maintaining and improving the grounds of the post cemetery, one thousand dollars; mpnu. Painting, calcimining, whitewashing, and repairing interior walls of cadet mess building, kitchen, dish pantry, bakery, dormitories, and storerooms, and for incidental repairs about the same, to be expended without advertising,,two hundred dollars; General repairs to cadet laundry building, painting interior, and for emergency incidental expenses about the building, to be expended without advertising, three hundred dollars; . Painting, and for general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet quartermaster’s department building, including storerooms, office, tailor shops, shoe-repairing shops, to be expended as required without advertising, three hundred dollars; ¤··1¤¢b¤¤•¤1=•- Repairs to cadet barracks: For repoiuting and repairing exterior walls, area walls, and coping; renewing iloors; painting and calcimining]; repairing woodwork; repairing and painting roof, two thousand dollars; ¤=·•¤¤¤ l¤·•vi¤¤· Repairs to cadet hospital: Repainting walls and woodwork of halls, wards, office , lavatories, and so forth, three hundred dollars; r.mmm»,·. Enlarging laboratory, eighty dollars; www wmmet. Paraiiln and turpentine lor waxing and polishing iloors, fifty dollars; Materials for rebronzing radiators and piping, thirty dollars; S<·l·\i•¤r=' *···¤ri*·¤\· For materials and labor for repairs, alterations, and additions needed at the soldiers’ hospital: Brushes, paints, glass, putty, wax, and turpeutine, for general repairs and waxing tloors, seventy-Eve dollars; Stationary wasbbowl and plumbing, labor, and materials for same in surgeon’s office, ninety dollars; Whitewashin g basements, forty dollars; Painting or calciminin g plastered walls, varnishin g interior woodwork, and general repairs, two hundred and fifty dollars; Purchase of trees and shrubs for hospital grounds, fifty dollars; Rack for mattresses in storeroom, twenty dollars; Shades and mantles for Welsbach burners, twenty-five dollars; Sash in porch roof, near window in bathroom, lifteen dollars; blfjxjgjgj °*·l¤¤¤° P Repairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertaining to the

 department of ordnance and gunnery, painting buildings, and material