Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/999

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 327. 1899. 961 money·order clerks, nixie clerks, separators, assorters, paper distributers, record clerks, general-delivery clerks, inquiry clerks, special-delivery ` clerks, raters of third and fourth class matter, weighers of second-class matter, supply clerks, timekeepers, printers, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand one hundred dollars each, six hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred dollars; Five hundred and ninety chief clerks, secretaries and steuographers, ‘““*‘·”°°- assistant cashiers, nuance clerks, bookkeepers, stamp clerks, assistant superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of delivery, uperintendents of registry, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of money order, foremen of crews, mailing clerks, letter distributors, dispatchers, registry clerks, money-order clerks,,nixie clerks, separators, assorters, paper distributers, record clerks, general-delivery ‘ clerk , inquiry clerks, special-delivery clerks, raters of third and fourth class matter,.weighers of second-class matter, supply clerks, timekeepers, printers, draftsmen, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, seven- hundred and eight thousand dollars; Two hundred and five chief clerks, secretaries and stenographers, -¤m,soo. assistant cashiers, finance clerks, bookkeepcrs, stamp clerks, superintendents of mails, superintendents of delivery, assistant superintendents of delivery, superintendents ofregistry, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents of money order, foremen of crews, registry clerks, money·order clerks, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand three hundred dollars each, two hundred and sixty-six thousand five hundred dollars; One hundred and iitty-eight chief clerks, secretaries and stenogra- .n¢1,um. phers, assistant cashiers, finance clerks, bookkeepers, stamp clerks, superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of mails, superintendents of delivery, assistant superintendents of delivery, superintendents of registry, assistant. superintendents of registry, superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of money order, foremen ofcrews, mailing clerks, registry clerks, money order clerks, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, two hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred dollars; One hundred and forty-six chief clerks, assistant postmasters, secre- -•t $1,500. taries and stenographers, finance clerks, bookkeepers, stamp clerks, superintendents of mails, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of registry, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of money order, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, two hundred and nineteen thousand dollars; One hundred and twelve assistant postmasters, secretaries and ste- ..•m,m. nographers, finance clerks, bookkeepers, stamp clerks, superintendents of mails, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of registry, superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of money order, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, one hundred and seventy-nine thousand two hundred dollars; Eighty-five assistant postmasters, dnance clerks, bookkeepers, stamp -4n $1,700. clerks, superintendents of mails, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of registry, superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of money order, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each, one hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred dollars; Fifty-nine assistant postmasters, cashiers, superintendents of mails, m{_¤:;;mLv&;¤¤·¤•·· superintendents of delivery, superintendents of registry, assistant -¤¤'s1,soo.` superintendent of registry, superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of money order, and superintendents of stations, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, one hundred and six thousand two hundred dollars; Eight assistant postmasters, superintendents of mails, superintend- -—¤¤s1,¤¤0. ents of delivery, superingpndents of registry, superintendents of money o voL xxx-