Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/163

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 192. 1900. 11}- its, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; assistant wei h clerk, and assayer? computation clerk, at one thousand six hundred. dollars each; in all, .forty-one thousand five hundredand fifty dollars. - .W¤ge¤. For wages of workmen and adjusters, three hundred- and fifty thousand dollars. V ‘ » - ‘ a a ‘ For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery contingent.-xpsuses. and repairs, expenses annua assay commission, melter and reflnerls wastage, and floss on sale of sweeps arising from the manufacture of ingots for coinage and wastage and loss on sale of coiners’ sweeps, and purchase not exceeding five hundred dollars in value of specimencoins and ores for the cabinet of the mint, seventg-five thousand dollars. _ MINT AT, SAN Fnauoisco, CALIFORNIA! or superintendentj four San rmmasm. thousand five hundred_ dollars; assayer, melter and re’dner,iand coine1·, l at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk and cashier, at two thou- _ ‘ sand five hundred dollars each; S bookkeeper, abstract clerk, weigh clerk, warrant clerk, assistant aassayer, assistant melter and reiiner, assistant coiner, and register of deposits, at two thousand dollars each; cashier’s clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assayer’s computation clerk, assistant- weigh clerk, and superintende`nt’s calculating clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; inall, forty-oneethou= sand one hundred dollars. · ~ i v ~ For wagies of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and seventy-five Wagesthousand ollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery, Gonrinsentexpenses melter and reiiner’s wastage, and loss on sale of sweeps, arising from the manufacture of ingots for coina e, and wastage of, and loss on sale of coiners’ sweeps, forty thousand dollars. · Assay orrron AT Boise, Ioimo: For assayer, who shall also pe1·= Boise form the duties of melter,·two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; in all, three thousand four hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, seven thousand five hundred dollars; “’¤8°¤· For incidental and contingent eyipenses, three thousand dollars. C°¤**¤g¤¤*¢¤P€¤¤°¤- Assay orrron Aer Cnannorrn, 011*1*11 Canonnu: For assayer and °*ml°¤*¤·N-°- melter, one thousand five hundred dollars; ·assistant assayer, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. `- · For wages of workmen, one thousand and eighty dollars. · Wand For incidental and contingent expenses, nine hundred and twenty C°¤*i¤8¤¤°°xP€¤¤¤¤ ollars, - · Assay orricn AT Dnanwoon, Scum DAKOTA! For assayer in charge, D°°dW°°"· who shall also perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundreddollars; in all, three thousand two-; ` hundred dollars. — l‘»v·e W ` For wages of workmen, six thousand dollars. ~ Wages- For incidental and contingent expenses, including rent of building, C°¤**¤¥°¤°°xP°¤°°¤ three thousand dollars. u e ~ Assn ormon ar ·HELENA, Morrramz For assayer in char e,-two H°l°¤¤· Mmthousand two hundred and fifty —dollars; melter, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief clerk one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, v_ e For wages of workmen, fourteen thousand dollars. W¤8*=¤- For incidental and scontiiggent expenses, four thousand dollars. °°¤*i¤g¤¤*°¤P°¤¤¤¤ Assay orrrcn AT Nnw - 0111:: or superintendent, four thousand New Yukfive hundred dollars; assayer, and melter and·re’dner,· at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk, assistant melter and reuner,-and wei h clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; bookkeeper, two diousand three hundred and fifty dollars; warrant clerk, twe--thousand dollars; . cashier, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; bar clerk, abstract clerk, and assayer’s computing clerk, at one thousand eight