Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/168

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1 16 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. -1. cn. 192. 1900. dollars; for Record and Pension Office, three thousand two hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand. five hundreddollars. gr1;¤ul;ij1;f>¤*idi¤8¤¤¤d 1 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND`GROUNDS. C*¤*¤· em- · `GFFICE or PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND enoonosz For one assistant I. engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one office clerk, one ` L { thousand eight hundred do lars; one clerk, one thousand six hundred ”"" dollars; one messenger; landscape gardener, two thousand dollars; one surveyor and draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, nine . thousand five hundred and forty dollars. I I - S °Y°’°°°”· °‘°- c ‘For· overseers, rdraftsmen, foremen, gardeners, mechanics, and . laborers employed in the public grounds, thirty-three, thousand dollars. ‘ For one sergeant of watchmen, nine hundred dollars. » , · W°‘°¤m°°· For day watchmen as follows: One in Franklin Park; one in‘Lafay- ette Park; two in Smithsonian Grounds; onein Judiciary Park; one in Lincoln Park and adgacent reservations; one at Iowa Circle; one at _ Thonj1asICircle andrneig boringreservations;joneat Washington Circle and neighboring reservations; one at Dupont‘Circle and neighboring reservations; one at McPherson and · Farragiit parks; one at Stanton Park and neighboringreservations; twoIat enry and Seaton parks; ` one at Mount Vernon Park and adjacentreservations; one for the greenhouses and nursery; qneat grounds south of Executive Mansion; — one at Garfield Park; eighteen inall, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; eleven? thousand eight hundred andeighty dollars. I * 0 . For night waitclnnen as follows: Two in Smithsonian Grounds; one inyJudiciary‘P§rk;Itwoinl Henry? and-Seaton yigrksj one in grounds

sonth*ol§:Executiitel/lansion`;,Monument ark; and two- in Gar-

, _ nineginallg at.seyenIliundred andrtwenty dollars each,-six _ c £1musa.¤u.£ouv’hundred and eighty dollars. ‘ ‘ I J V It · W¤k°“°ld·V°· — I` Forwaitchman for the care `of the monumentand dock at Wakefield, I Vir iniagxthe birthplace of "Washington, fthreeIhundred dollars. _ Ge>¤¤¤z¤¤¢¤=<v¢¤¤¤¤-»· * Igrjcontingentand incidental expenses, including purchase of pro- S 'fessionaliand scientific books and periodicals, books of reference, b ank books, ’photograpl1s,iand maps, seven hundred dollars. _ l _ Am¤¤¤t. 1>¤r?g;¤·‘ ‘ Of theforegoing amounts appropriated under Public Buildings and ii-i)didi}bi>li¤`ii¤?bla. Sl Gronnds,E,theYsum oftwenty-seven thousand one hundred and thirty dollars shall be paid out of the revenuesof the District of Columbia. D§*;§,;f1‘Qj,’;‘{§,‘§§§u{gf";' ‘ `,_.A,. I K Jsrnrn, Vwixn, ann navy nnmnrmnnr BUILDING. ‘ C1°*k·°¤¢”*°m·°‘°· Giiice of the superintendent: For one clerk of S class one; stenographer and‘typewriter, nine hundred Idollars; chief engineer, one thousandstwehundred dollars; eight assistant engineers, at one thousand dollarseaeh; captain of the watch, one thousand two hundred dollars; two lieutenauts of the watch, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; fifty~eight watchmen; carpenter, one thousand dollars; plumber, ‘maehimst,Yand painter, at -nine hundred dollars each; four skilled laborers; at seven hundred and twenty dollars each;i twenty-eight fire- - men; ten conductors of elevators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars cash; seventeen laborers; and eighty charwomeu; i.n·all,Ione· undred , andjtwenty thousand three hundred dollars. _ » I F¤¢W8h*¤·¢*°·· °·For fuel; »lights,¥repaiI*s, and miscellaneous items, including city ' directories, thirty-eight thousand dollars. o - N"? D"*""“”°“"· · “NAVY DEPARTMENT. s,£,{{"e§§f‘°‘°’Y·“‘ ‘ Orrron on run Sncnnrnnr: For compensation of the Secretary of I ' the Navy, eight thousand dollars; Assistant Secretary of the Navy, four thousand nveihundred dollars; chief clerk, twosthousand five