Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/169

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FIFTY-SIXTH CQNGRESS. Sess. Ch. 192. 1900. hundred dollars; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred-· and fiftyl dollars; tltour clsrks if oiassgoigilople clerk of ctass thpexa; stenograp er one thousand eig ts un re dollars- one cerk 0 cass two·, four cleiks of class one; ltlwo cle1rl$,Hat onh thousand dollalrs egchd; , telegrap operator one .thousand dollars· carpenter nine `. un re dollars; two mestgexigersi; four lassigtangtéiitissengers; fdur laborers; in all forty-seven thousand our un re . dollars. . . . lt shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Navy to submit in the be§_°¤*;¤g1¢¤g¤, ¤¢ egg; Book of Estimates for the ltiscal year. nineteen hundred and two, and eminnyeli under nn annually thereafter, under the respective bureaus and offices of the {,’§§§§e“§°‘§§ef‘}§,;yIf}i · Navy Depart151e&1t,ia stitpment in etggl, ihovging tlheahnumlzer of per- ewsons cmp oye ur ng e p1jev1ous ca ye_ r an .. e ra e 0 com- 1 pelnsation of {each under appropriations for ‘;‘ Increase of the Navy " or . ot er genera appropriations. N - . _ . A . ‘ LIBRARY on THE NAyY DEPARTMENT2 For one clerk of class two; mbnny. one clelrik of cllassong; one dassistanthmeasenger; one laborer; in all, three thousand nine undre and eighty ollars. . o . - Orrron or NAVAL REc0RI>s‘ or THE REBELLIONZ Foritwo clerks of Orgsmgwfeligggglffgg class fouaz two glegks of class} two ; two clerks of class one; two clerks, ' at one thousand 01 ars eac · two copyists· two copyists at seven hundred and twenty dollars eahh; necessary tiaveling expensesfor collectgotn of §ec<(;;rd%tw3 hnndreg ztpd fifty dollars; in all, fourteen th0u¢ san wo un re_ an nine y dollars. ‘ ‘ ; , . A For continuing the publication of an edition of eleven thousand ca‘§§,‘}f*”“i°¥_ P“*>licopies of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate N avies in gage offtlée R§bellion,1in ta}tc<Xd€.np<éwith;t;1Se plan applrpvpdtlgypthe w I 28 190 cre ·y0 e avyun er e 0 0 on e approve uy 1 y- ’¤. ,p. . first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, angfor thelpurpose of making sucg (tnaps and illustrations as relate to the work, twenty-one thousan ol ars. - · _ · , · · v_ J UI>oE-AI>V0oArE-GENERAL, Umrnn-SrA¢rEs NAVY! » For a solicitor, GJn¤;<1s,e égdvocateé tpl bg atti·ass§st}:t1nt;t<;£he udge-Acgvpicatg otzlthea Navyyand tc}; perform l m S It AY’°f e u IBS 0 a officer in case 0 · IS ea esigna ion .a senceror sickness, two thousand five hundred dollars; dhief clerk, tivo thousand dplltrs; two clerksi 0; ctass four; one clertr if class tlhree; gne clerk 0 c ass two·— one 0 er 0 c ass one· one c er one thousand 2dollarsone clerk, nine hundred dollars; and one laborer; in all, fourteen thou; sand eight hundred and sixty dollars. 0 A _ BUREAU or NAVIGATION; For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one tiglwwu of Navigaplerk (tf clgssgouhg three clerlts of class three}; four (tzlerks of class two; ` our-c er o c_ s one~ six c e1··s at one thousand dollars»each· two copyists; twenty copyists, at eight hundred and forty dollars leach; ‘ j three copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three assistgnténgstlengers; three {laborers; in all, forty-nine thousand ninehun-R re dollars. . I - . . — . Onrion on NAVAL INTELLIGENCE! For one clerk of class three; one wgice <>f Naval 1¤· clerkof class two; one translator, one thousand four hundred dollars; 1g°°°e‘ ‘ one assistant draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; three clerks, it orare lgiousgznd dolliaxit each; and one laborer; d1Il all, nine thousand two unre an sixty oars. . . , IBEREAU OFZEEQUIPMENTI For chief clerk, (tgp thousand d0llars; of Equip c er ofvclass our- one electrical expert an aftsman one thousand . ‘ V six hundred dollars; one clerk. of classiwvo; one clerk of, class one; one copyist; one assistant messenger; one messenger boy, three hundred 2.nd dollars; and one laborer; inall, ten thousan six hundred and ort dollars. - · VA · I‘iYYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEL For two clerks of class two; one clerk of Hrdrographie _ . _ . _ , » 0Hice. < glass gne;1 one as§sjtant ngassengerg one watchman; in all, five thousand our un red an orty ollars. `